67F with mostly cloudy skies as of 2:28am (Fri 9/2). Barometer 30.01in; humidity 92% and the dew point is at 63F. Forecast for today: high of 85F with partly sunny skies and a low of 64 tonight. Chance of rain 2%; humidity will drop to 46%; UV Index 6 (high) and max winds of 10mph expected.
Right now, it's 71F/21.7C. Clear skies, with a dew point of 57F/13.9C, a relative humidity of 57%, and winds up to 10mph/16kph. The pollen count is still "Low," for ragweed, and the air quality is "good." No rain expected today. The high temperature should reach 86F/30C.
Current temperature 77F/25C. Mostly cloudy skies, generally all day. The relative humidity is 76%, with a dew point of 70F/21.1C, and winds light and variable. Maybe a 10% chance of rain today. The pollen count is "moderate," for ragweed, and the air quality is "good." Today's high temperature, 86F/30C. In Florida, for today's attempted launch: Currently 84F/28.9C, dew point at 77F/25C, winds up to 10mph/16kph, a 15% chance of rain, and partly cloudy skies. The weather should not interfere with the launch. |
69F with cloudy skies as of 3:02am. Feels like 69F, too. Wind 4mph; barometer 30.06in; humidity 95%; and the dew point stands at 67F. Forecast high for today 75F with rain showers and a low of 68F. From the "hourly" chart should be raining within the hour and last until about 8pm tonight. Looked at the map and it looks like the rain may be passing south and moving east. Only gives a prediction for short part of the day and so maybe things will change. Who knows?
Overall the prediction is a 73% chance of rain; humidity dropping to around 75%; UV Index 4 (mod) and max winds of 9mph expected. |
Right now, it's 84F/28.9C outside. Clear skies, with a relative humidity of 69%, a dew point of 69F/20.6C, and winds up to 10mph/16kph. The overall chance of rain today is about 10%. There is no measurable pollen in the air, and the air quality is "good." The high temperature today should reach 88F/31.1C.
64F with cloudy skies as of 4:14am (Tue). Wind 4mph; barometer 30.06in; humidity 96% and the dew point stands at 63F. Forecast for today: High of 83F with light rain and a low of 64F (Curr Temp). Chance of rain: 13%; humidity will drop to 54%; UV Index 6 (high) and max winds of 6mph expected.
66F with clear skies as of 1:10am (Wed). Feels like 66F, too. Wind 4mph; barometer 30.14in; humidity 87%; and the dew point is at 62F. Forecast for today: High 82F with sunny skies and a low of 60F. Chance of rain 1%; humidity will drop to around 43%; UV Indes 7 (high) and max winds of 9mph expected.
Right now, its 68F/20C. Heavy overcast and occasional rain. The dew point is um...68F/20C, with a relative humidity of 99%, and winds of up to 10mph/16kph. The rain is likely to continue until noon. The pollen count is "low," for ragweed, and the air quality is "good." Today's high is supposed to reach 73F/22.8C.
59F with clear skies as of 2:21am (Thur). Wind 2mph; barometer 30.06; humidity 92% and the dew point is at 59F. Forecast high 84F with sunny skies and a low of 58F (about 4am). Chance of rain 1%; humidity will drop to around 40%; UV Index 6 (high) and max winds of 6mph expected.
Currently 65F/18.3C with overcast skies. The dew point is 64F/17.8C, with a relative humidity of 92%, and winds up to 10mph/16kph. Overall, though, there's only about a 5% chance of rain today. The pollen count has worsened to "moderate," for ragweed, and the air quality remains in the "good" range. Today's high temperature, 78F/25.6C.
60F with clear skies as of 2:48am. Feels like 60F with 3mph wind; barometer at 29.89in; humidity at 96% and the dew point at 58F. Forecast for today: High of 84F with sunny skies and a low of 60F (Current temp). Chance of rain 1%; humidity will drop to around 43%; UV Index 6 (high) and max winds of 9mph expected.
Current temperature is 73F/22.8C. Clear skies, with a dew point of 64F/17.8C, a relative humidity of 71%, and winds up to 10mph/16kph. No rain is expected today. Once again, we have ragweed pollen in the air, at the "moderate" level, and the air quality is "good." The high temperature today should reach 81F/27.2C.
Currently, it's 70F/21.1C. Light overcast to "only" mostly cloudy. The dew point is 64F/17.8C, the relative humidity is 77%, and the winds are light and variable. Overall, there's only about a 5-50% chance of rain. The pollen count & air quality are both "moderate." Today's high, 79F/26.1C.
63F with cloudy skies as of 3:55am. Feels like 64F with 6mph wind; barometer at 29.95in; Humidity 95% and the dew point 62F. Forecast is for a high of 67F and a low of 54F with rain showers likely beginning about 4am continuing til around 3pm this afternoon. Chance of rain 90%; humidity will drop to around 63%; UV Index 3 (mod) and max winds of 13mph expected.
Currently 72F/22.2C, overcast and rainy. Rain continuing for probably another half hour, then maybe scattered thunderstorms after dark. The pollen count is now "high" for ragweed, and the air quality is "good." The high temperature today is likely to be 78F/25.6C.
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