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Irezumi Kiss 08-01-2009 01:37 PM

This is the first time I've posted to Pixies in probably over a month or two, I think. I miss this joint, gotta start getting back into it the way I used to. I'm getting too many distractions in being on the 'net and need to keep it simple like before.

My personal goals are coming along too slowly. The initial push and drive I had during the springtime has trickled down to a crawl into the summertime. I need more discipline and less laziness.

A co-worker of mine retired this past Thursday. The company had a party for him that lasted real late for us boozers who kept the fun going on...and I'm still feeling it.

IAKaraokeGirl 08-11-2009 08:06 PM

1. I'm not very motivated to change things around the house quite yet.

2. I haven't decided what to do about a problem I'm facing.

3. I'm still feeling the effects of my after-dinner activities from last night, and that's a good thing. ;)

AZRedHot 08-12-2009 12:58 AM

I may have a line on a singing gig with a band, which would be awesome.

I may also have a line on a potential writing gig that would earn me a few extra bucks. (Mama needs new kitchen counters!)

I'm about to go outside and see if I can spot any meteors.

Maleslut1186 08-13-2009 09:27 AM

I am new to Pixies and posted my first new thread today

I didn't cook dinner last night which is unusual

I am not wearing a G string today

BlondeCurlGirl 08-13-2009 04:36 PM

1. I am home sick today and thought I'd visit Pixies again after a long hiatus.

2. Despite not feeling well, I have pleasured myself 3 times today. :)

3. I really hope my husband will cook dinner tonight!

themi01 08-13-2009 05:08 PM

1. Getting used to my new office digs

2.getting the chair desk tabletop height right

3. Oh my aching back..... see number 2

osuche 08-15-2009 11:30 AM

I have a rash on my face...it's itchy...and the stuff the dr gave me is not working

My tummy is upset, and I think it's because I am stressed

I got passed over for a job, and I have mixed feelings.

dicksbro 08-15-2009 01:50 PM

Had a good time this morning when my wife and I shared breakfast with friends.
Got a new CD/DVD burner for my computer and it's installed now.
Had a good nap!

... and ...

I'm hoping osuche is feeling better and that the job opportunity was only missed because there's something even better on the horizon! ;)

CuteCoupleOz 08-15-2009 09:06 PM

Originally Posted by Maleslut1186
I am new to Pixies and posted my first new thread today

Hello Maleslut1186. Welcome. :)

1) i'm really tired after an exhausting 6 days working.

2) i'm really horny today

3) i should be washing last night's dishes instead of doing this............hmm, good thing my conscience doesn't win very often. hahahahahaha


pinkFlames 08-16-2009 04:44 AM

I am logged into two forums at once right now.

I just ate more junk food.

I gave my daughter a birthday party at the local swimming centre today.

CuteCoupleOz 08-17-2009 02:56 AM

I have a very sore knee.

I'm happy about getting up with BigBear again.

I just ate some Whitakers Chocolate.

Maleslut1186 08-17-2009 07:07 AM

[QUOTE=CuteCoupleOz]Hello Maleslut1186. Welcome. :)

Why Thank You Kathy !!

Fangtasia 08-18-2009 08:57 PM

1/ Got a phone call from the local newspaper, they are going to put in the appeal i wrote to the driver that hit my car and took off.

2/ I am shockingly tired this week, my get up and go has got up and gone somewhere!

3/ I heard today my car could possibly be repaired Friday or next week sometime

Oldfart 08-19-2009 12:36 AM

I am surprised that anyone could hit-and-run Fangtasia's car and live.

I am feeling lethargic.

I'm about to pick up our microwave, after a stay at the microwave hospital.

sodaklostsoul 08-19-2009 02:45 PM

Interesting OF......I thought people just bought new microwaves. :)

Just ate 2/3 of a bag of baby carrots cause I had a vegi dip in the fridge.

Made my weekly visit to the back quack today.

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