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danziggy 03-11-2002 05:35 AM

hey hey ive got it ive got it!!! if you want it you gotta catch me!
its all mine, MINE i say.

:D :D :D

danziggy runs and hides in cupboard under stairs *thinks no one will find me here*:p :p

Aqua 03-11-2002 10:18 AM

<Aquaman waking up from a weekend long Pixifed stupor with only the memory of a beautiful SFC dropping into his lap... >

Anybody seen the laptop??

Lilith 03-11-2002 12:04 PM

<running in........... panting> "Just taking a break from Spring Break.... finished flogging my cabana boy early so I stopped in to catch a fixxxxx...I mean meeting.....these meetings are a crucial part of our discovery.....I mean recovery. Who has that damn laptop? I have a tied up, slightly used, cabana boy to trade for it......"

Aqua 03-11-2002 12:31 PM

I'd opt for a tied up Lilith instead! ;) Man, I need a fix bad... Lilith, wanna help me cut a square out of this cardboard... we can pretend it's a monitor and take turns posing behind it... dammit, that won't work! How are we going to do a word chain thread that way... WHERE IS THAT LAPTOP!!... Alright, who's got a money?? There's a discount PC palace down the street... I'm sure we can pickup a used laptop cheap....

Lilith 03-11-2002 08:38 PM

OMG!!!!!!! I am soooooo strung out! A day without Pixies is like a day without.........well anything good at all! Got to get my fixxxxxxxxxxxx.............so close to posting... it is near orgasmic......oh yeahhhhhhh!!!!!!!

sugarfreecandy 03-11-2002 08:47 PM

*Collapsing on the floor, shaking and shuddering in relief as the long-awaited Pixtasy finally returns, flooding her veins with digitally-induced euphoria...*

Oh, thank god it's back...

Lovediva 03-11-2002 11:19 PM

"I don't need no stinking meeting....!!!!
I need more men's pics!!!!!!!!"
:D :D

Sorry for the outburst....I'll go back to the corner now...

<There is a telephone jack in the corner behind MY chair>:p

ASH 03-12-2002 12:37 AM

<<ash goes tumbling over chairs with mindboxer right on her tail, finally comes up with a plan>> yes, the cupboard under the stairs, it's the perfect hiding place. <<ash climbs in, surprised to see danziggy passed out from a pixie high, with the laptop in his hands. >> Oh, so this is where it has been. hmmm...i suppose i could stay here a little while...i'm sure everyone outside is ok...yeah, they'll be fine...they seemed pretty distracted out there. <<ash begins posting as quick as possible>> ooooohhhhhhh yyyyeeeaaahhhh!!! that's it!!!!!

danziggy 03-12-2002 01:16 AM

<<danziggy comes round from his high and sees ash with the laptop!! he goes to grab it but sees her great ass and is mesmorised by it!! Ash sees danziggy noe awake and gets up gives a quick wiggle of the hips and runs out the door!! >> *wow what a cute ass she has* he thinks to himself.....*but wait where is the laptop??????* he gets up and runs outside only to slip in the jello and pudding*

mindboxer505 03-12-2002 01:55 AM

<<jumps head first in to cupboard>>> got yu ash!! now if i can't have that laptop, ill have you(with jello of course!!)<<closes door>>heheheheh hahahaha hohohoh he he he he!!>>>darkness falls across the cupboard door as ash squeals>>care for a tickle ash???...........

jay 03-12-2002 08:51 AM

finished flogging my cabana boy I have been called alot of things in my life but nevere cabana boy lilith hey wouldn't these meetings be more productive if we installed a bunch of computers so every one could go to pixies with out the bickering and sexual favours oh wait never mind. I'll just bring my laptop and see what offers I'll get for it

Aqua 03-12-2002 09:37 AM

Ahhhhhh, after a fitful night of convulsions and twitching I am finally able to sit still and comforted... Pixies is back up and I am back to the meeting with my bargain laptop (and heading for Diva's corner!), so I can peruse new posts and compose some of my own... (Sorry I don't have any new pics Diva... how about a private viewing?? ;) )

Lilith 03-12-2002 09:44 AM

Jay~ I was hoping you wouldn't find out about the cabana boy....If you'd like I could watch your lap top while you take the ghia and run for coffee(long night) ;) ;) I promise it will be here when you return :D

legend 03-12-2002 12:03 PM

....must post....

ok....i think i'll sit in the corner with Diva now and keep her company. any suggestions as to what we can do to pass the time Diva? :D

jay 03-12-2002 02:04 PM

lilith what do you take in your coffee and what do I get to do to you in return besides getting to drive you...I mean the giha and where is that cabana girl I ordered??

iikiibuu 03-12-2002 05:02 PM

Begins to have severe withdraw symptoms from not having the lap top long enough. *Begins to find all possible means to keep his mind off of things, by pulling out a 500 piece puzzle, after a while he begins to see that the puzzle is in fact of everyone he knows from pixies. Begins to tilt backwards and forwards*

sadora 03-12-2002 07:16 PM

Why hasn't anyone told me about these meetings??

>goes to the corner and pouts for being left out

Lilith 03-12-2002 07:25 PM

Sadora~ each member must come to this self realization on their own. You can not be forced to confront the demons you wrestle with.....like me if you think you are gonna get that lap top before I do.:) In time each member will discover their true addiction and come here to where it is safe, ..... unless you slip in the pudding....When you are fully prepared to accept the fact that you too have become a Pixaholic.... we will be here for you....:D

mindboxer505 03-12-2002 09:04 PM

yeah.....anytime.....just watch out for lilith's whip.........IT'S MINE ALL MINE>>>MINE I TELL YOU!!!!!!!!!<<little to the left, lilith.....ahahahahah>>now where's that pudding covered ass.....er.....Ash....???????hehehehe

Lovediva 03-12-2002 09:27 PM

<Damn this corner is getting crowded, getting hot too...Mmm...somebody smells good...very good....wonder who it could be.....Mmmmm...Sniff, sniff, sniff..... yeah...that's men's colonge.....Mmmmmm... >

Did the meeting start yet? :confused: :D When do I get to plug in??? :D ..the laptop ...I mean... ;) :D

bottloboy 03-12-2002 10:21 PM

walks back in too meeting licking lips
i just got back from dancing in the moonlight and i heard the laughter... may i join in (sits down and waits til the laptop is free)

*pulls out wap mobile... * know i am sure i can use this... ... ohhh it it's working....*.... i like.... *starts to dance again as he hears the sounds of pixieholics moving to there own beats*

*akes out bottle of davidoff's cool water* is this the one diva??

it's okay sadora can i help you get through this??

ASH 03-13-2002 12:33 AM

oh, fun, a puzzle!!! <<ash slowly walks towards iikiibuu, careful not to frighten him off>> hey boy, what's up, mind if i help <<iikiibuu continues rocking>> alright.....maybe some other time <<she then hears mindboxer calling for her>> i'm over here. hey, mindboxer, do you think we should do something about iikiibuu. "ah, fuck him", responds mindboxer. you know, that could be just what it takes to fix him. <<ash begins to work on iikiibuu to get him out of his catatonic state as mindboxer contemplates joining in>>

mindboxer505 03-13-2002 12:39 AM

<<steps behind ash>>got a puzzle pices for you to fit in right here ash.....can i lick the pudding off your butt first???? iikiibuu is working something over.....cant respond right now......shall we go back to the closet?????wait and snatch that laptop from aquaman .hehehe come here my sweet........<<pulls her to the closet>> we'll just wait our turn on irish's soapbox.........

danziggy 03-13-2002 12:49 AM

<<danziggy gets up all covered in pudding and thinks i'm gonna go sit in the crowded corner and get some company>> hey diva the smell is everyone covered in pudding......you wanna have a taste???? <<danziggy slumps in the corner rocking saying * must post must post*>>

Glyndwr 03-13-2002 07:35 PM

~strolling in green eyes flashing around the room, making a mental note of all the slumped figures~

I've just seen an article in the On-line Medical Journal that a regular visit to pixies, as long as it's not excessive, can be good for you. Apparently it increases the heart rate and boosts the production of red blood cells. The deep breathing also has a beneficial aerobic reaction on the lungs. I'm allowed 30 minutes of pixies a day............I'm now on 26 October 2003

Lilith 03-13-2002 07:59 PM

Pixaholic hangovers can be dangerous. I should get help.... Is there a doctor in the house? If not maybe someone wants to play doctor?

Glyndwr 03-13-2002 08:03 PM

Trust me...I'M a doctor ;)

Lilith 03-13-2002 08:05 PM

Doctor Glyndwr I presume....:D

Glyndwr 03-13-2002 08:09 PM

~smiling kindly and looking attentive~

Tell me....where does it hurt?

Lilith 03-13-2002 08:14 PM

oh Doctor!
I had to go a whole 5 hours without a fix today! I am absolutely quivering with anticipation. Hey I thought you docs used stethoscopes to hear the heart. I am not sure your tongue will work....... ohhhhhhhhh never mind it is definitely working.....

Glyndwr 03-13-2002 08:18 PM

Did I not mention I practice alternative medicine, my tongue can pick up on your hearts beats through the sensitive areas on your breasts....now if you'll just bend over I need to take your temperature

Lilith 03-13-2002 08:21 PM

ROTFL~ I assure you I am over heated.... I will just wander over to the schnapps fountain to cool off......

Glyndwr 03-13-2002 08:24 PM

~standing with my thermometer out - red faced~

I bet George Clooney never has this trouble

Lilith 03-13-2002 08:27 PM

Let me assure you Mr. Clooney ... has nothing on the good Dr. Glyndwr. What is your perscription to cure this problem of Pixaholism?

Glyndwr 03-13-2002 08:30 PM

I'm still working on the cure at the moment, but if I found it would anyone want it?

Lilith 03-13-2002 08:32 PM

"if there's a cure for this I don't want it ..I'll run from it".....she sings>>>off key<<<<<

Glyndwr 03-13-2002 08:34 PM

You can run but you can't hide. They'd find you some how ~paranoically looking over my shoulder~

Lilith 03-13-2002 08:39 PM

Do I need to get Mindboxers little white coat for you? Hmmmm... then your hands would be tied .... ooooooo! Do I go for the laptop or torture you while you are helpless? The temptations..... decisions decisions......

Glyndwr 03-13-2002 08:40 PM

!!em erutrot, em erutroT

Lilith 03-13-2002 08:44 PM

OH God! We may need an exorcist not a doctor Glyndwr is speaking in tongues! A very talented tongue at that!

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