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Navarre 08-29-2004 10:15 PM

Dear fairy fucking godmother,

I have only one simple wish.

Two 19 yo blond submissives.
Pain sluts to be more specific.


BigBear57 08-30-2004 04:29 AM

Well I'm not one for wishes but I did just meet this cute lil shortcake and well ummmm sprinkle a little fairy dust on her to get the spark going huh?

kathy1 08-30-2004 05:01 AM

Dear FGM,
I need a suitable replacement for all these batteries. And yeah, yeah, yeah, I may be going steady with my right hand, but it'd sure be nice to sneak out on it every now and then.

*wanders off to buy more batteries and a wrist splint*

sodaklostsoul 08-30-2004 09:36 AM

Dear Fairy Fucking Godmother,

Hmmm, what to choose, what to choose, well I would settle for Booger's tongue to reach across 785 miles!! :o)

Thank You.

Vurginne 08-31-2004 07:20 PM

Sex with someone I love and loves me back :love:

texascubfan 08-31-2004 10:42 PM

ok, you may find this har do beleive, but my wife and i already have the most incredible sex......so can you give me a cubs world series win? if it has to be sexual, can you make me and my wife have sex during game 7 of the world series in which the cubs win?

Bardog 09-01-2004 12:04 PM

I wish....

To be tied up and blindfolded then used as a human sex toy for hours and hours and hours.....

ndugu 09-05-2004 09:02 AM

my wish would be to be seduced by someone half my age

wyndhy 09-12-2004 10:20 PM

i've been thinking about this one for a while and although there are so many sexy, crazy, kinky things i'd love to try this is what i wish for most... to have the courage to post some pics.

and i'm curious lil, is that fairy fucking (adj.) godmother? or fairy fucking (v.) godmother? :p

Lilith 09-13-2004 05:07 AM


nikki1979 09-13-2004 05:03 PM

Dear Fairy Fucking Godmother,

i would truly LOVE to be taken advantage of by delicous pixies men!!!! Number of men and Number of times to be left up to you genourous one.


flutelady 09-13-2004 07:58 PM

Dear Fairy Fucking Godmother...

I simply ask that he care for me half as much as I care for him.

Thank you!

imaginewithme 12-12-2005 10:32 PM

Dear Fairy Fucking Godmother,
I would love to have him pin me down and taste every inch of my body until I cum over and over again.
Thank you!

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