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BlondeCurlGirl 11-23-2003 11:25 PM

1. My best friend came home from Milwaukee today, so we went out for lunch and then she came over to my place where we gabbed all afternoon!

2. I put together my first Xmas tree for my apartment tonight!

3. I'm mad that I missed the weather report, because it's supposedly going to snow tomorrow! :eek:

rabbit 11-24-2003 12:16 AM

1) Put my yard equipment away for the season today...felt gooood to do it!

2) Started getting ready for a two week vacation away from home

3) Watched football today and drank beer...yeah!

IAKaraokeGirl 01-26-2004 04:11 AM

1. Had the best, long phone conversation with two people I'm very glad are in my life.

2. Sang to someone special.

3. Realized that I don't have to give birth to someone to consider them my child, too.

Steph 01-27-2004 10:23 AM

1. Have a really long 'to do' list.

2. Need some sleep.

3. Very happy with my friends!

dicksbro 01-27-2004 02:33 PM

1. Getting a touch tired, but need to stay awake for an hour so I can wake my wife when she asked me to.

2. Busy at work this morning.

3. Shared with some very special friends this morning.

Lilith 01-27-2004 02:48 PM

My discoveries today after having spent a long day dealing with unpleasantries

1) Some people are really horrible parents.

2) In the grand scheme of things, petty bullshit is inconsequential.

3) There are sad unhappy people in this world and I have to accept that and wish them well and just get on with it.

IAKaraokeGirl 01-27-2004 07:24 PM

1. I learned this morning that there's always something or someone that can surprise you, and not necessarily always in a good way.

2. It's damn cold outside.

3. Sometimes it's okay to not like your life.

BIBI 01-27-2004 09:06 PM

I have found the joy in paying a kid to shovel my sidewalk.
I discovered the prices sure have gone up since my kids did it.
I realized that I still love the snow when I am inside looking out.

IAKaraokeGirl 01-28-2004 06:58 AM

1. I'm kinda nervous about my doctor's appointment this morning, but anxious to get it over with.

2. I woke up with a headache. I *hate* that.

3. Sometimes I'm reminded of how special the people in my life are when I least expect it.

IAKaraokeGirl 02-01-2004 02:26 AM

1. I didn't really get to do anything I wanted to today, but that was okay.

2. I have children who love me and want to be loved by me--and they're not even mine.

3. I am 100% positive about something.

osuche 02-01-2004 03:50 AM

1. I can't wait for my SO to get home tonight.
2. I am eating now -- either much too early or much too late (it's 4 am here)
3. I am trying out one of my christmas presents -- a floor scrubber...and generally cleaning house.

dicksbro 02-01-2004 05:30 AM

1. Glad it's not a workday
2. Will probably watch some of the Super Bowl
3. Going to a visitation

dm383 02-01-2004 05:46 AM

1. Woke up with a "hangover", despite not having much to drink last night!
2. Spoke with a fellow Pixie member on the phone today, for the first time ever!! (Don't Australians sound "funny" in real life??... sorry mate! :D)
3. Contemplating yet another 5-week pay-month! :(

celticangel 02-01-2004 05:48 AM

1~~~going to work in a few hours time
2~~~should get more sleep
3~~~content with my lot!

Lilith 02-01-2004 09:18 AM

1) I woke up the entire house with a blood curdling scream in my sleep.

2) I have got to get some homework done.

3) It's a dark drizzly day.

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