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dicksbro 05-21-2008 05:26 PM

Bought some marigolds this morning
Got them planted after I got home
Purchased a couple of bike tires for my sons bicycle (still have to put them on)

osuche 05-21-2008 06:18 PM

I worked from home today, and I caught up with friends

I have a meeting tonight at the courthouse

We sign our lease tonight

Lilith 05-21-2008 07:08 PM

I surprised my Lost Boys when I did the "Jump On It" dance and the "Soulja Boy"

I got to talk to WI, who has been very busy lately.

My gifted, Less Than Honorable #1 Son has mostly Ds and Fs this 9weeks

grl2naughty 05-21-2008 10:03 PM

1.) Finally got my job down and my boss appreciates me and what I have accomplished.

2.) I just celebrated my 2nd wedding anniversary. I am looking forward to many more years with him.

3.) Feeling alittle tired from a fast trip to Arkansas for my grandmothers funeral and then right back to work, for over a 40 week.

BamaKyttn 05-22-2008 09:12 AM

I just realized I've been a member of pixies for a LONG time.

I Allowed my recent ex to control me and keep me from visiting for a majority of those years.

I'm absolutely thrilled to be back.

Fangtasia 05-22-2008 10:01 PM

I'm not feeling well

I cried a lot yesterday

I'm going to be crying a lot more i think

dicksbro 05-23-2008 08:01 AM

^^^^ Consider yourself hugged, OrliFanatic.


Got to get a haircut this morning.
Finished a calendar for a newsletter.
Going to see Indiana Jones at noon.

Irezumi Kiss 05-23-2008 06:41 PM

Hang in there, Orli. :rose:


Still feeling a wee bit faded from this past Wednesday night's drunk.

There is a birthday party for a friend of mine at a bar tonight, but I think I'll pass on it. I've seriously had enough happy drinking for now until this coming Memorial Day. Things that need doing just don't get done when I get "happy."

I need to do laundry and buy new groceries like yesterday!

Pita 05-24-2008 06:50 AM

Taking the kid to the airport for her summer fun with her dad.
Going to IKEA
Have loud noisy sex, since kid is gone!! :D

Lilith 05-25-2008 07:39 PM

I had wild monkey sex til 3 am :D

I went with my fave men to go see Indiana Jones and then jewelry shopped.

I heard from Aqua today :)

osuche 05-26-2008 01:12 AM

Also went to Ikea and bought a cool new center island

Went sailing and almost conquered my fear of capsizing

Went to a really cool grad party at a tapas place

Irezumi Kiss 05-26-2008 05:36 PM

This Memorial Day, like all holidays, is very blah for me. Sometimes it bites having to make money for other people in order to survive. I hope they're enjoying themselves today.

I'm in desperate need of a makeover. Mental and physical. I'm not exactly where I wanted to be right now when I planned this year at its start and I'm wondering where I swerved off the road.

I shouldn't indulge in some of my vices later tonight, but I think I'll end up doing some, just because it's blah and I'm in that "fuck it" mood.

Neige 05-26-2008 06:20 PM

I have a gorgeous apartment in the Vieux Québec, all to myself!!!!! What luxury!!!!!!!

I don't think anyone's ever even cooked in the kitchen of this apartment.

I have a huge bag of cherries to eat after supper - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I love cherries! :D

Rhiannon 05-26-2008 07:27 PM

i have been relaxing most of the weekend. ahhh.. ok i folded some danties laundry today damn i could have used PF help lol

family went out to breakfast together.

i am tired of being out of work but really need to let the back be better and wait for visit to nuerologist

osuche 05-27-2008 10:46 PM

I am going through the evil 30-something transition

I have a lot of love in my life

Some days I hate my (new) job. Same shit, different company

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