76F with clear skies as of 11:36pm (Tue). Wind 7mph; barometer 29.74in; humidity 87% and the dew point is at 71F. Wednesday forecast high of 88F with mostly sunny skies and a low of 67F. Chance of rain, 0%; humidity will drop to 53%; UV Index 9 (very high) and max winds of 13mph expected.
Right now, its 71F/21.7C. Clear skies, with a humidity of 93%, a dew point of 69F/20.6C. and winds up to 10mph/16kph. Overall, there's only about a 5% chance of rain. The pollen count is "moderate," for grass and the air quality is "good." The high temperature today is supposed to be 93F/33.9C.
71F with clear skies as of 2:14am (Thur). Wind 9mph; barometer 29.76in; humidity 75% and the dew point is at 62F. Forecast high for today ... 91F with mostly sunny skies and a low tonight of 64F. Chance of rain 4% with humdity dropping to around 46%. UV Index stays very high at 9 and max winds of 13mph expected.
Right now, its 76F/24.2C. Mostly clear skies, but the occasional cloud passing by. The dew point is 73F/22.8C, the relative humidity is 89%, and the winds of up to 15mph/24kph. There's only a 15% chance of a passing shower or thunderstorm. Air quality is "good," with the pollen count in the "moderate" range, still for grass. Today's high temperature, 95F/35C.
The current temperature is 82F/27.8C. Another sunny day, with a relative humidity of 67%, a dew point of 70F/21.1C, and winds up to 10mph/16kph. There's maybe a 5% chance of rain today. The pollen count is "moderate" for grass still, and the air quality is "good." Today's high, 95F/35C.
75F with clear skies as of 1:48am (Sat). Forecast for Saturday, high of 94 with Thunderstorms and a low of 75 Wind 4mph; barometer 29.93in; humidity 90% and the dew point is at 71F. Chance of rain 15%; humidity will drop to 55%; UV Index 9 (very high) and max winds of 13mph expected.
Right now, it's 87F/30.6C. Clear skies, maybe the occasional passing cloud. The relative humidity is 52%, with a dew point of 69F/20.6C, and winds light & variable. Maybe, just maybe about a 5% chance of rain today. The pollen count and air quality are unchanged ("mosterate" and "good", respectively.) Today's high temperature, 96F/35.6C.
79F with clear skies as of 5:20 AM; wind 11mph; barometer 29.83in; humidity 76% and the dew point is at 68F. Chance of rain: 51%; humidity will drop to about 60%; UV Index 5 (mod) and max winds of 12mph expected.
The current temperature is 82F/27.8C. Mostly sunny skies, some clouds now & then. The relative humidity is 61%, with a dew point of 70F/21.1C, and winds up to 10mph/16kph. Overall, there's maybe a 5% chance of rain today. The pollen count has improved to "low," for grass, and the air quality is good." The high temperature today, 98F/36.7C.
Cooler and rainier than yesterday, but the heat wave goes on. Currently, it's 76F/24.4C. Partly cloudy to complete overcast today, with the dew point at 70F/21.1C, a relative humidity of 82%, and winds up to 10mph/16kph. Overall, there's a 70% chance of thunderstorms today, with a potential for them to be severe. The pollen count is "Low" still for grass, and the air quality is now "moderate." Today's high temperature 90F/32.2C.
Maybe the heat wave will break (briefly) tomorrow, the forecast says as much. |
68F with cloudy skies as of 2:11 (Tues). Feels like 68 with 3mph winds; barometer 30.01in; humidity at 92% and the dew point is at 66F. Forecast for today a high of 80F with mostly cloudy skies and a low of 68F. Chance of rain 21%; humidity will fall to around 62%; UV Index will be at 8 (very high) and max winds of 6mph expected.
The truly horrible heat wave has broken for the while. Currently, it's 72F/22.2C, with cloudy skies. The dew point is 68F/20C, with the relative humidity of 84%, and winds light and variable. There's a 50% chance of late-morning showers, and after that, off and on rain all day. The pollen count is "moderate" for grass, and the air quality is back in the "good" range. Today's high temperature, 78F/25.6C.
70F with cloudy skies as of 11:34pm (Tue). Wind 4mph; barometer 29.94in; humidity 95% and the dew point is at 68F. Forecast for Wednesday high of 87F with rain showers possible and a low of 66F. Chance of rain 31%; humidity dropping to around 56%; UV Index 7 (high) and max winds of 10mph expected.
Currently 69F/20.6C. Mostly sunny skies but off an on rain is possible today. The elative humidity is 95%, with the dew point at 68F/20C, and winds light and variable. The overall chance of rain is approximately 45%. The pollen count and air quality are both in the "moderate" range. The high today should be around 88F/31.1C.
68F with clear skies as of 12:00am (Thur). Feels like 69F with 2mph wind and a barometer reading of 29.92in. Humidity is at 82% with a dew point of 63F. Forecast for today: High 82F with partly sunny skies and a low of 60F. Chance of rain 6%; humidity will fall to around 49%; UV Index 5 (mod) and max winds of 7mph expected.
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