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gryphon 08-28-2003 04:44 PM

1) Have a friggen cold, and feel like my ribs are broken from coughing.

2)been a very busy week, and even more this weekend.

3)A fantasy might come true this weekend and not sure if i have the energy for it......

dicksbro 08-28-2003 04:45 PM

1. Worked until 3 (1 hour 45 minutes ago). Couldn't wait to get home to Pixies.
2. Washed the car.
3. Stopped to see my wife on the way home.

celticangel 08-28-2003 04:53 PM

1~~~~~~back at work today!
2~~~~~~had to be "pleasant" to ex~hubby (failed!)
3~~~~~~having a bag of salad and a drink of Pepsi Max

BIBI 08-28-2003 04:56 PM

I just noticed that this will be post #1999 FINALLY almost 2000

I had a wonderful day at the beach

I am scared about what my kids are planning for my birthday :)

IAKaraokeGirl 08-29-2003 09:25 AM

1. I have the day off today and am looking forward to a relaxing one doing *nothing* except having lunch with a friend.

2. My children are being *quiet* this morning. Scary, scary stuff.

3. A surprise I planned was well-received...it's always nice when things work out like you'd like them to.

Lilith 08-29-2003 09:46 AM

1) I have no classes today and am loving it. This week really kicked my buttt.

2) Instead of looking at the 2.5 years I have to go til I achieve my goal,which was making me feel hopeless, I have decided to count down by actual school weeks. 59 and counting:D

3) I have a craving for french toast;)

Scarlett 08-29-2003 12:44 PM

1. My Spanish teacher forgot that we were to have a quiz today, so I was spared until Wednesday.

2. I got a bunch of books, videos and CD's about music in the middle ages to start my term paper.

3. Today is the last day that I have to do the job that I hate above all others. I couldn't be more happy about it.

celticangel 08-29-2003 03:31 PM

1~~~~~started to paint my living room
2~~~~~had to go to work on my day off to collect my new uniforms
3~~~~~should be in bed as working at 7am till 9.30pm tomorrow!

gryphon 08-29-2003 04:31 PM

1)throat is itchy

2)have a wedding today to go to.

3)my children are being monsters.

rabbit 08-29-2003 07:00 PM

1) My mom just arrived for a visit. Haven't seen her in 6 months...seems like forever.

2) I just found out I have a cousin from my mom's side that I never knew about. Cool!

3) Am soooo looking forward to this long Labor Day weekend. I need it.

SexyDiva 08-30-2003 12:36 PM

1. I have to work today and I so dont want to!! :(

2. My guy and I going camping this evening after work!

3. I had some REALLY really great sex last night!!

gryphon 08-30-2003 04:15 PM

1) I should have the hangover of a lifetime after last night, but don't.......yeehaw

2)found that a limo is NOT just for cruising.....tee hee

3) Hope that some of the pics from limo come out......

dicksbro 08-30-2003 04:29 PM

1. Ran some errands this morning
2. Bought my wife a little gift
3. Posted some on Pixies

Scarlett 08-30-2003 06:16 PM

1. I very much enjoyed sleeping in this morning.

2. I got a lot of housework and paperwork done.

3. I did my weekly grocery shopping, so I don't have to do it tomorrow.

Lilith 08-30-2003 06:45 PM

1) Had lunch and an afternoon at the movies with a long time friend. She's always been the stuffy type but she has hit 40 and decided to loosen up a bit. I am enjoying watching her bloom.

2) The steak I had for dinner was marinated in red wine....I decided to join it;):D

3) I got my AA degree certificate in the mail. Funny how holding one thin sheet of paper makes all the time spent studying during the past 2 years worth it!

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