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IAKaraokeGirl 06-28-2005 05:12 PM

1. I'm stuck at the airport, which further goes to prove that I really shouldn't be leaving. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part. :D

2. I know I will have someone worried until he hears I made the four-hour drive from Chicago, when I EVENTUALLY get there, home safely.

3. I don't wanna go.

cowgirltease 06-28-2005 05:31 PM

Favoritism REAlly PISSES ME OFF.
I'm gonna have a fine weekend whether anyone likes it or not.
Happy 4th of July folks. ;)

Steph 06-28-2005 11:08 PM

1. I'm going to travel on a bus/subway/bus in extreme heat in the morning to support a friend who's getting an operation George Bush would not approve of. God bless Henry Morgentaler, sez I.

2. I saw my ex for the first time in two days and he looks skinnier than ever & I can't deal with it anymore.

3. I've been looking for new apartments for a clean break from the ex. Alas, I will miss the balcony but perhaps not knowing the dealers & crazies (I saw a crazy old Indian guy shoved HARD by a young Vietnamese dude & tried to stop it but couldn't. When I walked by, the old guy was yelling at the young guy again. I was yelled at by a crazy Aboriginal today because "I didn't warn him my dog was coming" so he could hold his pit bull. Maybe a calmer 'hood is needed.).

IAKaraokeGirl 06-29-2005 06:32 PM

1. I've had dinner, emailed some friends...and, with the lack of sleep I've had in the last day or two, I'm thinking an early bedtime is not totally out of the question.

2. A conversation with someone this morning that happened spontaneously has eased my stress level tremendously. I just need to start moving forward with plans--once I've had sleep, of course. :D

3. I'm not where I want to be.

rabbit 06-29-2005 06:35 PM

1) Worked 12 hours today

2) Came home to a terrific salmon dinner :slurp:

3) Looking forward to a trip to Florida next week! :sun:

Coaster 06-29-2005 07:48 PM

1) Swamped with work

2) Need to get my "outdoors" fix

3) Need $$$ for car repairs so it will pass inspection

Lilith 06-29-2005 09:51 PM

1) I called his cell phone again today...he didn't answer

2) I sent a request for information concerning a job and realized I spelled a word incorrectly in the email :rolleyes2

3) I read some drama at another site and was grateful we don't have that here but see how some could find it an interesting read

dicksbro 06-30-2005 03:29 AM

1) I feel tired
2) I feel really tired
3) I feel extremely tired

(Are you detecting a trend? :))

Coaster 06-30-2005 09:53 AM

1) Changed AV
2) Procrastinating
3) Editing pix

rabbit 06-30-2005 06:42 PM

1) I felt really mischievious today.

2) Got a haircut in advance of my trip to Florida next week :sun:

3) Took a nice shower when I got home and couldn't help but let Mr Hand do his thing :p

IAKaraokeGirl 06-30-2005 06:45 PM

1. I've had a really stressful two days back at work this week. Unfortunately, I'll have to work late again tomorrow, but hopefully will be able to enjoy the long weekend.

2. My children come back on Monday, and I am very anxious to see them.

3. I may have to be direct and ask for what I need tonight.

Coaster 07-01-2005 06:44 AM

1) I picked a heck of a night to fall asleep on my comfy leather sofa.

2) I did have a much needed deep sleep

3) ^^^ I too felt "Mischevious" yesterday rabbit.......... and it wasn't even a full moon night!

IAKaraokeGirl 07-01-2005 10:19 AM

1. I have had a very up-and-down, stressful/relaxing week. Now, try to figure that out. :D

2. I just spoke with someone regarding the first interview I had, this past Monday. They're asking for references. I'm thrilled/panicked at the same time.

3. Apparently I have multiple personality disorder this week. Let me get out the DSM-IV and make sure. :dizzy:

IAKaraokeGirl 07-02-2005 07:22 PM

1. It's been a quiet day at the IAKG household...not that I'm complaining after the last three days of the workweek.

2. Sometimes it's freaky how things in cyberlife and things in real life intersect.

3. I am...happy tonight, although I am worried about a couple of people.

dicksbro 07-02-2005 08:01 PM

1. Spent some moring hours at Pixies
2. Wife and I went to see War of the Worlds
3. Filled the car with gas when we found a BP station 14 cents less than everyone else.

Kaelynn 07-02-2005 09:22 PM

1) I went to a dog show today
2) I went to see my grandmother in the hospital this morning
3) I am watching a lifetime movie, Totally stinks... LOL

waltaja 07-02-2005 09:44 PM

i re-broke the already broken finger
i talked with a special friend and it brightened my day
a fifth of tequilla doesn't last long enough

Lilith 07-02-2005 10:39 PM

1) July is hard.

2) Bittersweet, no better word describes some memories.

3) I'm gonna start singing soon, and I hope people will join in even if they have no idea why.

Steph 07-02-2005 11:13 PM

(I'll join the chorus!)

1. It's wonderful how friends can clarify common sense for you sometimes.

2. I befriended an abused dog today & think I helped.

3. I am a mixture of gullible/helpful but refuse to be bitter.

imaginewithme 07-02-2005 11:14 PM


~Woke up thinking about some nice memories I've had in my head
~Finished some scrap book pages
~bought dresser drawer knobs and lots of fruit today

Coaster 07-03-2005 05:24 AM

Well it's still early here, but......

1) Got caught up with friends we haven't seen for awhile til the wee hours

2) Am concerned about daughter's move to SF

3) It looks like a beautiful day in the neighborhood....

rabbit 07-03-2005 09:45 AM

1) Gotta cut the grass :mad:

2) Thinking about what I need to make life perfect...and remembering to be thankful for what I do have that's right.

3) Reading about Venus Williams' win at Wimbeldon and recalling that careers are like elevators...they can go up, back down, and up again.

IAKaraokeGirl 07-03-2005 01:18 PM

1. After speaking with my sister, I'm very glad I didn't make the Florida trip...and I'm better prepared to see my mother tomorrow. :D

2. I'm anxious to see my children.

3. I'm going to have to have a heart-to-heart talk.

Enigma 07-03-2005 01:24 PM

1. I continue to be amazed at how small a world it is

2. I think I will be fixing corn a lot this week

3. I need to decide which cardio to do tonight

maddy 07-03-2005 04:41 PM

1. I'm craving a home cooked meal, or anything other than fast food!
2. I've had a very lazy Sunday.
3. I'd like new furniture ... wonder if they'd notice the couch and chair missing from the corporate apartment?

Mae 07-03-2005 04:52 PM

1) Bored out of my mind.
2) Wishing for the ocean.
3) Wanting to make love under many trees. (Without the splinters, thank you.)

IAKaraokeGirl 07-04-2005 06:50 PM

1. I am *finally* back home.

2. The fact that my mother was an hour late "made" me go shopping while waiting. :)

3. I'm a little...out of sorts this evening.

imaginewithme 07-04-2005 10:32 PM

Had some pictures developed
Went swimming and ate at my grandma's
saw fireworks outside from her deck

BlondeCurlGirl 07-04-2005 11:00 PM

1. Just came back from what will probably be my last fireworks show for a few years.

2. I enjoyed a very refreshing bowl of raspberry sherbet tonight.

3. I'm so antsy for August 19 to get here that I just can't think straight some days!

BIBI 07-04-2005 11:33 PM

received a nice surprise today
still in a crappy mood

Lilith 07-05-2005 09:18 AM

I'm glad I live in a neighborhood where peeps spend $$ on the really nice illegal fireworks. Everyroom in my house is a front row seat!

I'm sooooo very glad Tuesday is here.

I'm going out with the ladies tonight and am really lloking forward to catching up!

BIBI 07-05-2005 10:20 AM

I feel a rant coming on lol
I am buying a new bedroom today lol
I am going to buy paint today

pinkbutton 07-05-2005 10:37 AM

1, Found out that im goin to London tommorow to see a mate possible girlfriend. see how things go

2, Im shit scared bout goin down to london on my own and on the tube

3, The weather is foul for summer.

IAKaraokeGirl 07-05-2005 11:21 AM

1. I'm getting the best emails today from people who are important to me.

2. I'm cautiously excited at the progress of my eventual move.

3. I am...happy. :)

maddy 07-05-2005 12:43 PM

1. I'm trying to come up with a deal to "light a fire" under the person buying my house rear to motivate him to actually comply with a close date now that he's missed THREE!

2. I hate this feeling of "unknown" as far as my living arrangements and financial ability.

3. I have a party to go to tonight ... in my honor ... that I really am not in the right frame of mind for.

Enigma 07-05-2005 08:23 PM

1. Someone made me smile often today

2. I worked my ass of at work today

3. That same someone kept me horny as hell today

dicksbro 07-06-2005 04:08 AM

1. I think I slept an entire 8 hours.
2. Already for work all ready!
3. Got some more lawn work to do today.

IAKaraokeGirl 07-06-2005 06:41 PM

1. I got a job offer today--a good one--far, far away from here.

2. #1 totally freaked me out. :D

3. I have to figure out all the practicalities before making my decision, and I'm not really sure how to work things out.

Steph 07-06-2005 06:50 PM

1. My capacity to forgive is perhaps too unlimited.

2. Some people worry too much. They worry if it doesn't happen, they worry when it happens. How can they be happy?

3. Laughter is soooooooo healing.

BIBI 07-07-2005 12:17 AM

I found 20 dollars under my bed....hmmmm lol.
I did a crossword in record time
I didn't call someone that I should have

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