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IAKaraokeGirl 02-19-2005 11:27 PM

1. Kleclere and I had a blast, running from store to store this morning and getting our errands done.

2. My basement is half-clean...which is half more than it was when I started today. :)

3. I'm hoping next week at work is a little slower and less stressful than last week.

Lilith 02-19-2005 11:53 PM

I completed 2 big essay type take home exams today, as well as finishing a long project.

I was the most animated mother at the soccer game :D

I bought a comic book for a kid whose probably never had one before.

BlondeCurlGirl 02-22-2005 01:38 AM

1. Looked at apartments with my boyfriend earlier today...we are pretty close to signing a lease together for the fall!

2. Played out in the snow this evening...very pretty but slick!

3. I am borrowing my boyfriend's stash of porn for the next few days...I had a nice hour of viewing already today. :)

Sharni 02-22-2005 03:32 AM

I've been a bit down lately

I have a freaking headache

I'm just soooo tired

imaginewithme 02-22-2005 09:13 PM

I got some new meds

Took a long nap at lunch time

man...what else did i do???

Stolen Kisses 02-22-2005 10:04 PM

I finished a story

I talked to a pixie friend through IM

I watched The Green Mile

dicksbro 02-23-2005 04:17 AM

I just woke up and still feel tired. :(
It's not suppose to rain today, so maybe I can get out a bit. :)
I just found some keys I'd been missing. :D

IAKaraokeGirl 02-23-2005 10:57 AM

1. I have an appointment I really don't want to go to this afternoon.

2. I started the day out giving an insurance company hell. :D

3. I'm hoping kleclere and I get used to this new work schedule soon.

Stolen Kisses 02-23-2005 11:03 AM

I'm tired, sore and bored.

sodaklostsoul 02-23-2005 11:19 AM

I still got road lag, went to bed last nite and it felt like I was still driving in the car.

Happy that Booger and I met 2 new friends over the weekend and they will be enjoying Pixies too.

Trying to wake up(more coffee)so I can resize pics and get the thread up.

imaginewithme 02-24-2005 09:33 PM

I think I almost had a nervous breakdown

I got to eat what I was craving, my moms potatoe salad :slurp:

I got a call from a friend who bought my old computer asking about all the pictures of sexy babes with their heads cut off..... I had to try explaining they were for my avatar here on pixies....oops--I should have let him believe they were me! :rofl:

osuche 02-24-2005 10:18 PM

1. I had an interview for a VP of Sales job today, which turned into an interview for a VP of Marketing job. I have a second interview on Tuesday, and thingsa re looking positive on the offer front. I'm wondering if I want to take the job offer. :) But craving a quick move to San Francisco.

2. I've had sleeping sickness and a high level of demotivation, and I am wondering if I have simply given up on my current job and life... <sigh> I think I need a change.

3. Mr. Osuche has been giving me some constructive criticism recently, helping me to be a better person. I'm realizing how very much I both love and respect him.

RaTheSunGod 02-24-2005 10:53 PM

Three things..
Well, three things...hmm..

1: Woke up and ate breakfast....chocolate-covered donuts, to be exact.. (Krispy Kreme RULES in the donut genre)

2: Went to work (Another lame-ass day...I hate my job)

3: Came home and ate bologna, and listened to Cradle of Filth (Bologna is tasty wrapped up with cheese..and Cradle of Filth and a cigarette...perfect together)

Such a fun and interesting life, I know.. ah well..I'm alive.. :rant:

BIBI 02-24-2005 11:17 PM

I made an important decision today
I had a flat tire this morning
Tonight I am bored

Sharni 02-25-2005 03:23 AM

I confess i'm a bit weary

dicksbro 02-25-2005 04:06 AM

Woke up early
Sitting around nude
Early start on Pixie posting

osuche 03-09-2005 08:05 AM

1. I am two short phone interviews away from a job offer, and I desperately hope that it will be everything I think it will be.

2. Until then, I must exercise discipline and keep chipping away at my current job, which becomes harder daily.

3. Mr. Osuche comes home in 1.5 weeks, and I am thinking about taking the week of March 25th off on vacation...strategically placed as the last week before I resign (should all go well)

4. (optional) Working on the diet again, and man am I hungry and sore from all the weightlifting. :(

Lilith 03-09-2005 08:58 AM

1) Today is my pamper day...going to the salon etc.

2) I have a lunch date with Mr. Lil and that is a rare thing.

3) I think I have the flu :( and would rather just go to bed.

BlondeCurlGirl 03-09-2005 09:04 AM

1. My job hunt is getting depressing. Can't wait for the day to be over again.

2. I'm feeling good today on a different level after a long chat with a friend last night.

3. Our snow is almost gone. :)

IAKaraokeGirl 03-09-2005 10:03 AM

1. I am a little perplexed over how to deal with a problem I learned about during parent-teacher conferences last night.

2. I got a good night's sleep, generally speaking, for the first time in a long time.

3. I should be able to see the fireworks from two hours away when my ex gets a package from me today. :rolleyes2

BIBI 03-09-2005 10:33 AM

I am looking for a new car
Pissed off at my government
I am going to do my taxes....maybe

imaginewithme 03-09-2005 06:21 PM

I told someone something that really hurt me

I got some not so good news this afternoon

I'm learning that I'm not so strong.

PantyFanatic 03-09-2005 11:33 PM

1. IT's been a long


3. L O N G day

osuche 03-10-2005 06:07 AM

1. I got an offer on my house (first one!) and countered it...will know something by tonight.

2. I have one of two remaining interviews today -- damn I wonder if I will get this job?

3. My powers of procrastination amaze even me....I've woken up early to *start* a project that I should have finished on Tuesday.

imaginewithme 03-12-2005 05:48 PM

1. Went to the mall

2. Ate some french fries :slurp: that I shouldn't have eaten

3. Bought a new book

osuche 03-12-2005 06:02 PM

1. Went to the gym and got really dizzy while I was there...barely managed to finish my workout

2. Headed to dinner at a friend's house ~~ they just moved into their new home and this is a "housewarming" trip

3. I have so much to do, but thinking about it makes me listless

campingboy 03-12-2005 07:59 PM

1) shoveled the front walk - it snowed again. I have not seen any polar bears yet.
2) spurced some parts for a project I'm working on
3) managed to do some house cleaning. I did not see any dust bunnies either.

flutelady 03-12-2005 08:11 PM

1. After a week of fabulous weather, today we're socked in with fog. Naturally, after all, it's Saturday... :rolleyes2

2. I just finished a tuna sandwich, loaded with sweet relish.... mmmmmm

3. I bought some new earrings today... silver and amethyst... I love amethyst!

Stolen Kisses 03-12-2005 09:10 PM

1) Went insane babysitting.

2) Watched Ladder 49

3) Ordered 11 yr anniversary AA medallion for best friend today.

BigBear57 03-12-2005 09:21 PM

Wanted to fish but the wind was too high.

Took the kids to see Robots, it was cute. Robin Williams is at it again.

I'm thinking tomorrow needs to be catch up on what I didn't do today day. LOL

Sharni 03-12-2005 10:18 PM

I'm horny
I need a good shagging
I need a good licking to go with the above

Mae 03-13-2005 12:17 AM

I'm very tired.
I tore the ligament in my left leg.
It was an absolutely gorgeous day. The sky was so blue it hurt to look at it.

cowgirltease 03-13-2005 10:25 AM

Oh damn Mae!!! Slow down woman!:( It was gorgeous here too! 90 degrees!

Fixin bacon and eggs for breakfast. :slurp:
Gonna get my sore butt back in the garden.
Try out the new weedeater.

rabbit 03-13-2005 12:12 PM

I'm shopping for a new stove.
I need to fix a chair in my kitchen.
I need to pay bills.

osuche 03-13-2005 11:10 PM

1. Saw the meeting Footloose tonight ~~ took me back to happy memories of my childhood.....dancing with my dad

2. Made out the invite list for my wedding ~~ making me (for the first time) look forward to the wedding.....I want to see my friends and family

3. I think I am getting sentimental because the move is eminent. It's going to be an interesting 5 weeks.

campingboy 03-14-2005 12:30 AM

1) I finished up some work that I needed to do
2) Caught up on e-mails to freinds and family
3) went over to my sisters for dinner.

dicksbro 03-14-2005 03:43 AM

I woke up too early
I don't have to work today
I'm thirsty

boilergirl1 03-14-2005 04:01 AM

i'm hornier than all get out
i'm procrastinating still
i need to finish packing

Stolen Kisses 03-14-2005 09:35 AM

I over slept

My knees are sore

I am listening to Maroon 5

cbass1976 03-14-2005 11:28 AM

i am tired
i am hungry
i am getting ready for work

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