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jennaflower 10-03-2003 11:53 PM

1) Feeling sooo thankful for my friends.. both here and in my daily life... without many of you.. I wouldn't know how to handle things right now.

2) Found a new place to live. Now that things have turned so badly with my niece, I needed to relocate for my own safety and that of my sons. I found a great place.. more expensive.. but a step up :)

3) a few of my friends dragged my son and I to see "School of Rock" staring Jack Black... good laughs :)

PantyFanatic 10-04-2003 12:02 AM

Originally posted by Steph
...(The bad news was number two, though:) )

No it wasn't.;)


nikki1979 10-04-2003 04:44 AM

i cant get into the chat room :( :( :(
i probly shud clean anyways
i wud rather chat LOL

dicksbro 10-04-2003 04:58 AM

Couldn't get into chat either. :(

Going to watch my grandson play football this morning (he's a freshman in high school and it's his first year).

Going to stop at Barnes and Noble and pick up a DVD set with all the Victory at Sea series.

Lilith 10-04-2003 08:15 AM

1) I was grateful to find out I was not banned from my own chatroom:p:spin: but hope dynastynet gets fixed fast so I can get a fix as well.

2) I am overwhelmed by assignments due Monday and am having trouble starting any single one because they are all important and swirling around in my mind.

3) I watched Amelie last night and it was a really cute movie.

rabbit 10-04-2003 09:06 AM

1) Am watching the rain come down this morning and my plans for the day washing away with the water.. *sigh*

2) Work is killing me right now.

3) Wishing I could vote for Governor of California....Mary Carey would get mine!!! (http://www.marycareyforgovernor.com)


Steph 10-04-2003 10:42 AM

(Thanks for the congrats and luck yesterday, DB!)

1. I slept too much after not sleeping enough the night before. I wish that balanced out but it doesn't.
2. Tyler's brother is going to be here soon. When they get together, they're the loudest people in the universe.
3. Someone asked me to trade shifts with them so I have a three-day weekend coming up. It's Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. Not the best days for a long weekend but good times, nonetheless!

Lilith 10-04-2003 10:36 PM

1) I got a note from a professor about an assignment I turned in :D:D:D

2) I have really dark hair now. :o

3) Tonight for supper I made great northern beans and ham, my youngest son hates beans. So's he goes, " May I be excused?" and before I could say a word he says, " It's just that you made this dinner with so much love in it that I am full already." I just looked at Mr. Lil and said , " yes you may". Little shit!!!! Oh! and then for dessert he asked me how babies are made:o

PantyFanatic 10-04-2003 10:44 PM

" It's just that you made this dinner with so much love in it that I am full already."

Does that put us back to “nature or nurture”? :rolleyes:

dicksbro 10-05-2003 02:21 AM

LOL@Lilith. Did you tell your son how babies are made? :D

Lilith 10-05-2003 09:09 AM

Yes I did and cleaned up the kitchen while doing it! It literally came out of the blue but I did not bat an eye.

He was asking because he thought you could only make babies if you were married and he is now seeing proof that isn't so. So's I goes, You know how boys have penises and girls have vaginas? Well when the boy puts his penis in the vagina it makes a baby.

He says, " how?"

I goes, well a man can shoot stuff called sperm out of his penis and it combines with something ( when you tell a kid egg they think chicken) in the lady and it starts growing a baby.

He say, "cooooooooool! I'm gonna do that!"

I says, that is what they mean when you hear people talking about sex. It feels good to have sex but you have to be careful cause not everyone is ready to have and take care of a baby.

He asks, " can I just shoot it whenever i want?"

I giggle and say, Not exactly, when you are around 13 your body will start making sperm.

He says, " so I can have sex and make babies then ( he is thinking about the driver's liscense chat we had with kid 1 at dinner)???"

And I say, well do you think that ____ (my eldest kids's name) is mature and grown up enough to be a daddy and raise children. It's a good idea to not have sex til you are old enough to be responsible for what you do.

He says, " sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex"

I go, we usually don't talk about sex at places like school or with strangers because it'a a very wonderful private thing ( thinking about my big mouth on here :p) but not something to discuss with just anyone. You know anytime you have any questions about your body or other people's bodies or sex or anything you can always ask. And I continued rinsing the dinner dishes.

Mr. Lil brought his dishes to the sink and whispered in my ear, "that's a prime example of why I love you" :)

Steph 10-05-2003 10:24 AM

Cute story, Lilith! I love the "shoot it out" part. :)

1. Tyler and the inlaws want me to go watch some movie on racing. I might try to get out of it :)
2. I was going to give the DVD player to my sister but she's got one so I might just visit a pawn shop today and get a bit of cash.
3. I'm avoiding phone calls.

jennaflower 10-05-2003 12:48 PM

1) glad that lilith shared such a private and wonderful moment with us here.

2) went to church today for the first time in far too long.. wouldn't have been surprised had lightening striked... but since it didn't.. maybe that means I haven't yet been booted to hell. :)

3) worried about my niece... and dreading everytime there is a knock on the door or the phone rings.

rabbit 10-05-2003 07:47 PM

Lil, great approach to the "birds and the bees"!!!!

1) I sat my ass on the sofa and watched a shitload of football and baseball today.

2) Whilst doing the above, I consumed 6 Bud Lights.

3) Gotta go and pay my bills this evening... :mad:

dicksbro 10-05-2003 08:31 PM

Lilith, I'm impressed with your openness and honesty. Wow. Not sure I could have been quite that straight forward. ;)

1. I was under the weather today, so stayed in bed quite a bit.
2. Feeling much better now.
3. Looking forward to tomorrow.

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