The current temperature is 73F/22.8C. Partly cloudy, likely heavier cloud cover later. The dew point is 72F/22.2C, the relative humidity is 94%, and the winds are up to 10mph/16kph. Overall, there's a 40% chance of rain today, with some small hail also possible. The pollen count is "moderate" for grass, and the air quality is "good." Today's high, 89F/31.7C.
67F with clear skies as of 11pm (Thur). Wind 5mph; barometer 30.00in; humidity 77% and the dew point is at 59F.
Forecast for today (Fri): High 81F with partly sunny skies and a low of 59F. Chance of rain 2%; humidity will fall to around 43%; UV Index 7 (high) and Max Wind 10mph expected. |
Cooler and rainier than yesterday. The current temperature is 73F/22.8C. The relative humidity is 89%, with a dew point of 70F/21.1C, and winds light & variable. Overall the chance of rain is 90%. The pollen count has dropped to "Low" for grass, and the air quality is "good." The high today is supposed to reach 82F/27.8C.
And today seems to be mostly seasonal. The current temperature is 82F/27.8C, with mixed clouds and sun. The relative humidity is 48%, with the dew point at 61F/16.1C, and winds up to 10mph/16kph. There is no rain expected today. The pollen count is "moderate," still for grass and the air quality is still "good." Today's high temperature is expected to be 86F/30C.
60F with clear skies as of 5:07am. Feels like 61F with wind at 2mph; barometer 30.09in; humidity 93% and the dew point is at 60F. Forecast for Sunday is a high of 85F with partly sunny skies and a low of 60F. Chance of precipitation 5%; humidity will drop to 52%; UV Index 9 (very high) and max winds of 10mph expecded.
Right now, it's 79F/26.1C. Heavy overcast, with a relative humidity of 82%, the dew point of 67F/19.4C, and winds up to 10mph/16kph. Rain a certainty this afternoon. The pollen count is "moderate" for grass, and the air quality is "good." Today's high temperature is likely to be 83F/28.3C.
72F with light rain as of 4:14am (Mon). Feels like 72F with 7mph winds (and raining with thunder). Barometer is at 29.91in; humidity at 96% and the dew point is at 71F. Forecast is a return to the 90's :( with a high of 92F with mostly sunny skies and a low of 68F tonight. Chance or rain 28% for the day (100% right now :)); humidity will drop to 45%; UV Index at 9 (Very High) and max winds of 12mph expected.
69F/20.6C currently. Cloudy to mostly cloudy skies, with a relative humidity of 96%, the dew point at 68F/20C, and winds up to 10mph/16mph. There's a 15% chance of the occasional rainstorm. The pollen count has dropped to "low," with grass still the culprit, and the air quality is "good." Today's high is 87F/30.6C.
68F with mostly clear skies as of 2:21am (Tue). Wind 3mph; barometer 29.92in; humidity 93%; and the dew point is at 68F. Forecast for today: high 92F with rain showers and a low of 68 (current temp). Chance of rain 53%; humidity will drop to 58%; UV Index 8 (very high) and max winds of 12mph expected.
The current temperature is 72F/22.2C. Mostly cloudy skies, with a dew point of 70F/21.1C, a relative humidity of 97%, and winds of up to 15mph/24kph. Overall chance of rain today is only about 10%. The pollen count remains in the "low" range, for grass and the air quality remains in the "good" range. The high today should be 89F/31.7C.
72F with clear skies as of 1:47am (Wed). 9mph wind; barometer 29.85; humidity 93% and the dew point is at 69F. Forecast for today: High of 87F and a low of 71F with thunderstorms expected early this afternoon followed by rain showeres until around 4:30pm. Chance of rain 47%; humidity will fall to 65%; UV Index will be 6 (high) and max winds of 17mph expected.
Right now, it's 68F/20C. Clear skies, with a relative humidity of 91%, a dew point of 66F/18.9C, and winds light and variable. There is no rain expected today, the last dy before a solid week of rain is predicted. The grass pollen is still "low", and the air quality is still "good." Today's high, 92F/33.3C.
So...rain hasn't hit yet, *BUT* The current temperature is 73F/22.8C, the relative humidity is 90%, the dew point is 70F/21.1C, and the winds are ight and variable. Scattered rainstorms and thunderstorms this afternoon. Overall, there's a 45% chance of rain. The pollen count has worsened to "Moderate," for grass, and the air quality is "good." There's also a heat advisory today,as the high is supposed to be 96F/35.6C.
73F with clear skies as of 12:40am. Feels like 73F with 5mph winds; barometer at 30.03in; humidity at 925 and the dew point is at 72F. Forecast for today: High of 93F with partly sunny skies and the low is our current temperature of 73F. Chance of rain 13% and humidity will decline to 57%. UV Index 9 (very high) and max winds of 11mph expected.
The current temperature is 77F/25C. Mostly cloudy, with a dew point of 72F/22.2C, a relative humidity of 81%, and winds up to 10mph/16kph. Overall, there's only a 15% chance of rain during the daytime, rising to 40% chance near sunset. The pollen count is still "moderate," for grass, and the air quality is still "good." The high temperature today should reach 88F/31.1C
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