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alspals69 12-12-2005 05:26 PM

accidently let my 2 ear old fall asleep in the car on my way home at 5pm...eek!

still laughing about a girl coming to tell me my year old had trapped something in a door (her head! only she could manage that)

think my cold is receding a little thank goodness

flutelady 12-12-2005 06:00 PM

My car needs to go into the shop... something I can NOT afford right now!

I've got paperwork that needed to be dealt with last week. Haven't touched it.

It's a beautiful day today. This truly is a lovely part of the world.

IAKaraokeGirl 12-12-2005 06:27 PM

1. Sometimes I wonder if my boss knows what to think of me. :)

2. My children leave in just about a week, and I have nothing ready for them.

3. Sometimes you just have to ask, and ye shall receive. ;)

Lilith 12-12-2005 06:33 PM

1. I have to call the nazi parent from hell in a few minutes.

2. I found out my GAL family was adopted for Xmas and was told I'd need to bring a van and plan on two trips!!!!!!!!!!!! Hot damn!!!

3. I will be sooooooooooooooooooooooo glad when Friday gets here.

BIBI 12-13-2005 05:49 PM

My dog Nick has kennel cough
It cost me 160 dollars at the vet
He's worth every penny and then some

IAKaraokeGirl 12-13-2005 08:49 PM

1. I had the longest day of my entire life at work today.

2. He saw a side of me today he'd never seen before--and probably hopes to never see again. :D

3. I will never get tired of the way he holds me, and I didn't want it to end this morning.

girlredhot 12-14-2005 05:03 PM

1.) I made signs to welcome our troops home on saturday. ( 224th)

2.) I am so glad this day is over, even though it was a short day
for me.

3.) We got more snow and some rain on top of that so again
I was worried until he made it to work safely.

IAKaraokeGirl 12-14-2005 09:05 PM

1. I have entirely too much to do in the next week.

2. I was a hero at work today for knowing the right people in the right places. :D

3. I could handle more evenings like the one I had tonight.

imaginewithme 12-15-2005 12:21 AM

*Coworker came to visit me for a bit and brought by my bonus
*Family came by with presents for me
*Had a wonderful night out on a real date with Mr. IWM

IAKaraokeGirl 12-15-2005 09:24 PM

1. I am outpacing my boss at work. ;)

2. My sweetie has a new Palm Pilot, which means I'm suffering from Palm Envy. :D

3. I was very proud of my daughter at her first-grade program tonight.

BIBI 12-15-2005 10:30 PM

I have been in a strange mood today
The Christmas lights next door are red and flashing and I keep thinking the cops are out there.
I do not like shovelling snow

maddy 12-16-2005 09:57 AM

I ran out of packaging tape this morning and need to ship packages, TODAY.

It's a horrible wintery mix outside and I have a fair distance to travel.

I'm waiting on a package to be delivered, and I'm afraid it won't arrive in time.

PantyFanatic 12-16-2005 10:59 AM

1- I'm waiting to hear it got there.

2- I'mwaiting to hear it left there.

3- I'll be waiting to for it to get here.

BIBI 12-16-2005 11:21 AM

I actually understand PF's post

I am hungry

I have to go out shopping :(

wyndhy 12-16-2005 12:04 PM

1. when i think back on this month, sometimes i just want to have it wiped from my memory.

2. then i remember all the good things that i'd forget, too.

3. life is full of ups and downs, sometimes those ups are amazing and sometimes the downs are crushing and sometimes they can even happen on the same day at almost the same time. no matter what, though, life is good.

Lilith 12-16-2005 03:36 PM

1. I wish I could hug wyndhy and make it all better.

2. I am off for 2 weeks.

3. I can't wait to play Santa on Sunday.

wyndhy 12-16-2005 04:05 PM


girlredhot 12-16-2005 04:49 PM

1.) I am proud of my daughter and how well she is doing in school.

2.) He wants to spend more time with me alone and that sounds
wonderful to me.

3.) I think another date is in the works. :)

IAKaraokeGirl 12-16-2005 08:48 PM

1. Because of the upcoming trips, Santa Claus comes tonight.

2. I'm not sure exactly what to expect at my work Christmas party tomorrow night, but I've been told 2305820935820935802 times that it'll be "unlike any office Christmas party I've ever been to."

3. I'm not only looking forward to spending Christmas with my family this year in Kentucky, but to flying back Christmas day where we can have "our" Christmas that night and spilling over into the next day. :)

BIBI 12-17-2005 10:10 AM

I had the wackiest dream last night

I woke up with a headache

I must go out shopping :(

osuche 12-17-2005 10:48 AM

1. I have my accounting final in about 2 hours, and I don't wanna study

2. My mom comes tonight...for 3 weeks (yikes!) of fun in SF

3. I am sooooo burnt out and glad school is over for the semester...or will be in 5 hours!

PantyFanatic 12-17-2005 10:58 AM

Originally Posted by BIBI
I had the wackiest dream last night

I woke up with a headache

I must go out shopping :(

I had the wackingest dream last night.

I woke up with a handful.

I must go shower.

jseal 12-17-2005 11:03 AM

1. Just had my hair cut. :)

2. Lots of weekend chores to do. :(

3. Will bring my daughter home this evening. :)

IAKaraokeGirl 12-17-2005 10:46 PM

1. Santa came last night, early of course, but left in his wake two very happy children.

2. I had the most awesome time at my office Christmas party, even if I *did* have to leave early.

3. I'm sure I was the talk of the room after I headed for home. :D

IAKaraokeGirl 12-18-2005 08:20 PM

1. The place is a bit more put together, but I have 230582958029 more things to do before the kids and/or I head south this week.

2. I did not get much sleep last night, and I've paid for it today.

3. Got the aquarium cleaned out and refilled...now I just have the hamster cage, the rat cage, and the 1-gallon betta aquarium to do before I leave early early Thursday morning. *sigh*

osuche 12-19-2005 12:52 AM

1. Made Mr. Osuche a very happy man by buying him some iPod speakers

2. Had a meeting with a man...and maybe took a first step to getting a job offer

3. Took an aftrenoon nap that felt damn good.

dicksbro 12-19-2005 04:58 AM

Slept an extra hour this morning
Feel pretty good
Nice to have this quiet time at Pixies

girlredhot 12-19-2005 03:31 PM

1.) I just have a feeling that my brother is going to surprise us
and be home for christmas.

2.) My friends tell me I'm just like alittle kid because I keep asking him
where he put my christmas presents. :)

3.) I can't believe here lately how much I have been in a better mood.

IAKaraokeGirl 12-19-2005 09:39 PM

1. I started out today in the best way possible.

2. I realize how fortunate I am to have made good friends here so quickly, and I thank my lucky stars for their help and support.

3. I am living out a dream I never thought I had a chance in fulfilling.

maddy 12-19-2005 11:20 PM

1. Trying to determine if I'm letting my past define me and if re-visiting it would do me good... or set me back three more steps.

2. I've been dragged into some deep soul searching... likely deeper than what the person was aware they were dragging me into.

3. I think I might actually make some pretty huge NYR this year and try my best to stick to them...

sodaklostsoul 12-20-2005 07:01 AM

Kiddo, who keeps running a temp off an on and can barely speak her throat is so sore.
Scored the day off but voluntered for two eleven hour days this week.
An errand I need to run and dreading it.

IAKaraokeGirl 12-20-2005 07:42 PM

1. I ran the whole gamut of emotions this morning as my children boarded their flight and until I knew they were safe and sound back on solid ground.

2. I am slowly accomplishing those things I need to do, but simply not fast enough.

3. I'm anxious for tomorrow to be here already--my last day at work!

imaginewithme 12-21-2005 10:13 PM

Filled up the tank on my truck which I let go almost empty--costing me $60 YIKES

Took little one to my moms for a bit and went shopping

got some things accomplished in the house for our arriving company

IAKaraokeGirl 12-22-2005 04:40 AM

1. I'm waiting for my ride to the airport.

2. I saw the @#$#ing AWOL hamster this morning, digging a hole in the wall behind the refrigerator. Hopefully, once I get some help here in a little bit, she'll still be back there and I can grab her.

3. I'm surprisingly awake for this time of the morning. :)

maddy 12-22-2005 09:52 PM

I've been asked to help with the cooking for the meals in the next week... I'm better at this domestic stuff than I thought!

I've had a lot on my mind as of late... and hoping the new year brings some peace to my life.

I'm anxious to be "home" tomorrow.

professor3699 12-22-2005 10:57 PM

1. I worked from home today waiting for the furnace service tech to show up.
2. I had a call from a recruiter looking for a program manager for a large financial institution.
3. I love my wife!

IAKaraokeGirl 12-23-2005 07:49 PM

1. Generally speaking, it was a great day, and I realized early on how much I'd missed my sister.

2. I bought my sweetie something today I never could've purchased in New Hampshire. :)

3. It's karaoke night!!!!

IAKaraokeGirl 12-24-2005 09:03 PM

1. I succeeded in pissing my mother off and delighting my sister, all with the same, singular gift. :D

2. I've got a man itching to have me back within reach.

3. I have big hopes for tomorrow night.

BIBI 12-24-2005 11:51 PM

I received a Christmas bouquet of flowers today from an unknown source.
I didn't set foot in a store all day :)
I have a bout of the stomach flu :(

osuche 12-25-2005 12:48 PM

1. I was in Vegas for a wedding that didn't happen on Friday, but I still got some family bonding time...which was mostly good.

2. While in Vegas, Mr. Osuche and I saw Zumanity....the sexy (mostly nekkid) Cirque de Soleil...and I had a wonderful time (Mr. Osuche was a bit shocked at times, however)

3. I'm looking forward to having family and friends over for dinner tonight, and I hope we start some new holiday traditions. :)

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