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Steph 05-28-2004 01:35 PM

High: taking the dog on a couple of big walks

Low: toss up between the seagulls stealing my lunch or the creepy man in the bank machine line

Oldfart 05-28-2004 01:40 PM


Just being near you was probably the high point in his day.

It's all perspective.

Lilith 05-28-2004 01:48 PM

Hi~ Having my kids with me when we bumped into Dr._____, my Reading Methods professor, and them not saying, "Is that the one you said was a ditz?"

Lo~ Knowing I won't see some online friends til Tuesday.

LixyChick 05-28-2004 04:29 PM

((((((jenna)))))) DON'T beat yourself up hun! Just get back into the swing of things ASAP. We all have a fall from grace from time to time!

Hi ~ Working towards the 3 day weekend!

Lo ~ Working my ass off so I didn't have to go in Saturday and fuck up the 3 day weekend!

denny 05-28-2004 07:29 PM

High - watching the numbers on the bathroom scale steadily decline. Yay!

Low - Still don't have a pc at home that will let me into pixies. Is that sick or what?

jennaflower 05-28-2004 11:40 PM

Hi: Too many to count

Lo: Realizing that my highs are only temporary illusions and that the reality of it all truly SUCKS!!

LixyChick 05-29-2004 08:11 AM

Hi ~ Proudly displaying my new swag American flag on the front of my house for the Memorial Day weekend. I'm leaving it there from now till it rots away...or the war is over...whichever comes first!

Lo ~ A cramp in my foot and calf from 4am till 5:30am and the cat thinking, "She's up...it must be time to eat"!

imalikalotapuss 05-29-2004 12:48 PM

Highs: spending time with my friends and son, hanging out enjoying a 3 day weekend.

Lows: Not haveing a very good week, personal and work wise, and not feeling well.

Steph 05-29-2004 11:51 PM

High: fresh supply of greenery

Low: being the only Web geek at work for my shift today with multitasking galore - answering calls, answering emails, approving photos & videos . . . but now it's my weekend!

dude33 05-29-2004 11:56 PM

High: Watching the Calgary Flames get one more game closer to winning the Stanley Cup.

Low: Deciding our new dog has to go back to the rescue where we got him from 1 1/2 months ago.

jennaflower 05-30-2004 09:11 AM


Hi: Hot Tub... and friends..

Lo: Temptation... damn it to hell!!!!

Steph 05-30-2004 11:40 AM

Sorry to hear about the pup, dude. :(

High: Sunny day & heading downtown to see the Shuffle Demons.

Low: Dealing honestly with a family member.

cowgirltease 05-30-2004 09:17 PM

I'm signing divorce papers Tuesday!!!!!!!:)

I don't have a low any more!!!!!!


imalikalotapuss 05-30-2004 09:38 PM

CGT: congrats! hope you feel better.

Highs: spent the day with the boys. playing games and shooting paint ball markers

Lows: feeling really bad, terrilble headache that wont seem to go away for days now, and feel achey..what a time to not feel well on the weekend:(

jennaflower 05-31-2004 01:44 AM

Hi: Watchin movies with my best friend

Lo: a.m. hangover

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