49F with clear skies as of 2:21am (Sat). Wind 4mph; barometer 30.16in; humidity 90% and the dew point is at 45F. Forecast for today: high 75F with sunny skies and a low of 49F (current). Chance of rain 1%; humidity will drop to around 34%; UV Index at 5 (mod) and max winds of 7mph expected.
51F with clear skies as of 2:35am (Sun). Wind 7mph; barometer 30.24in; humidity 77% and the dew point is at 44F. Expected high 75F with sunny skies and a low of 48F. Chance of rain 1%; humidity will drop to around 40%; UV Index 5 (mod); and max winds of 8mph expected.
52F with clear skies as of 12:17am (Mon). Wind 7mph; barometer 30.33in; humidity 84% and the dew point is at 46F. Forecast for Monday, high: 74F with sunny skies and a low of 41F. Chance of rain 1%; humidity will fall to 26%; UV Index 5 (mod) and max winds of 6mph expected.
45F with clear skies as of 1:57am (Tues). Wind 6mph; barometer 30.26in; humidity 73% and the dew point is at 41F. Forecast for today: high 76F with sunny skies and a low of 43F (3am). Chance of rain 0%; humidity will drop to 23%; UV Index 5 (mod); and max wind of 5mph expected.
47F with clear skies as of 1:44am. Wind 2mph; barometer 30.13in; humidity 71% and the dew point is at 41F. Forecast high for today 78F with partly sunny skies and a low of 47F (Current). Chance of rain 13%; humidity will drop to 25%; UV Index 4 (mod); and max winds of 8mph expected.
Looks like we're nearing the end of our nice weather. Today's high will be 75F with light rain and a low of 42F. Currently it's 57 but likely to drop before daybreak. Wind is 2mph; barometer is at 30.04in; humidity 87% and the dew point is at 46F. Rain expected around 5pm. Chance of rain 41%; humidity will drop to around 44%; UV Index 4 (mod) and max wind of 13mph expected.
47F with clear skies as of 2:34am. Wind 3mph; barometer 30.13in; humidity 83% and the dew point is at 43F. Forecast for today (Mon): High of 77F with sunny skies and a low of 47F (Current). Chance of rain 1%; humidity will drop to 28%; UV Index 4 (mod) and max winds of 7mph expected.
54F with clear skies as of 2:18am (Tue). Wind 7mph; barometer 30.09in; humidity 75% and the dew point is at 45F. Forecast is a high of 66F with rain showers and a low of 54 (Current). Chance of rain 86%; humidity 76%; UV Index 2 (low); and max winds of 14mph expected.
61F with rain as of 12:40am (Wed). Wind 15mph; barometer 29.90in; humidity 91% and the dew point is at 57F. Forecast high today 66F with rain showers and a low of 41F. Chance of rain 77%; humidity will fall to 43%; UV Index 2 (low) and max winds of 13mph (2mph less than current) expected.
Currently 40F/4.4C, with moderate fog. Later on, clouds. The relative humidity is 96%, with the dew point reported at an utterly impossible 43F/6.1C, and winds up to 10mph/16kph. No rain expected until after sundown. The pollen count is "High" for ragweed, and the air quality is "good." The high temperature today, 71F/21.7C.
Good to see you back! Missed not seeing your posts.
Anyway, currently 43F with clear skies. Wind 7mph; barometer 29.82in; humidity 82% and the dew point is at 37. Forecast for today: high of 58F with partly sunny skies and a low of 32F. Chance of rain 5%; humidity will drop to 23%; UV Index 3 (mod) and max winds of 19F expected. |
37F with cloudy skies and a possible freeze warning. Wind 4mph; barometer 29.79in; humidity 82% and the dew point is at 30F. Forecast for today: High 62 with light rain; and a low of 33F. The hourly forcast actually shows around 7am te temperature might reach 32F. The likely time for light rain maybe around 6-8pm this evening. Chance of precipiation 54%; humidity will fall to around 24%; the UV Index will be around 4 (mod) and max winds of 15mph can be expected.
43F with clear skies as of 4:04am (Sun). Wind 2mph; barometer 29.98in; humidity 80% and the dew point is at 37F. Forecast for today: High 60F with partly sunny skies; a low of 31 (with Freeze Watch). Chance or rain 1%; humidity will drop to 34%; UV Index 4 (mod) and max winds of 14mph expected.
Currently 37F/2.8C. Clear skies at the moment, but mostly a mix of clouds and sun today. The dew point is 28F/-2.2C, with a relative humidity is 68%. Winds up to 10mph/16kph. No rain expected today. The pollen count is "moderate" for ragweed, and the air quality is "good." The high temperature today, 55F/12.8C.
54F with clear skies as of 5:14am (Sat). Win7878d 8mph; barometer 29.74in; humidity humidity 78% and the dew point is at 46. Forecast for today a high of 81F with sunny skies and a low of 53F. Chance of rain 1%; humidity will drop to 41%; UV Index 4 (mod) and max winds of 16mph expected.
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