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Lilith 08-25-2003 07:17 PM

1) I made it through my first day of classes although the workload seems a bit overwhelming.

2) I broke my tooth and am so busy I don't know when I will be able to squeeze in a root canal and crown.

3) I had a June Bug (pineapple juice, coconut rum, Midori, banana liquor) at dinner. I should have had 5:D:D;)

dicksbro 08-25-2003 08:39 PM

1. Yea! Got the Geo delivered. Just a bit of rust or something. Worked fine today. :)
2. Spent time on Pixies.
3. Watched some TV on the History channel. There's a good show right now on Australia and it's becoming independent.

Scarlett 08-26-2003 12:25 PM

1. I learned a skit for Spanish class and I feel pretty confident about it.

2. I cancelled a dentist appointment because I am too tired to drive to town lol

3. I have to spend the afternoon waiting for an insurance adjuster to come look at my sinking floor.

WildIrish 08-26-2003 01:10 PM

1. I started off the day in a horrible mood with everything going to hell around me.

2. I yelled at a few people and started to feel better. Then spoke to a friend and felt even better!

3. I'd love the chance to fix Scarlett's floor. I'm currently running a special on glass ones! ha ha

Steph 08-26-2003 03:17 PM

1. Slowly getting over the almost-break-up
2. Slowly surviving the mountain of errands I have to do
3. Slowly getting used to the fact that it's dificult to set up IRC on a Mac!

BlondeCurlGirl 08-26-2003 04:24 PM

1. Did not enjoy going shopping with Mom today in 90 degree plus heat.

2. Getting kinda sad that as school starts next week, I'm not going back or starting a job yet. :( Was even kind of mopey about not getting school supplies...how sad is that?? :p

3. Am getting antsy about my fuck buddy coming back to town for school. :hot: I'll have to make sure I have his # on speed dial. ;)

Lilith 08-26-2003 04:36 PM

1) Made it through another first day of classes and feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel...a very long tunnel but I can see a speck of light.:p

2) Going to get a crown tomorrow . No root canal * happy dance* less $$$$$ to throw away!

3) Found out another friend of mine has serious breast cancer and is having surgery Thursday. Too many 40 year olds dying and the medical community is doing nada who is gonna raise all these women's babies!!!!!!<rant over>

Devillishgirl 08-26-2003 07:30 PM

1. I'm running on zero as far as sleep goes

2. Between the puppy and the kids, we're going crazy here

3. Life is great :D

IAKaraokeGirl 08-26-2003 07:32 PM

1. My sister called this afternoon; she had an interview and feels pretty positive about it. Woohoo for her. :)

2. Yes, I *know* I hit 15,000 posts and haven't posted pictures yet. :)

3. Had someone offer to do something very, very sweet with me, just because they knew it was important to me. I feel special. :)

celticangel 08-27-2003 06:11 AM

1~~~just found a leter saying that I have an appointment in my son's school at 1.30pm today!
2~~~watching the plaster on my walls(radiators,carpets etc) dry out!
3~~~missing Dm~~~~~might not see him till Friday (soppy or what!)

BlondeCurlGirl 08-27-2003 12:00 PM

1. Still feeling kind of sick after last night's events. Brother and his friends were up at a BMX bike park by Green Bay and brother got into a collision with one of them around 9 last night. Luckily my brother only got minor bruises and a couple of cuts, but the friend was not so lucky. Boke a bone in his face, cut his forehead (exposing his skull) and required 43 stitches across the forehead and under his eye.

2. Not sure what I have planned for today. Just woke up. :o

3. Need to return a book that I borrowed from a friend. Also need to make several phone calls.

WildIrish 08-27-2003 12:19 PM

1. Is sending best wishes out to BCG's friend.

2. Is having a pretty good day. Bright and sunny.

3. Just had a delicious lunch and am ready for a little nappy.

rabbit 08-27-2003 01:21 PM

1) I took today off from work. :D

2) I played 27 holes of golf this morning. :D

3) I am enjoying a nice beer buzz at present time. :spin:

Lilith 08-28-2003 05:55 AM

1) I feel like Rip Van Winkle. Had some dental work yesterday took some meds yesterday evening and woke up this morning to still being signed in at Pixies:spin:

2) Tonight is date night and I am sooooooooooooo ready! Feels like a long time since I've gone out!

3) I go to my fave class today!

dicksbro 08-28-2003 06:01 AM

1. Done some readin' :)
2. Done some postin' :)
3. Gotta go do some workin' :(

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