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Vicious Tease 07-21-2003 01:28 AM

Thank you so much, Kim, for finding a way to keep us all together. Thank you even more for creating a home for all of Pixies children to play. Your heart and your passion will echo through the halls of this wonderful playland forever. I wish you the best ...

Summer 07-21-2003 02:36 PM

'raises glass'

Here is to the Beginning!

(psst Kim you are still welcum to always cum back and visit) ;) :)

Slow Ride 07-22-2003 02:05 AM

Kim, I'm glad to hear that Pixies has been saved(it's become a way of life for me) but, at the same time I'm sad that your leaving.I do hope that you will stop by to check in on us from time to time.Thank you for all you've done to make Pixies what it is(I love it here) and GOOD LUCK to you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

andyhart 07-22-2003 02:20 AM


There is only one word that comes to mind when I think of what you have accomplished, Heroine!! A woman noted for courage and daring action. A woman noted for special achievement in a particular field. What a legacy you have created! It's inspiring to know that a hobby can create a family. I truly am honor to be a member of that family. Thank you for everything. May your endeavors not lead you too far that you can't visit.

Jaylene 07-22-2003 08:40 AM

Kim, I am amazed at what you have created, and am so pleased that pixies will still be here. Thank you for all you have done!

Sailor 07-22-2003 03:34 PM

Kim, from another closet Pixies Person, thanks a million for creating Pixies. I only discovered it a couple of years ago and I'm sorry it took that long.

Good luck and hope I see you around.

LadyBlueMoon 07-22-2003 08:34 PM

I haven't hung out here as much as I should, but when I did, it was always a most welcoming and accepting place. Thank you, Kim!

I hope the atmosphere will remain as wonderful under the new guidance as it was under the old!

BrokenArrow 07-23-2003 12:09 PM

:bfly: :bfly: Oh yes. Suddenly life looks better now. My cup is half full and their are extra chips in my cookies.

Urlryn 07-28-2003 09:31 AM

*bows and kneels*

This is just amazingly good news, I can't say how good this news is :) Thanks so much Kim. You'll be THE Kim forever and ever, and as Sharni and other said before : Pixies-place is you forever.

Thanks !!

horseman12 07-28-2003 06:01 PM

I just realised I haven't said WOO HOO to this thread, Hells has been keeping me up to date so I already knew.

BUT I NEED IT TO BE NOTED!!!!!!!! ( to use one of Hells's sayings )
I am damned chuffed!!!!!!

horseman12 07-28-2003 06:04 PM

Oh!!!!! and I also forgot to thankyou Kim for this fantastic site, it has been my family for such a long time, you have done great work, I for one am grateful to you.

Most of all, I thank you for giving me my baby, Hellsbells.


jseal 07-28-2003 07:37 PM


Thank you for creating this resolution. As others have said, you should be proud of yourself; Pixies Place shows you in a very good light. I wish you well in whatever you may do. Bon Voyage!


popper70 07-29-2003 07:01 PM

I'm so glad that pixies goes on. thanks a lot for building it up kim, it's really a great place. u should get a monument...
i hope we will have fun here for long time

cu f'x

Natch9 08-02-2003 07:41 PM

I know I'm late with this, my consistance has been off, but thank you Kim, for what you made, and what you will be passing on. Please don't become a stranger to us. XXXX

faerysflower 09-26-2003 04:55 AM

hi there alll

just wanted to tell the moderators that i would love to help out with the site. im pretty pc literate.... do u need anymore moderators????

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