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incitatus 03-07-2003 07:56 PM

I wanted to add that I don't condemn anyone who may be involved in something like this.
"Love the person/hate the action"...
Just remember that a break-up is much easier to deal with than lying and deception.
...and that's the Gods-honest-truth.

silentsoul 03-07-2003 11:17 PM

between the fact that I'm a horrible liar and I have a guilty conscience already my answer would have to be HELL NO! oh yeah, and because Ilove my wife . . . hehe

MikeR89 03-10-2003 02:30 PM

I love my wife and we have a fun sex life -

However, I have thoughts of others from time to time and have done some reading up on "the lifestyle" and have given some thought to participating in some swinging activities - even if it is some same room/soft swinging activities, I would find it a huge turn on and would keep us honest....

Cobalt 03-11-2003 12:23 PM

I and my wife now have both had it done to us, that is why we got divorced from them. the good thing is that now WE are together, and love each other VERY much.

quisath 03-11-2003 12:40 PM

Originally posted by txgrneyes
If something is missing from the relationship and your s/o wouldn't try that something for one reason or another and somebody offered it to you. Your honestly telling me that you wouldn't if the circumstances were right.

I beleive I would...not to hurt him but to satisfy me...and make me happy for a while so I can try to convince him to try so I wouldn't have to.

I tend to agree Sweetie. There is always a reason for doing the things we do.

horseman12 03-11-2003 02:24 PM

what txgrneyes said!!

Deno 03-13-2003 07:58 PM

No I wouldn't. If I wanted to sleep around I wouldn't of gotten married in the first place and made that promise.

I hate to see people who go out on their SO behind their back, I think it's a low low thing to do. Complete break of trust. And could be deadly with all the STDs around. Just plain wrong in my opinion.

I don't see why people are not honest with their partner.. I know a ton of people who have agreements with their husbands/wifes so that everyone involved is okay with it and no one has hurt feelings. The behind the back thing makes no sense to me.

denny 03-13-2003 08:14 PM


Bardog 04-17-2003 05:16 PM

Never have ....yet
Don't want to desire another woman
Don't want to ever hurt my wife
I still Love her with all my heart
But as years have gone by things have changed
She nor I are the same people we were back then.
The real question, as someone asked, is could I live with me.

Sorry to drag up another old thread.
Just needed to vent

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