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kleclere 08-09-2020 10:26 PM

Possibly #3

1: I had many types of pets growing up.

2: I have been to 3 Oktoberfests.

3: I have never shined boots.

jennaflower 08-10-2020 11:00 AM

#3 is my guess

1) I have shinned boots
2) I did not graduate from High School
3) I lost a diamond ring in a lake

kleclere 08-10-2020 12:24 PM

I would guess #2

1: I was taught to pleasure a woman from an older woman.

2: I enjoy both giving and receiving pleasure.

3: I have 3 children and 2 grandsons.

jennaflower 08-10-2020 01:59 PM

#1 is my guess

1) I know 3 languages
2) My happy place is the beach
3) I love cheese cake.

kleclere 08-10-2020 03:33 PM

Guessing #1

1: I've been to 4 European countries

2: I make a mean chili.

3: I have no more bucklist items.

jennaflower 08-10-2020 09:20 PM

I hope that it’s #3

1) Music is one of my favorite things

2) I am considering getting a lip piercing

3) I have never been in an accident

kleclere 08-10-2020 10:07 PM

Guessing #3

1: Use to work as a farm hand.

2: Was able to eat 12 hotdogs.

3: Used to play Highschool sports.

jennaflower 08-11-2020 02:28 AM

#2 is my guess

1). I have been in a Hot Air Balloon
2). I do prefer flowers to candy
3). I lost my virginity at the age of 17

kleclere 08-11-2020 07:24 AM

Guessing #1

1: I enjoy going to clothing optional beaches.

2: I used to be in the Future Farmers of America.

3: I was a straight A student.

jennaflower 08-11-2020 11:05 AM


1). My first car was a VW diesel Rabbit.
2). Would enjoy a trip to a casino.
3). I dislike cologne on a man

kleclere 08-11-2020 12:27 PM

#3 guessing

1: Would have be considered a sharpshooter in military.

2: Have been accused if having a sock in my pants.

3: Have never been to the Gulf of Mexico.

jennaflower 08-11-2020 02:55 PM

#3, tho not certain

1) I have never Visited Iowa
2) I have never been to Oregon
3). I have never been to Montana

kleclere 08-11-2020 09:24 PM

I'm going with#2.

1: I have never been to Berlin, Germany.

2: I had been to Morocco.

3: I've been to Canada.

jennaflower 08-12-2020 08:41 AM


1). I’ve had blue hair.
2). My hair is short
3). I do not have any gray hair.

kleclere 08-12-2020 10:29 AM

Have to guess #3

1: I don't believe in PDA.

2: Coffee has never really done much for me.

3: I have been to the London Zoo.

jennaflower 08-12-2020 03:58 PM

I am confident that it is 1.

1) I live in a tourist town.
2) I love coffee
3) I dislike steak

kleclere 08-12-2020 04:10 PM

Guessing #3

1: I have been in the London tubes.

2: I have ridden in a Blackhawk helicopter.

3: I have ridden a ship across the ocean.

jennaflower 08-12-2020 06:52 PM


1). I love black licorice
2). I love hot chocolate
3). My favorite candy is mint KitKat

kleclere 08-13-2020 02:51 AM

Guessing #1

1: I have been to the Disney Castle

2: I was at the Czech border watching the communist guards

3: I have fished in the Gulf of Mexico

jennaflower 08-13-2020 09:59 PM


1) I haven’t been sleeping well.
2) I am planning a trip soon to visit my sister
3) 1 do not collect angels

kleclere 08-13-2020 10:41 PM

Guessing #3

1: I don't enjoy collecting guns.

2: I been to Madame Tussauds in London

3: I have been to the Alps.

jennaflower 08-14-2020 09:44 PM


1) I am an Outlander Fan
2). I do want to visit Scotland
3). I not want to visit DC

kleclere 08-14-2020 11:01 PM


1: I have flown in a C130 airplane.

2: I have watched them destroy an M1 Abram tank.

3: I have been to a professional Basketball game.

jennaflower 08-15-2020 05:50 PM

It’s #3

1). I once owned 2 ducks
2). I did not have a turtle
3). I have never rode a horse.

kleclere 08-15-2020 10:41 PM

Guessing #1

1: I enjoy drinking chocolate milk.

2: I had a pet squirrel.

3: I enjoy tea.

jennaflower 08-18-2020 05:50 PM


1) I dislike Beyoncé
2) I dislike anyone with the last name of Kardashian
3) I do like JLo

kleclere 08-18-2020 10:04 PM


1: I have been to Fort Ord.

2: I was also at Fort Polk.

3: I was at Fort Gordon

jennaflower 08-19-2020 09:27 PM


1) My favorite color is Green.
2) My eyes are Brown
3) My hair short

kleclere 08-19-2020 09:59 PM


1: I had an enjoyable talk on the phone.

2: I had to work today.

3: I will have a few naked days coming soon.

jennaflower 08-20-2020 07:56 PM


1) I will be watching Lucifer tomorrow
2) I have listened or read 40 books this last month
3) I want to visit Dallas again.

kleclere 08-20-2020 11:15 PM


1: I will be teach a class

2: I have run clothes through an old washer

3: I am not even close to sleeping yet

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