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pinkFlames 01-12-2009 07:03 AM

Best: A change of scenery
Worst: Finding someone to feed the pets.

Best and Worst of being a pet owner.

dicksbro 01-12-2009 08:12 AM

Best: The love that pets give so willingly.
Worst: Cleaning up their poop. :)

Best and worst of owning a car.

pinkFlames 01-13-2009 12:59 AM

Best: Freedom to go where you want without relying on friends or public transport.
Worst: maintenance and running expenses

Best and worst of listening to music

dicksbro 01-13-2009 03:49 AM

Best: Can compliment a person's mood.
Worst: Can run contrary to a person's mood.

Best and worst of letter writing.

pinkFlames 01-28-2009 03:19 AM

Best: a good way of keeping in contact with elderly friends and relatives.
Worst: takes days to receive a reply

Best and worst of your climate.

dicksbro 01-28-2009 05:31 AM

Best ... we don't get as cold as some of the more northern states or as hot as the states further south.
Worst ... we tend to have a lot of humidity and so the temperatures seem more extreme than they are. :(

Best and worst places to eat.

mercifulangel 01-29-2009 02:22 PM

Best a home cooked meal at home.
Worst the waffle house.

Best and worst of home stores.

dicksbro 01-30-2009 06:22 AM

Worst: A nearby Menards. Went in for help and they were slow, rude and less than helpful.
Best: Left Menards and went to a local Lowes where the clerks were cheerful and eager to help.

Both chains may be okay, but the difference in service between the two local stores was striking.

Best and worst of fast food restaurants.

pinkFlames 02-21-2009 01:41 AM

Best: An easy way to make sure the kid eats her dinner.
Worst: Usually terrible nutritionally.

Best and Worst of losing weight.

dicksbro 02-22-2009 06:12 AM

Best: Getting rid of some of that tummy of mine
Worst: Having to watch what I eat :(

Best and worst of kissing

rockintime 04-06-2009 07:19 PM

Best: It often leads to even better things.

Worst: It gets lipstick on my lips.

What is the best and worst of buying a car?

dicksbro 04-07-2009 04:10 AM

Best: Car you're buying will give likely give you better service than your old car.
Worst: Payments begin.

pinkFlames 07-03-2009 01:25 AM

The best and worse of playing against dicksbro.

Best: He has a great sense of humour.

Worst: He forgets what he's doing all the time.

The best and worst of hot weather.

dicksbro 07-03-2009 03:07 AM

Best: there's no snow shoveling
Worst: The air conditioner runs a lot

The best and worst of eating pickles

jennaflower 08-04-2020 08:57 PM

Best~ They can be used as a prop.

Worst~ Not everyone likes The taste.

Best & Worst about drive in movie theaters.

kleclere 08-05-2020 03:31 PM

Best: You have time to make out while there.

Worst : They are getting few and far between.

Best and worst of sex in the rain.

jennaflower 08-05-2020 10:22 PM

Best - it is sexy AF
Worst- Lack of privacy

Incorporating sex toys into your sex life

dicksbro 08-05-2020 11:46 PM

Best ... seeing her fully absorbed in her pleasure.

Worst ... the battery goes dead and no replacement available.

Watching a late night show.

kleclere 08-06-2020 07:06 AM

Best: Able to relax and enjoy the show.

Worst: You may doze off and miss most of show.

Setting naked with your SO/ partner.

jennaflower 08-06-2020 09:43 PM

Best- Simple intimacy
Worst- Being vulnerable

Running out of gas

kleclere 08-06-2020 10:07 PM

Best: Good chance to make out.

Worst: You have to walk to the nearest gas station.

Going out to a restaurant.

gekkogecko 08-07-2020 09:52 AM

Best- Not having to deal with food prep & cleanup.

Worst- Dealing with Covidiots.

Outdoor exercise.

kleclere 08-07-2020 01:50 PM

Best: Freedom to move.

Worst: Possible public viewing.

Sex in public.

jennaflower 08-07-2020 11:06 PM

Best~ Erotic
Worst~ increase chance of getting caught

Oral sex

kleclere 08-08-2020 06:31 AM

Best:The feeling of exploding

Worst: Teeth

Setting with a head on your chest.

jennaflower 08-09-2020 07:29 PM

Best: Intimacy
Worst: it only lasts so long

Large Breasts

kleclere 08-09-2020 10:30 PM

Best: More to be able to pleasure.

Worst: Can't find a down side.

Crotchless panties

jennaflower 08-10-2020 10:56 AM

Best: Easy access
Worst: not really comfortable

Cock Rings

kleclere 08-10-2020 12:28 PM

Best: Being able to keep an erection.

Worst: Also uncomfortable.

Anal beads

jennaflower 08-10-2020 02:27 PM

Best- they are stimulating
Worst- intimidating


kleclere 08-10-2020 03:05 PM

Best: A sign of trust between two people.

Worst: Lost keys may lead to embarrassment.

Rum and coke

jennaflower 08-10-2020 08:49 PM

Best: Removes all inhibitions
Worse: losing control


kleclere 08-10-2020 10:33 PM

Best: Makes skin softer.

Worst: Never there when you need it.


jennaflower 08-11-2020 02:06 AM

Best: It is a result of a orgasm
Worst: It sometimes doesn’t taste great.


kleclere 08-11-2020 07:37 AM

Best: A defence mechanism.

Worst: It makes for patients.


jennaflower 08-11-2020 10:39 AM

Best: It reenforces intimacy
Worst: they can you crazy

Whispers in your ear

kleclere 08-11-2020 12:44 PM

Best: Can send shivers down your spine.

Worst: Makes your ear wet.

Hard Nipples

jennaflower 08-11-2020 03:06 PM

Best: oh so sensitive
Worst: they get very sore

Hot showers

kleclere 08-11-2020 09:11 PM

Best: Way to enjoy each other wetly.

Worst: Hard to get the temperature set correctly.

Great sex.

jennaflower 08-12-2020 08:24 AM

Best: It would be addictive.
Worst: It’s hard to find.

Clit stimulator

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