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PantyFanatic 07-03-2004 06:33 AM



*BLUB* :fish:

Sharni 07-03-2004 06:36 AM

I'm laughing my ass off :D

I got introduced to the new and improved yahoo :D:D

I'm on the lookout for some yahoo victims :D

Summer 07-03-2004 08:42 AM

Listening to some 80's bands

About to go to the Home Depot for the Kids Workshop

Trying to put on my shoes and type at the sametime! lol

Lilith 07-03-2004 09:05 AM

I too am going to the hardware store to terrorize the poor handymen ;)

I had fabulous make-up sex last night :D

I am thinking about picking another fight :spin:

Sharni 07-03-2004 04:33 PM

Going to buy some more plants for my garden today

Gotta clean out my avairy

Gotta water my garden

PantyFanatic 07-03-2004 04:49 PM

Thinking where Sharni can get a FLOOD for her garden. :rolleyes:

Wondering if Summer & Lilith can build an ark?

Wondering if Sharni's bird has brought a twig back to the avairy yet?

osuche 07-03-2004 04:54 PM

1. Slept in until 10 am -- my body is confused and is still somewhat on European time. YES, I know that's 4 pm in Europe -- but I didn't go to bed until 7 am equivalent!! (after 22 hours travel back from Switzerland)

2. Spent the day doing nothing much at all -- reading, painting my toenails, filling out expense reports, paying bills -- and then I went to the gym for a great 2 hour sweat-a-thon. I MUST get back in shape!!!! (travel sucks)

3. Heading for dinner at a friend's house tonight -- and I got their baby the most adorable present. :D

Sharni 07-03-2004 04:56 PM

Laughing at PF

I NEED to play with yahoo again *hint hint*

Gotta wash the car too....need to find its original colour :D

celticangel 07-04-2004 02:34 PM

1) Having fun at pixies!
2) Glasgow to John O Groats is a looooooooooooonnng bike ride!
3) Broken hearts have an amazing ability to heal~~almost completly!

darogle 07-04-2004 02:58 PM

1) Worked out this morning...a little too hard, my legs are a burnin' right now

2) I overslept for work, which still has me frazzled trying to get back in synch.

3) I am hoping my fellow Yanks have a WONDERFUL 4th of July!! God Bless America!

celticangel 07-05-2004 11:51 AM

1) Managed to catch up with some friends today
2) Have drunk way to many cans of diet cola!
3) Bought myself two bunches of carnations

IAKaraokeGirl 07-05-2004 01:55 PM

1. Glad to see her ^^^^.

2. Had a very soul-baring conversation today.

3. I gave myself a black eye. :rolleyes:

IAKaraokeGirl 07-09-2004 12:52 PM

1. I can't wait until some of this stress eventually goes away.

2. I hope to have a quiet weekend, spent mostly in kleclere's arms.

3. I am totally, hopelessly, and completely in love...and the best part is that he feels the same way.

Lilith 07-09-2004 02:57 PM

1) I am going to get through this apparently, despite my previous notion.

2) I have the best friends, at the best site, on the entire fucking web. I am sure of that.

3) I need someone to pull my hair, slap me around, and fuck me back to my senses.

imaginewithme 07-09-2004 03:01 PM

1. Feeling lonely today.
2. Want to stop being sad so badly
3. Tried to stay busy today while alone, but as you see, I didn't work.

rabbit 07-11-2004 07:52 AM

1) Gotta cut the grass today...man, I hate doing it.

2) Gotta pack for a business trip to Washington DC. ... a trip I do not want to take.

3) Anxious about getting a new boss this week...wondering how things will go.

celticangel 07-11-2004 10:57 AM

1) Have just finished my 2 weeks of night shift
2) Feel really disorinatated
3) Spent time in my lovers arms(but was asleep and snorning!)

lexi 07-11-2004 07:33 PM

1 - Picked 2 red tomatoes today.

2 - Took the kids to the pool.

3 - Only cried once today.

LarryL 07-11-2004 08:15 PM

1. Feelings denied when eight years old still live exactly the same at 52.
2. Still, the greatest regret is not what has failed but what was left undone.
3. The human being is an incredible creature. It continues to exist with a broken heart, a shattered ego, debilitating depression, indecision, fear, confusion, and, although absolutely empty inside, the damn thing still walks and talks and shits when stuffed.

Steph 07-11-2004 08:26 PM

1. Understanding the man above.
2. Knowing this community is accepting and always helpful.
3. Knowing that sharing helps a lot.

jennaflower 07-11-2004 08:30 PM

1. Read LarryL's above post thinking that those 3 lines are very profound.

2. Still questioning my core beliefs.

3. Coming to the realization that my TWO lives (both online and everyday life) need to be intertwined... so I am sharing my life here with those who I care about (my best friend and extended friends). I have no desire to hide my friendships that I have here.

Lilith 07-11-2004 08:50 PM

1) Spent time talking with her^^^ and just sharing helps so much.

2) May have lost it briefly today but now I can see how every single word spoken or unspoken sends ripples and some times the smallest ripple can capsize someone.

3) Gonna try to read some kid's chapter books to get ready for next semester.

Steph 07-12-2004 10:58 AM

1. Day off spent reading, watching movies.
2. Two more days at work this week then off for two weeks.
3. Editing and fixing my resume again.

celticangel 07-12-2004 04:49 PM

1) Missing my kids
2)Missing my mum
3)needing a hug~~~~~till they get back from Canada!

huntersgirl 07-13-2004 12:23 PM

1. Walked to do my errands today! ( I just love being able to do that!)

2. Since I was walking figured I could stop for FF and a sandwich at the local pizza/sub joint.(Guess I'll have to walk again later and maybe grab an ice cream LOL)

3. Unpacking sucks!!!!! I can't figure out what to do with anything!

IAKaraokeGirl 07-13-2004 12:44 PM

1. I'm on Day 2 of a migraine, we've got a heat index of 110, and I don't want to be here at work today.

2. I finished something up and delivered it at lunchtime for kleclere that I hope will help him.

3. Did I mention it's HOT and HUMID?

rabbit 07-14-2004 02:24 PM

1) It is pouring rain outside today and I am bumming 'cause of it.

2) I just love being a man!

3) I am looking forward to a 3 day weekend!!!!

Pita 07-14-2004 04:11 PM

1. I didn't hear from him at all today!

2. A woman I have watched since I was 13 died on my soap.

3. There are city workers outside my house making my dog bark!!!!!

Diver Down 07-14-2004 04:46 PM

I am starting 9 days of vacation today

I am tired from finishing up a 13 hour night shift, but cant go to bed because I have to switch back to days for vacation

Dealing with grumpy customers is the hardest part of trying to run a business (especially when you are tired and grumpy yuorself).

Ms.Evil 07-14-2004 05:03 PM

I still live in California.

I'm working on writing a novel.

I missed this place.

Aqua 07-14-2004 05:26 PM

I have a sore neck.

I am thankful for another day that I get to talk to someone very special to me.

I haven't cried today... at least not yet.

dicksbro 07-15-2004 03:26 AM

1. Woke up early
2. Have a long drive ahead of me a bit later
3. Looking forward to my daughter's wedding

IAKaraokeGirl 07-15-2004 07:42 AM

1. Kleclere's kids arrived last night for a month's stay or so. We're pretty excited about having them with us.

2. I need to order my daughter's birthday cake today or it's going to be quite the party Saturday at the bowling alley without one. :rolleyes:

3. I hope that (maybe) we'll like the house we're hoping to look at tonight. Extra space would be good!

Steph 07-15-2004 09:59 AM

1. Great time last night at a coworker's going away party. I love smoking up with the boss!
2. Hoping for the same at the office party today.
3. Hoping the weather is nicer for my time off.

celticangel 07-15-2004 10:00 AM

1) I have to go to the doctors for a check up today
2) I only have to wait about 39hrs till the kids and my mum get home!!
3) I feel content and happy!

rabbit 07-15-2004 12:33 PM

1) I need to catch a plane home this afternoon...man am I ready.

2) I had to make a business presentation today in front of 20 people...just my luck that a real hottie would be sitting up front, wearing a tight sweater, nips just poking forth....dammit. :p

3) I am just so fucking horny/needy right now...did I say I cannot wait to get home? ;)

Steph 07-17-2004 12:49 PM

(Woohoo, rabbit runs home ~ John Updike anyone? :) )

~the weather is improving
~plants are growing
~children are singing

~~a good day in the 'hood

rabbit 07-17-2004 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by Steph
(Woohoo, rabbit runs home ~ John Updike anyone? :) )


Good one, Steph!


rabbit 07-17-2004 02:36 PM

Oh, almost forgot....

1) I had a splitting headache this morning...feeling better now.

2) Received an e-mail from a friend today that I really enjoyed.

3) Got back from playing golf about an hour ago...I didn't play well. :mad:

krzykrn 07-19-2004 12:47 AM

1) I made oven roasted chicken breast with homemade mango salsa, jasmine rice with scallions and oven roasted tomatoes with parmesan aregeano cheese...it was heaven

2) Never thought I would complain about having too much food in my fridge (since that never happens, starving art student). Leftover pasta, andouille sausage, shrimp and chicken ready for jambalaya, fresh produce and fruit (the gods were good to me this week for once), I am in shock.

3) Found out about someone's passing today (as I have not visited in ages)...I didn't want to bump up the thread and put fresh salt in healing wounds so I thought I would put thoughts here: I did not know the man, but I know many were friends with him, and he had an impact on this online community. To have someone suddenly vanish leaves a void in people's lives and their hearts that seems like it will never heal...never to talk with the person, never to hear them laugh or cry...never never never, the one word that rings in your head...but...leaves change...people die...but true love is forever. Remember that you loved him, and he will always live on. Be at peace STO.

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