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PantyFanatic 05-29-2009 09:28 PM

Originally Posted by Rhiannon
1. went in for pain eval today
2. doc was very compassionate
3. they ended up doing another set of shots

anyone want to kiss my boo boo :hippy:

ME! ME! Pick me!!!

Irezumi Kiss 05-31-2009 03:56 AM

Organized some, but not all crap on computer in order to maximize external hard drive space and delay buying another one. But I'm gonna have to buy another one sooner or sooner.

Made burgers and potatoes to go along with the rice leftovers for tomorrow's lunch & dinner.

Drinking what I call "poor man's sangria" (wine & orange juice)

Neige 06-05-2009 09:14 PM

I thought only the right side of my head was turning white, but I found half a dozen white hairs on the left side of my head too. By 30 I may have a whole head of white hair, if it keeps going the way it is.

I participated in a major spring cleaning at work today. Chlorine smells so clean.

I acquired yet another geranium today. What on earth will I do when winter hits again and all these plants have to come back inside???

Fangtasia 06-05-2009 10:09 PM

I'm a bit down this week, Mum has been gone for 1yr 2days today, and i miss her like it was yesterday!

I'm having a slothful day today, though i have heaps i should be doing

I'm pulling down 3 tanks for winter, i'll set them back up when the weather warms up.

scotzoidman 06-05-2009 11:29 PM

Originally Posted by OrliFanatic
I'm a bit down this week, Mum has been gone for 1yr 2days today, and i miss her like it was yesterday!

Trust me, it will get easier; you won't like it any more than you do now, but it will eventually hurt less.

Myself, I'm proud of all I got done today, mowed the yard, trimmed some on one of the out-of-control yew bushes, cleaned out some brush around the creek.

I even had time & energy to go out for a couple of profitable courier runs in between all of the above.

Now I really need a shower after doing all of the above. :eew:

jay-t 06-07-2009 07:42 AM

This is the first day I,ve had off in 2 months

The Renn. fairs are over until Sept.

I got to spend the last 45 days studying with a master knife maker

Irezumi Kiss 06-13-2009 12:04 AM

Making egg, mushroom & bacon burgers for late dinner and pesto pasta for tomorrow's lunch.

Every time I go out drinking all night long, I tend to fall off my edge the next day and get even more lazy than I already am. Luckily I nipped that in the bud and forced myself to go shopping after work tonight instead of doing takeout.

Shopping at Whole Foods is like my therapy. So many good looking women there, of different types, sizes, colors, styles. It's like falling in love and the love is a repeating rifle. My spirit gets renewed and I get back on track. And horny. :sex:

Fangtasia 06-17-2009 01:29 PM

My Dad will drop past my place today, and i'm looking forward to seeing him.

I will get to meet Dads lady friend today, not sure how i feel about that.

Dad is dropping off a trailer of Mums stuff for me to go through, not sure how i'll go with that either to be honest.

lizzardbits 06-17-2009 02:26 PM

I am having waaaaay too much fun playing with my new smart phone. posting with it is a bit odd right now but i know i will soon get used to it. i really really need to stop playing with it and get my work done.

themi01 06-17-2009 03:51 PM

Went on an interview and waiting on ham mashed potato's and veggies tonight..... Rhiannon can I kiss you boo boo ? :kisser:

Neige 06-24-2009 12:26 PM

The weather here today is alternating between gorgeous, hot sun and driving, pouring rain. Which I wouldn't mind, except I did two loads of laundry this morning before the sky decided to have downpours every hour or so.

I was however able to get back home between clouds - very good because I took my bike to work!

I am finishing a watermelon as I type... I am pretty sure I'm gonna go buy another one.

Lilith 06-25-2009 07:16 PM

Farrah died today.

Michael died today.

My friend Lori died today and her loss will make more of an impact than the two of them combined.

Lord Snow 06-25-2009 07:48 PM

RIP for you friend Lilith.

I got some grappling gloves today.

I was disappointed that the firework stands in Murfreesboro aren't open yet.

I admit, I smiled when I heard Michael Jackson died simply because I'm tired of hearing about him on the news.

ShadowDancer 06-25-2009 08:09 PM

I'm watching the CNN coverage of Jackson's death

I've got Jackson's song "Thriller" running through my head now

I'm playing World of Warcraft with my hubby.

Pita 06-27-2009 08:01 PM

I spent the entire day looking at contemporary furniture for our future dream home. :heartbeat

I had the most amazing scallops for dinner. :thumb:

I drank a lot of Starbucks today! :coffee:

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