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Cjack 03-16-2008 09:56 PM

I really didn't like Jack, Wild Turkey was my choice.
WWTLTY said Thank You to someone you didn't know?

dicksbro 03-17-2008 03:34 AM

Yesterday. We ordered some take out and when the lady handed me the sack, I told her, "Thank you."

WWTLT you were inside an elementary school?

Pita 03-17-2008 09:23 PM

I think it's been 5 or 6 years

WWTLT you bought a new cell phone?

Coaster 03-17-2008 10:06 PM

3-4 yrs ago

WWTLT you drank green beer?

dicksbro 03-20-2008 02:26 AM

St. Paddy's Day ... :) ... a year ago ... :(.

WWTLT you thought about oral sex?

Lilith 03-23-2008 01:24 PM

Ummm last night when I was rubbing that sensitive spot on the head of cock with my tongue

When was the last time you hunted Easter eggs?

PantyFanatic 03-23-2008 01:57 PM


WWTLT you thought about how much you love me? :D

dicksbro 03-25-2008 05:44 AM

There was a ... no ... not then ... but maybe ... nah. I can't remember.

Aw heck, we always love ya' PF ... just some in different ways than others ... :D.

WWTLT you sent a letter to someone?

rabbit 03-25-2008 07:43 PM

Yesterday, in fact!

WWTLT you used a battery powered toy on yourself or your S/O?

Fangtasia 04-13-2008 06:22 PM

Hmmmm...about a week ago

WWTLT you cried?

dicksbro 05-02-2008 04:20 AM

Not sure when the last time was that I really burst out crying, but feeling tears start to form and getting a bit choked up has happened several times at visitations for people that I considered good friends; and, sometimes even at sad moments in a movie. Just sentimental, I guess.

When was the last time you went outdoors wearing less than the neighbors would have likely thought appropriate?

Lilith 05-11-2008 05:26 PM

I went out in the darkness to get the paper in panties and a white man's tshirt in the last month.

When was the last time you danced?

PantyFanatic 05-11-2008 06:01 PM

:cool: *rolls up his right pant leg* *dusts off bicycle* *digs out his paperboy cap* *looks at map of his NEW paper route* :loveshowe

Cjack 05-24-2008 09:34 AM

Last time I had a paper route was 54 years ago.

WWTLTY had great sex?

Coaster 07-04-2008 11:56 PM

Originally Posted by Lilith
I went out in the darkness to get the paper in panties and a white man's tshirt in the last month.

When was the last time you danced?

OK... so those 2 guys got totally distracted by Lil's attire...... Oh BTW Lil.... was a black man's tshirt not available?? :spank:

It's been many years since I've danced...

And Cjack.. I had great sex this morning!

WWYLT you fondled someone while watching the fireworks?

Cjack 07-21-2008 10:23 PM

WWTLT you thought you kissed a frog?

jennaflower 07-25-2008 06:16 PM

I don't think I have kissed a frog, cuz if I had I surely would have found a prince by now! Instead, I think I have wasted my time on toads!

WWTLT you went to a Zoo?

jseal 08-03-2008 07:10 AM

At least six or seven years ago.

When was the last time you saw a play?

rabbit 09-12-2008 08:45 PM

Two months ago...Wicked.

And you?

Fangtasia 09-14-2008 01:23 AM

Hmmmmm...20 something years ago i think

WWTLT you washed your car?

dicksbro 09-15-2008 07:05 AM

About two weeks ago.

When was the last time you gave your car an oil change?

FlirtWithMe 09-15-2008 07:29 AM

Um... well it was in for a service the other day, so I assume someone else changed the oil then.. So the last time I changed the oil in my car was.... NEVER! lol (I've added oil to it before, when I was having a mechanical moment, but never done a complete oil change) :)

WWTLTY ate so much chocolate that you were ill?

Fangtasia 09-20-2008 07:33 AM

*LOL* Yesterday

WWTLTY soaked in the bath?

dicksbro 09-21-2008 04:47 AM

Since I normally shower, it's been a while ... I think one time a year or so ago when I was feeling under the weather.

WWTLT you went for a ride in the country without really having any particular destination in mind?

FlirtWithMe 09-21-2008 04:52 AM

I live in the country and every time I drive home I feel I could drive straight past and keep on going.. does that count?

WWTLT you 'lost' an x-rated picture on your computer and spent a frantic 20 minutes searching for it so as not to let it fall in the wrong hands? (yeah, I just did that :p)

Cjack 09-22-2008 12:02 AM

You didn't lose it, you sent it to me (I wish).

WWTLTY let someone take X-rated pics of you?

Coaster 09-22-2008 12:39 AM


WWTLT you got an all body massage?

Salacious 09-23-2008 07:35 PM

About 2 years ago, do you think I'm due?

WWTLTY cuddled by candlelight because the power was out?

Raphael2007 09-23-2008 07:43 PM


wwlty pinched someones ass!

FlirtWithMe 09-24-2008 02:42 AM

Can't remember exactly but I think it was the ass of my ex and knowing him he wasn't all that appreciative of it

WWTLTY wallpapered a room in your home?

dicksbro 09-24-2008 05:11 AM

I haven't. We don't have any wallpapered rooms.

WWTLTY climbed through a window?

Cjack 09-29-2008 11:43 AM

I only climbed through a window once that I can remember and that was when her husband came home early. It wouldn't have bothered me to get caught but she wanted to save her marriage. I did her again the next day.

WWTLTY ..... Voted in an election?

Cjack 10-24-2008 11:30 AM

Yesterday by mail.
WWTLTY gave oral sex?

pinkFlames 10-25-2008 06:10 AM

Licking balls only, about 8 hours ago. Full blow job, 2 nights ago.

WWTLTY had anal sex?

dicksbro 10-26-2008 06:24 PM

Never have had.

WWTLTY changed a baby's diaper?

jjack1350 10-27-2008 12:20 PM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
Never have had.

WWTLTY changed a baby's diaper?

This morning...twice!

WWTLTY....acted out a sexual fantasy for the first time?

FlirtWithMe 11-02-2008 03:36 AM

Um... I guess it was last weekend :o

WWTLTY baked your own bread?

dicksbro 11-02-2008 03:52 AM

We're going to have to do that. We have one of those bread makers, but I don't think we've made any for maybe two years ... and I love fresh-baked bread! :(

WWTLT you did a striptease for your spouse/so?

osuche 11-02-2008 08:55 PM

About 6 months ago

When was the last time you kissed for more than 1 minute in a session?

Coaster 11-02-2008 10:40 PM

A couple weeks ago... Mrs Coaster has a nagging virus....

WWTLT you said Thank You to your s/o?

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