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BlondeCurlGirl 08-14-2003 05:14 PM

1. I got my diploma in the mail today!!!! Hooray!!!! Let's see what it can do for me now!!! :p

2. I got an e-mail to do a telephone interview soon!

3. We are eating breakfast for dinner tonight!

darogle 08-14-2003 05:14 PM

1. I'm now without a car for a day or two, and going bonkers because of it...I feel your pain Sharni!

2. I have had the day off, and I've made wonderful use of it by doing a little of nothing.

3. I am really wishing I was someplace else right now.

Cheyanne 08-14-2003 08:11 PM

Love Breakfast for Dinner... :D

1) Finally done with the Back to School stuff!

2) Getting ready for a major turn of events regarding a family member

3) Feeling concerned for the people who are suffering from the power outages in the north east US and in Canada......

Lilith 08-14-2003 08:32 PM

1) coconut rum

2) orange juice

3) grenadine


gryphon 08-15-2003 04:37 AM

1) Having a better night........Thanks Karaoke

2) Lilith's post has once again hit it on the head....coconut rum...lovely stuff

3) hoping everyone has power back and all is good......

darogle 08-15-2003 04:45 AM

1. Today I said something profound.

2. Today I heard something wonderful.

3. Today I am happier than I can remember.

dicksbro 08-15-2003 05:58 AM

1. I woke up
2. I wasn't in the Obits
3. I've had my first cup of coffee

Can't be all bad :)

Steph 08-15-2003 10:26 AM

1. Toronto and Ottawa isn't doing too badly. The power is slowly coming back on but could go again at anytime. This event was one for the memory banks!
2. I can't believe how smelly a skunk on dog fur is!!!!!
3. I can't believe I've had three hours sleep.

rabbit 08-16-2003 08:33 AM

1) Gotta cut the @#$%^&* grass today...A-G-A-I-N!!!! :mad:

2) Gotta help Mrs R get the house cleaned up as we will be having out of town guests two consecutive weekends starting next week. Ugh! :rolleyes:

3) Got up early and picked up some fresh bagels for breakfast....caught 'em coming right out of the oven, too. Yummmy! :p

Cheyanne 08-16-2003 10:50 AM

1) I am very tired

2) A family member's major surgery went well..... (relief)

3) Looking out the window at the apple trees wondering what in the hell I am going to do with all of them!!!! (Any Suggestions?)

T-S 08-16-2003 01:58 PM

1. It's great to be back at Pixies
2. It's great to be back at Pixies
3. I lurve sexy women

Mercury_Maniac 08-16-2003 06:22 PM

1. I'm Tired

2. I'm Hot

3. I'm Horny!

Bopper 08-16-2003 11:11 PM

1. I'm depressed becuase I miss someone..hopefully by this time tommorrow that will have ended.

2. I've been drinking...which for lack of a better term makes me "easy" as well as horny...in my case however the chances of getting some right now is slim...so this makes me more depressed...

3. Wondering how much more I need to drink to get me over the depressed hump into the I don't give a shit zone right now...eyes a tequila bottle...

Steph 08-16-2003 11:27 PM

1. I've got a long weekend booked. Yay! Nothing special planned, just some relaxation.
2. More of my b/f's family is here! Too many visits!!!
3. Glad to hear that Cheyanne and Cobalt's family member is doing well!

Lilith 08-17-2003 01:28 PM

1) I did a good deed yesterday.

2) I found a new wine I really, really, really, really, really like from a Florida winery ( not a typical place for wine).

3) I get paroled tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

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