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FussyPucker 11-05-2003 05:09 AM

1. Doing bugger all at work again (woo hoo)
2. Extremely jealous about blondecutiegirl's flirting ;)
3. Watched Alien the director's cut last night and now I'm very tired :(

Steph 11-05-2003 08:29 AM

1. Had several calls from friends last night. It was nice to catch up.
2. People are strangely impressed that my brain can't get my leg to bend to touch my bum (not even an inch in that direction!).
3. My b/f is wonderfully helpful.

Stevo 11-05-2003 11:47 AM

1. On Nightshift for 4 weeks
2. Done completely nothing at work for the past 2 nights :D
3. Becoming addicted to coffee

Steph 11-06-2003 12:08 PM

1. I love wine.
2. I'm hungover.
3. I will bend my leg today!

Sugarsprinkles 11-06-2003 02:32 PM

1. I changed my Avatar today
2. I hope it drives PF crazy. :D
3. I got pissed at a new member coming in and trying to stir up trouble. As if we can't do a good enough job by ourselves.

rabbit 11-09-2003 08:28 PM

1) I was extremely depressed and bitter Friday evening...got drunk and slept on the sofa.

2) I got out of the house yesterday, ran some errands, and tried my best to get over my depression and bitterness. Some progress was made...

3) Raked leaves and brooded some more today...come Monday I am going to move on 'cause I don't have a choice.

BlondeCurlGirl 11-09-2003 11:01 PM

1. Gave my parents' out-of-town visiting friends a tour of my place today...they really liked it!

2. Mom gave me several servings of her awesome lasagna, so I won't have to cook for a bit!

3. I helped my brother convince my parents it was alright for him to go to a movie with a girl for the first time...so he owes me big time. :D

Steph 11-10-2003 07:45 AM

1. Voting day for Ontario municipalities and it looks like my choice for mayor will win!
2. Doing a favour for a friend will be more difficult than I imagined.
3. Nervous for a friend on her first day of work at a new job.

BIBI 11-10-2003 10:18 AM

going to vote today

have a meeting

have to go to the dentist.........whoopeeeeeeee

IAKaraokeGirl 11-10-2003 10:23 AM

1. I had the best day yesterday with someone important to me. We had lunch, went to a movie and went shopping and just had time by ourselves to be ourselves. It was priceless.

2. My daughter stood outside the bedroom door Saturday morning, singing a twisted version of "The Farmer in the Dell" while my SO and I were...busy. OMG, it was hilarious, especially when the cheese took the child. :D

3. I opened up to someone this weekend, and I have put a lot of faith in this person. Trust is not something I come by easily.

rabbit 11-10-2003 10:37 PM

1) I had a pretty non-productive day at work today.

2) Talked to my Dad tonight...we've decided to go fishing right after Thanksgiving....we haven't been in maybe 10 years. Way too long...

3) I had my first sip of egg nog this season...with a dash of dark rum and a sprinkle of nutmeg, of course! :p

Steph 11-11-2003 01:11 AM

1. My guy and gal won the election!
2. Skipped physio for a quickie!
3. I rock at Trivial Pursuit!

Summer 11-11-2003 11:13 AM

1. slept in this mornin
2. managed to get on at Pixies ;) :)
3. haven't had any breakfast (and hubby is already eating lunch)

rabbit 11-11-2003 09:38 PM

1) Wife's night out with the girls...hope she comes home tipsy and horny! :p

2) Took the kids to McDonalds for dinner....not my first choice in cuisine but it made me happy that they were happy! :)

3) I made an appointment today to get waxed...mmmmm can't wait!

Steph 11-12-2003 08:35 AM

1. I like the sassy receptionist at my surgeon's.
2. I'm not impressed with my work's HR.
3. Wondering why companies almost invite you to milk the system.

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