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imaginewithme 01-02-2006 09:42 PM

Cooked a really nice dinner
Had some nice sweet quality time with little one
got teary eyed once again

girlredhot 01-02-2006 09:44 PM

1.) I have been trying to get ahold of the lady who is
doing my flowers, she has only had them since October.

2.) Went grocery shopping today and that is always fun. :(

3.) I often can't believe where I am at - at this point in my life
and I am so thankful and happy.

dicksbro 01-02-2006 10:24 PM

1.) Got outdoors for a little bit today.
2.) Saw my son from Peoria when he came by.
3.) Watched a basketball game on TV (something I seldom do)

imaginewithme 01-03-2006 10:13 PM

Worked at the office today
Was given a company cell phone for new upcoming job
came home to a great dinner

jbh3 01-03-2006 10:18 PM

finished my sons business cards and flyers
watched another bowl game(1.5 left!)
remembered this site

osuche 01-03-2006 11:23 PM

1. Two maore days til my mom leaves; I'm not sure I've been the best host.

2. I really am heading back to work tomorrow; I promise.

3. The business plan is interesting; the level of disclosure is BIG

campingboy 01-03-2006 11:44 PM

1) baked some bread
2) caught up on some e-mails
3) started doing some home renovations. There is something nice about taking a hammer and smashing holes into lath and plaster.

bare4you 01-04-2006 01:55 PM

1. Bought my son a new switch for all his game consoles
2. Picked up my laundry
3. Woke up late

BIBI 01-04-2006 02:08 PM

looking up houses online for sale in my area
bought a lottery ticket
took my dog to the vet for a shot in his bum

Steph 01-04-2006 07:17 PM

My dog seems to have recovered from the runs!!!
I already have a flannel housecoat on for a night of relaxation with Canadian TV (BIBI, do you watch "This is Wonderland"? It's awesome!!)
I still need a stupid CD for my Pixie computer!

IAKaraokeGirl 01-04-2006 07:57 PM

1. I did not send a personal email until mid-afternoon today. I think people were worried about me. :D

2. I took my new ring in today to get it resized--1-1/2 sizes smaller. :eek: No wonder I thought it was falling off.

3. I have good friends, and I hope the choice I had to make today doesn't isolate me from them.

campingboy 01-04-2006 08:44 PM

1) took care of some business for a community group I work with
2) dropped in on my sister and had some coffee
3) continued working on my house - I think this will be a reoccuring theme for awhile

imaginewithme 01-04-2006 10:09 PM

(why do i always have such a hard time on this thread---duh)

1. woke up way early
2. made some phone calls for new job position
3. took a warm bath

osuche 01-04-2006 10:50 PM

1. Worked all day, and mended a fence or two while in the process

2. Read about option pricing in my Finance book -- not homework, but potentially useful

3. Made some "due diligence" progress on my offer

BIBI 01-04-2006 11:31 PM

Laughing about how Cosmo magazine is having a spread in February of a "full size" model who happens to be size 10.

Wishing I was size 10
Realizing that I will never be that lol

WildIrish 01-05-2006 09:57 AM

My daughter's cat is getting spayed today.

I'm tired, right down to my soul.

I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, and it's bothering me.

IAKaraokeGirl 01-05-2006 07:00 PM

1. I received a sufficient amount of mush today.

2. Generally speaking, my children are being tolerable tonight. :D

3. I have a *lot* to do before bed tonight.

girlredhot 01-05-2006 08:18 PM

1.) We went to the gym today and we actually got to
train with a trainer. It felt great!!

2.) My daughter is in her room cleaning it up and I didn't
even have to tell her to do it. :)

3.) I feel pretty positive about things in my life and who is in
my life. It is about time something good comes out of it. :)

maddy 01-05-2006 08:19 PM

I won a battle and it felt good extremely good.

I took a step back and let someone else handle something, after it was pointed out to me that I sometimes take too much leadership.

I'm slowly (too slowly) learning the skill of delegation.

Steph 01-05-2006 10:43 PM

1. Canada won!!!!
2. The chef unexpectedly met me when I got off the streetcar insisting we go out to watch Canada win the Juniors!
3. Thankfully, the dog is acting like he's a pup again.
4, 5, 6. PF is a tool.

IAKaraokeGirl 01-07-2006 02:56 AM

1. I did have a good birthday, although it was a little different than I'd expected.

2. Sometimes being so empathetic sucks.

3. I'm hoping some promises will be upheld.

dicksbro 01-07-2006 06:23 AM

1) Going to breakfast with my wife and some of our friends
2) Going to watch our son coach his team this afternoon
3) Taking our kids to lunch/supper afterwards

rabbit 01-07-2006 04:39 PM

1) shoveled snow

2) baked scones

3) bought a book on-line

...kind of a ho-hum day...

IAKaraokeGirl 01-08-2006 06:15 PM

1. I was amazed at my daughter's natural skating ability today.

2. I'm worn out and sore, thanks to the exercise and the fact that said daughter and another, unknown child conspired to bring me down--hard.

3. I want to lick him from head to toe. ;)

sodaklostsoul 01-08-2006 06:34 PM

I need to do the dishes.

My elbow hurts.

I still need a winning lotto ticket.

Lilith 01-08-2006 06:40 PM

1. I went with my peeps to see Narnia.

2. I have so many mentors that I can't get shit done.

3. I wish I was still a student.

osuche 01-08-2006 07:45 PM

1. After we put the finishing touches on the stock option numbers, I think I'll have a new job

2. I've spent all day lazing around and my mind is opering verrrrry slowly <sigh>

3. Today is the very first day I've felt somewhat human in about 11 days of illness, and I'm still not well yet. :(

Steph 01-08-2006 08:33 PM

1. I spent four hours in the cold knocking on doors to convince people to vote NDP. I was charming. :) Nice glasses, sir! That's a lovely cactus, madam! I LOVE YOUR DOG! :)

2. People are pissed off that the election was called for Jan. &, as I slipped & slid walking door to door, I could understand that frustration.

3. The chef is taking away my hornies with his loud snoring.

rabbit 01-08-2006 10:06 PM

1) I bought a new business suit today.

2) I bought a new Cleveland sand wedge

3) I cooked on my BBQ for the first time in January...temps here were only 38°F!

maddy 01-08-2006 10:52 PM

1) I have the most technologically challenged parents and it makes me sad that they want so badly to understand but simply do not have the capacity or patience. Being a thousand miles away and unable to help certainly doesn't add much comfort.

2) I was rather lazy today and didn't accomplish everything I should have this weekend.

3) I might have a houseguest next weekend and really don't have the time for it.

lizzardbits 01-08-2006 11:50 PM

i am, once again, a college student! Classes starrt tomorrow

i feel very fortunate for what i have (my family, Mayhem, friends)

i feel very fortunate for the things that i don't have (allergies to foods, enemies, etc)

BIBI 01-09-2006 12:08 AM

I have gas
I have to get gas tomorrow
I got my gas bill out of the mailbox today.

Stolen Kisses 01-09-2006 10:28 AM

I am off today

I am going to clean.

I am going dinner and maybe a movie tonight.

Lilith 01-09-2006 04:39 PM

I wish I had a job where when I left work, I left work.

Teachers are unbelievably underpaid, so much more than I ever possibly could have believed.

I think a bath and some nice red wine will help me to make it to tomorrow :D

Aqua 01-09-2006 05:22 PM

I'm fucking tired of coughing. :mad:

The headache doesn't help much either. :(

This Mt Dew tastes great. :)

IAKaraokeGirl 01-09-2006 07:49 PM

1. I was guilted into going into work today, instead of staying home with my daughter.

2. I *have* to sleep tonight--otherwise, it's not going to be pretty.

3. Tomorrow is going to start out *really* nice. ;)

Kendall. 01-09-2006 09:39 PM

Originally Posted by Lilith
I wish I had a job where when I left work, I left work.

Teachers are unbelievably underpaid, so much more than I ever possibly could have believed.

I think a bath and some nice red wine will help me to make it to tomorrow :D

I am a person that knows that teachers are underpaid.

I am a person that thinks that teaching is one of the few nobel professions that still exists.

I thank some good teachers for getting me here.

osuche 01-09-2006 09:47 PM

I finally felt semi-human today...just one day short of the two week sick mark

Work was fun...we had a power outage

I got a totally kick ass workout in today...not bad for being in recovery mode

BIBI 01-09-2006 10:16 PM

I am bored
I have the munchies
I have nothing to munch

Eliza 01-09-2006 10:21 PM

Originally Posted by Aqua
This Mt Dew tastes great. :)

I agree with the above statement.
I have a night off. (Woo Hoo)
I am on a Sugar High ....(See Statement number One)

:D :D

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