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BIBI 08-24-2005 09:39 PM

did some sewing
bought some crafty supplies
went out for dinner

Steph 08-25-2005 08:59 AM

I am such a carnivore now. O how the tide has turned!

I have two jobs.

I like sex. Sometimes.

IAKaraokeGirl 08-25-2005 04:39 PM

1. I had a very frustrating morning. Murphy's law, going strong.

2. I'm *very* excited about chorus practice tonight.

3. I just talked to someone who made me cry--but it was worth it.

maddy 08-26-2005 07:07 PM

1. I have a closing date on a piece of property.
2. I have not scheduled the move of my things from storage.
3. I don't have an install date for flooring yet.

Fangtasia 08-26-2005 07:25 PM

I took my kitty for a walk today...much to her disgust

I got an appointment with the boob surgeon on the 13th Sept

I'm feeling pretty darn good today

IAKaraokeGirl 08-26-2005 08:43 PM

1. Work lasted forever today.

2. I had the most awesome morning ever, though. :D

3. Right at this moment, I'm content.

osuche 08-27-2005 08:55 PM

1. I am *very* rarely attracted to women, but I find my female Economics professor stunning.....and I admit I spent waaaaaay too much time staring at her posterior today <blush>

2. I have a "date" tonight with Mr. Osuche, who has been working so many hours recently that I have barely seen him....and I miss him. :(

3. I have a 2 pm study "date" with my friends from last week....and after that I am hoping musicman calls for Round II of getting together for some good food and conversation. :)

IAKaraokeGirl 08-28-2005 06:13 PM

1. I think I got someone's attention today.

2. I actually visited my first "real" grocery store here this afternoon (Super Walmarts don't count), and it was the coolest place. Not only that, I can't really tell any difference in food costs between here and Iowa, AND there's no sales tax.

3. This next week should prove to be very interesting.

IAKaraokeGirl 08-31-2005 09:23 PM

1. I had the best time on the phone tonight with my love, although I do hope he feels better soon.

2. Even though they've been in transition mode, it is the best feeling in the world to finally have my children here with me.

3. Tomorrow's a big day--first day of school for them, chorus for me...exciting stuff!

Pita 09-02-2005 11:56 AM

1. I got a lovely surprise this morning. :)

2. I am coming down with a cold :(

3. I just had some alone time with my favorite little buzzer. :lurv:

Lilith 09-02-2005 04:53 PM

1. I was invited to go for drinks with the big girls today.

2. There is a student who, 15 days into this, I know it will kill me to leave.

3. I'm making a difference. I felt it today.

WildIrish 09-02-2005 06:42 PM

^^^ :jump:

Now THAT'S what I'm talkin about! (((((Lil)))))

IAKaraokeGirl 09-02-2005 07:19 PM

1. I have a daughter who isn't adjusting as well as I thought she would, which surprises me.

2. I heard the most special voice in the world today.

3. I hope I can survive the rest of this weekend without killing a parental figure. :D

IAKaraokeGirl 09-03-2005 11:14 PM

1. My children had absolutely the best time today with their first trip to the Atlantic Ocean, frigid water or not.

2. *I* had absolutely the best time tonight, connecting with my special someone--and feeling rather childlike myself as we giggled and goofed off and teased each other.

3. Sometimes something happens, and I realize right then how truly blessed I am.

IAKaraokeGirl 09-04-2005 08:27 PM

1. This afternoon could've gone on forever, and I wouldn't have complained a bit.

2. I was totally surprised by someone today, but in the best way.

3. My hope has been renewed.

maddy 09-05-2005 05:41 PM

1. I'm desperate to get moved into my condo, if for no other reason for my dear cat to have his bed, scratching post, and toys again the constant wondering aimlessly and meowing is officially getting on my last nerve.

2. I'm nervous about how all my things will fit in my condo, in particular because of how rooms are laid out relative to windows and doors.

3. I'm extremely on edge about whether all the flooring will arrive and be installed prior to my move in date.

osuche 09-05-2005 07:20 PM

1. I had a nice workout (which ended just a few minutes ago), despite some back spasms that had me down for the count yesterday.

2. I'm finally feeling abit relaxed, but I know it will all go out the door tomorrow when I am back at work.

3. I tried online ordering/delivery of groceries and I expect my order tomorrow -- should be interesting. Maybe I have found another time saver? :)

IAKaraokeGirl 09-05-2005 07:51 PM

1. The kids and I went to the movies today and had a blast...and my son is amazed at his mother's ability to scope out a plot line. ;)

2. It was nice only having the three of us in the apartment today for the first time.

3. I'm meeting someone tomorrow afternoon for possible fill-in child care and occasional babysitting--and I'm pretty excited about it.

osuche 09-06-2005 11:30 PM

1. I had the most aesome workout today -- lots of strength training and 30 min of cardio. I am starting to feel better and stronger than before, and I've lost 5 lbs...which is a start.

2. My sister in law got engaged today. She's almost 24, so I guess is an acceptible age, although I wish she would have waited a bit. The man makes her happy, though...and treats her well. What else could one expect?

3. I've got a lot of catching up to do, work-wise....and I suspect the next 3 days will be pure hell. :) But I *did* have a relaxing weekend.

IAKaraokeGirl 09-07-2005 08:31 PM

1. I think if I spend another 7.5 hour day doing filing, I'll shoot myself.

2. I am pretty sure I have snow day/early out issues covered after last night's meeting with my newest NE friend.

3. I am not a very patient person.

ILikeItRough 09-08-2005 01:15 AM

im afraid of eating peanut butter

im very much in love

i had wheaties for dinner

IAKaraokeGirl 09-08-2005 09:48 PM

1. I received several emails today that I will keep and treasure for some time to come.

2. I had a wonderful time at chorus tonight...and I may be able to work it out so that I can continue to make rehearsal even with the soccer practice schedule from HELL Thursday nights.

3. My faith and hope was renewed today.

sodaklostsoul 09-08-2005 10:11 PM

I'm tired as hell, but it's nice to have a job I do like.

I'm frustrated cause I can't find kiddo's LeapPad. I'm pretty sure it was here.

Can't wait to sleep in sat!!

Lilith 09-08-2005 10:24 PM

1. I think I've managed to get 3 students mainstreamed for more than just special area :D Of course it's cause I'm their teacher in both situations. Baby steps.

2. I am 1/3 of the way through as of 5:00 tomorrow night.

3. I really would love to send a day at a spa being pampered and rubbed in all the right places.....well not ALLLLLLLLLLL the right places.;)

IAKaraokeGirl 09-09-2005 11:19 PM

1. I went over to a new friend's house tonight to watch a movie...and had a hard time staying awake. Man, I make good impressions... ;)

2. I wish I had more patience. I really do.

3. Today marks one month I've been in New England. It's...good.

Steph 09-09-2005 11:44 PM

I'm dating a really cool dude.

I love food.

I am a sexaholic.

IAKaraokeGirl 09-10-2005 03:05 PM

1. My daughter and I both made friends at soccer this morning.

2. We have the coolest library in the world, I'm convinced.

3. The guy who owns the most awesome consignment store flirted up a storm with me. I may have to go back. ;)

IAKaraokeGirl 09-12-2005 09:44 PM

1. I like having a babysitting friend--there are many benefits. :)

2. I teased someone today unmercifully.

3. I have a big decision to make--a gamble either way.

osuche 09-12-2005 11:00 PM

1. Mr. Osuche is sick and miserable, and I've been helping him feel better by supplying endless bowls of mint chocolate chip ice cream

2. I am dreading my exams this Saturday, and yet not very motivated to study.

3. Yesterday was the anniversary of my stepfather's death, and I weathered it OK. But I am in no mood to celebrate a birthday. One more year until I am 30. :yikes:

IAKaraokeGirl 09-13-2005 08:18 PM

1. I got the plates for my van today...the last step in making me an official NH resident. Hard to let go of the Iowan in me, though.

2. I received a compliment or two today that I really appreciated.

3. My daughter surprised me tonight by reading better than I thought she could.

Ferrit 09-13-2005 08:34 PM

Im Flying back to canberra this evening

I cant wait till saturday

Im feel like the luckiest guy alive at the momento.

musicman 09-13-2005 08:39 PM

I had an 11 hour day at work

I need another vacation

I'm happy i haven't let me job get me down since I'm back from vacation

SexyKitty4U 09-13-2005 11:24 PM

1.) i have 3 children

2.) i've been married to my best friend for 4 yrs, known him for almost 11

3.) i think this site is awesome. I've been coming here and lurking for a little over a year, joined in Oct '04 and just now posting.. I wish I would have joined in sooner.. I'm shy though.. takes a little to open me up. :-)

Kaelynn 09-14-2005 12:29 PM

Welcome SexyKitty4U

1) I have a mild headache

2) I am extreamly nervous about having some tests run

3) I have a lot to do in this house and I keep procrastinating

wyndhy 09-14-2005 12:55 PM

i am getting a bit too into this renovation. i got crazy-psyched when i found an unused half-sheet of 150 grit sandpaper.

i'm gonna show-and-tell my new glass toy. which! ...i got as a thank you for all my hard work. :p (it's on one of the doors we refinished, btw. and that's my sugar wafer next to it for scale :D)

and the irony of the threads around the top is not lost on me :p

Lilith 09-14-2005 06:37 PM

1. I'm behind in my coursework.

2. Some jewelry I ordered is in and I really am pleased with it.

3. I need about...ummm.....maybe....... 3 minutes alone so I can masturbate.

IAKaraokeGirl 09-14-2005 06:53 PM

1. Something made me very happy and very sad at the same time this afternoon.

2. It was freaking warm and humid in the apartment today when I was, um, having some quality time with someone spcial.

3. I am nervous about tomorrow but am focusing on a positive attitude.

Aqua 09-14-2005 06:59 PM

I miss Jordis.

I wish Jordis was still on Rockstar:INXS.

I have a new Avatar.

wyndhy 09-14-2005 08:35 PM

i'm bummed no one congratulated me on my new toy :p:D

everything in my body hurts.

as of right now, i'm calling it quits for the day

Winston77 09-15-2005 03:13 AM

I finished writing a English Paper

I went a saw my son

I want to be the first to congratulate Wyndy on her new toy :x:

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