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Lilith 10-10-2003 11:38 AM

1( Rain rain go away. Come again some other day! My guys cancelled their weekend camping trip so I don't get 3 days alone :(

2( I had the best time working with this cool Special Ed class today. We cruised the mall and just fucked around, it was fun.

3( I am starved :bite:

IAKaraokeGirl 10-10-2003 11:44 AM

1. It has been a long, hellacious seven days. TGIF doesn't cover it.

2. My husband is cleaning carpets. Life is good. :)

3. I really, really need a good weekend.

Steph 10-10-2003 12:02 PM

1. One more shift!!! Three-day weeks are awesome! :)
3. I'm looking forward to groceries because I can splurge on some good spices! YUM!

nikki1979 10-10-2003 12:07 PM

2) i think i may dye my hair tonight
3) thans for being so nice to me sice i got here yall make it feel like a family!

rabbit 10-10-2003 07:42 PM

1) I am tired this evening and just want to go to bed. Unfortunately, we have some family coming in tonight at 11pm for the weekend.

2) The lady at dry cleaners made a major move on me today. She is late-50s and a grandmother but looks very good for her age. I was stunned but flattered....never had a grandma proposition me before. Nothing happened...

3) I drank a grape soda today for the first time in years. Boy was that gooood! :p

BlondeCurlGirl 10-10-2003 07:51 PM

1. Went shopping for some apartment things.

2. Got congratulatory emails from friends and family on the new job and the new place.

3. Enjoyed one of my last days of sleeping late.

Steph 10-10-2003 11:21 PM

1. Grocery stores are madness as people prepare for Thanksgiving weekend. I had to switch from browsing to commando mode.

2. I yelled at a customer who called our company "fascist". Damn Montrealers! :)

3. This promises to be a good weekend - I actually have Sat/Sun off instead of the normal Sun/Mon, off to a Leafs game tomorrow and I'll see my sister on Sunday for Thanksgiving & she'll have a care package from our parents for me :)

rabbit 10-11-2003 09:32 AM

1) I've got a lot of yard work to do today but am not all that motivated to do it.

2) Stayed up late last night and got up early...we'll see how awake I am at 3pm.

3) I am really horny today, wishing I could get a solid fuck right now.

BIBI 10-11-2003 09:58 AM

I am trying to pull myself away from the computer
I am not having much luck
God I am weak willed today

LixyChick 10-12-2003 10:06 PM

1) Sitting here eating a cold BBQ'd pork chop from dinner

2) Licking fingers

3) Still doing laundry....feeling much like the Boogie Woogie wash woman lately

Steph 10-12-2003 10:21 PM

1) We ate all day at my sisters.
2) Lazed around and watched movies.
3) Highly enjoyed having a Sat./Sun. weekend for a change.

rabbit 10-13-2003 06:45 PM

1) Had a VERRRRY stressful day at work.. :(

2) Got home and my two munchkins attacked me... :D

3) Gonna bury myself in a good book tonight!

BlondeCurlGirl 10-13-2003 08:13 PM

1. Sat through a grueling day of training videos and signing my name about 75 times for all the necessary employment paperwork.

2. Had to take a TB skin test since I'm working at a health care facility. Ouch!

3. Was glad to come home and have a hot meal waiting for me! I WILL miss that when I move out!

Steph 10-14-2003 12:16 AM

1. Worked my first Monday of the week (tomorrow's my second one!).
2. Have to get pre-op work done, an emissions test on the ol' car and other fun errands.
3. Am doing lots of housework now to make up for not doing much for a while after surgery (there are positives with everything!).

Lilith 10-14-2003 11:46 AM

1) My baby read me a bedtime story last night and I promptly fell asleep, clothes and all, til this morning. Now he thinks he has some sort of wicked narcoleptic powers.

2) I got a 100 on my first set of lesson plans. I was so happy since the teacher is the Dean of the Education Dept.

3) I am missing someone who will be home soon. :D

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