The current temperature is 67F/19.4C. Partly cloudy skies today. The relative humidity is 85%, with the dew point at 64F/17.8C, and winds up to 15mph/24kph. Overall, maybe a 5% chance of rain today. The pollen count is worse, at "high," for ragweed, and the air quality has improved to "good."The high temperature today should be 83F/28.3C.
74F with clear skies as of 5:17am. Wind 6mph; barometer 29.83in; humidity 76% and the dewpoint is at 64F. Forecast for today: High of 87F with T-storms and a low of 54 tonight. Thunderstorms expected to begin around 6pm. Chance of rain 45%; humidity will fall to around 54%; UV Index 6 (high) and max winds of 12mph expected.
The current temperature is 59F/15C; it's overall getting a little cooler as we head into Autumn. Clear skies now, maybe a few passing clouds, maybe even a few more towards sundown. The dew point is 57F/13.9C, the relative humidity is 93%, and the winds are up to 10mph/16kph. No rain expected during the daytime, though there is a 15% possibility after dark. The pollen count is "high" for ragweed, and the air quality is "good." The high temperature should reach 86F/30C.
60F with clear skies as of 3:06am; Wind 10mph; barometer 30.07; humidity 61%; dewpoint at 47F. Chance of rain 1%; humidity 40%; UV Index 6 (high) and max winds of 12mph expected.
Currently 68F/20C. Only partly cloudy right now, but increasing clouds throughout the day. The dew point is 65F/18.3C, the relative humidity is 81%, and the winds today are up to 25mph/40kph. Rain and possible thunderstorms after 10:00 am. The pollen count for ragweed is still "high", and the air quality is still "good." Today's high temperature, 78F/25.6C.
46F with clear skies as of 3:58am (Fri). Wind 3mph; barometer 30.23in; humidity 91%; and the dewpoint is at 44F. Forecast is for a high of 61F with cloudy skies and a low of 47F (we beat that now). Chance of rain 26%; humidity will drop to around 54%; UV Index 2 (lo2) and max winds of 8mph expected.
51F with cloudy skies as of 1:51am (Sat). Wind 8mph; barometer 30.01in; humidity 91% and the dew point is at 48F. Forecast for today high of 79F with partly sunny skies and a low of 51F (current temp). Chance of rain 9%; humidity will drop to 40%; UV Index 5 (mod) and max winds of 14mph expected.
Here, currently it's 63F/17.2C. Mostly clear skies today. The relative humidity is 46%, with the dew point at 43F/6.1C, and winds light and variable. No rain expected today. The pollen count is "Low," for ragweed, and the air quality is "good." On this first full day of autumn, the high temperature should reach 71F/21.7C.
62F with clear skies as of 4:11am (Sun). Wind 8mph; Barometer 29.82in; humidity 61% and the dew point is at 49F. Forecast is for a high of 74F with partly sunny skies; and a low of 50F. Chance of rain 1%; humidity will drop to around 36%; UV Index 5 (mod) and mas winds of 18mph expected.
Right now, we have clear-ish skies and a temperature of 53F/11.7C. More clouds later on today. The dew point is 46F/7.8C, with the relative humidity at 72%, and winds up to 15mph/25kph. No rain expected today, though. The pollen count is "high" for ragweed, and the air quality today is "good." The high temperature today should reach only 70F/21.1C.
We have a first Frost Advisory for this morning from between 12am and 8am this morning. Current temperature is 44F with clear skies as of 12:38am. Wind 4mph; barometer 30.33in; humidity 72% and the dew point is at 36F. Forecast is for a high of 64F with sunny skies and a low of 40F. Chance of rain 1%; humidity will drop to 39%; UV Index 5 (mod) and max winds of 8mph expected.
Right now, it's 42F/5.6C. Mostly clear skies, with few clouds. The relative humidity is 84%, the dew point is also somehow listed as 42F/5.6C, but the online calculator here: says the dew point should be 37F/2.8C, which is more believable. Winds are up to 10mph/16kph today. The ragweed pollen count is "high" and the air quality is "good." Today's high temperature is 68F/20C.
42F with clear skies as of 3:04am (Thur). Feels like 40F. Wind 3mph; barometer 30.49in; humidity 94% and the dew point is at 40F. Forecast for today: High 68 with sunny skies; low of 40F; chance of rain 1%; humidity will drop to around 36%; UV Index 5 (mod) and max winds of 6mph expected.
51F/10.6C right now. Clear skies, with some clouds moving in later today. The dew point is 47F/8.3C, the relative humidity is 86%, and the winds are blowing up to 15mph/24kph. No rain expected today. The ragweed pollen count is "high" and the air quality is still "good." The high today should reach 68F/20C.
46F with clear skies as of 1:42am. Feels like 44F with 5mph winds; barometer at 30.30in; humidity at 85% and the Dew Point at 42F. Forecast is for a high of 72F with sunny skies and a low of 47F (1 degree higher than the current). Chance of rain 1%; humidity will drop to 34%; UV Index 5 (mod) and max wind of 6mph.
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