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BamaKyttn 11-25-2008 10:59 PM

Via speakeasy

my download speed is 465 kbps and upload is 89 kbps

Booger 11-25-2008 11:31 PM

Poor Bama your down is slower then my up speed Download 4934kbps upload 492kbps.

BamaKyttn 11-26-2008 12:03 AM

yeah its amazing i can even get into irc...oh wait I cant tonight

Booger 11-26-2008 12:05 AM

You should be able to if you have the new settings or if you use the link at the top of the page.

BamaKyttn 11-26-2008 12:13 AM

new settings? since i swapped to ubuntu i havnt been able to use the link thingie

Capoc 12-01-2008 02:15 AM

Time to add my input.

71 Feral Druid, Feathermoon sever
and 73 Deathknight, Feathermoon.

Lord Snow 12-01-2008 09:41 AM

Well, I hit 73 on my shaman a few days ago. Found out that I can heal a level 77 dungeon if I'm grouped with a few of my friends that play. So far I love the way the dungeons are set up. They're short, a challenge, look good.......actually have healing gear. According to my tankadin, howling fjord is where all the spell power gear is and I'm questing on the other side of the continent where all the physical dps gear is.

Capoc 12-02-2008 02:59 AM

Originally Posted by Lord Snow
Well, I hit 73 on my shaman a few days ago. Found out that I can heal a level 77 dungeon if I'm grouped with a few of my friends that play. So far I love the way the dungeons are set up. They're short, a challenge, look good.......actually have healing gear. According to my tankadin, howling fjord is where all the spell power gear is and I'm questing on the other side of the continent where all the physical dps gear is.

Yup, howling fjord is for pally/shaman/casters.

Melee is all in Borean

Lord Snow 12-02-2008 12:22 PM

Kind of sucks that they did it that way. Especially since the taunkas and the walrus guys are the leather working people and they're the ones in Borean tundra. At least, I don't think there are any factions in Howling Fjord that supply uber leather working patterns.

ShadowDancer 12-02-2008 05:37 PM

we (me and mr SD) have been playing a trial version of WoW the past couple of days online. Our only prob is, we keep getting kicked off the server!

Lord Snow 12-02-2008 11:23 PM

What server are yo on? So of them aren't that stable because they're new and others are over crowded so you might accidentally get bumped. It could also be your internet. When I'm at home on my laptop I don't get kicked at all. Over at my friend's house I get bumped several times. Mostly it's because my friend's router doesn't like vista and hates vista through wireless which is what I go through.

ShadowDancer 12-18-2008 10:41 PM

we're on the Moonrunner server...

Jude30 01-07-2009 12:42 AM

I'm back!

Warhammer just couldn't hold my interest. If you like PvP then Warhammer is awesome, and I loved it for the first six weeks or so. The PvE wasn't a lot of fun, and while I really liked the PvP, it got to be a bit of a grind and I saw the same people on both sides a hell of a lot.

Got WotLK tonight and I'm half way through 70 already. I'm probably "rested" till half way through 72 though so leveling will be quick. I'm liking the quests so far.

Lord Snow 01-07-2009 01:37 PM

I'm most of the way through 74 myself. My real life best friends are already 80 and doing heroics. I don't play after work and for the past week or so I've had a more important person to do. (wink wink nudge nudge.)

Lost 01-07-2009 09:56 PM

been 80 for a few weeks, have run most all the dungeons cept UP.. ran half of em on heroic,, still workin on quest :)

yeah, on vacation in florida with my computer and still playing now and then, lol

ShadowDancer 01-08-2009 05:10 AM

we don't play anywhere near as much as my best friend and her husband...a couple of her hubby's characters are upwards of 70...she just got her own accnt and is back down under 20, but is fast working on that (she's a stay-at-home-mom & has the time)...me, i'm a paltry lvl 20 and hubby has hit over 30 and ecstatic that he was finally able to get a mount so he didn't have to walk every damned where! LOL! I have to FORCE him off my computer so i can check in here at Pixie's or work on my cards or go play myself.

shadowsfate 01-08-2009 08:08 AM

I did hit 80 too, sometime early December. I haven't done any raiding or instances, usually because I'm either playing with just a short amount of time, or because the group doesn't want/need an enhancement shaman (and I'm stubborn enough that I won't respec from the talent that I've used since level 10). I've spent the time since hitting 80 working on achievements and leveling alts. Eventually, the rest of my guild will (hopefully) catch up with me, and then the plan is for us to recruit heavily and start raiding.

Lord Snow 01-09-2009 11:19 PM

Shadowdancer, let your hubby know that he should be happy that it's now level 30. First mount was originally 40. Course, if anyone had the brains they'd all be shamans and use ghost wolf or be a druid and use they kitty form.

Shadowsfate, I know how you feel. I've been resto specced since level 10 and my friend is now trying to convince to change to elemental or enhancement (mainly elemental since I won't have to regear) for leveling. It's not that I mind spending the gold, I just don't want to. As is I can heal them through a level 77 78 dungeon be okay. Not the best for the job, but I can get it done. Usually only have a few problems with boss fights.

ShadowDancer 01-10-2009 06:07 PM

that's what my friend & her hubby do...they're both night elf druids, and use their alt forms for travel and some fighting. as soon as we get a wireless router (to be able to put our desktop, my laptop & the Wii online), i will have my own WoW accnt and will be recreating a character, so I will probably try for a druid just so i can shift like that and the other cool shit they can do! lol!

Jude30 01-13-2009 07:35 AM

Wait, what mounts are now at level 30? Looks like I have about five mounts to go buy. Which is sad because I'm about to hit 3k in gold.

In the week I've been back I've made it to 72, ran two instances, and been on a Kara raid. I had been away so long that even at 1/3 of the way through 72 I'm still rested. I will make it to 73 on double exp.

Lord Snow 01-13-2009 11:39 AM

Jude, that's actually part of the way they redesigned questing. When you turn in a quest you get some of your rested back. So you can indefinitely stay rested. Also, the mounts you get at level 30 are the mounts that you originally got at level 40. There are new mounts you can get, such as a few different mammoths, a war bear, a new flying mount for northrend, and an actual drake from wyrmrest.

Jude30 01-13-2009 09:54 PM

It's always been that way. Quest exp has never counted towards removing your rested status.

I saw the new special mounts in Dalaran, those things are a bit too expensive for my blood. I'm OK at making money in game, my problem has always been twinks. My main has tailoring at 381 currently, and it gets expensive making imbued netherweave bags for 7 alts. And while I stick a few of my alts with money making professions, a lot of them have expensive hobbies.

Lord Snow 01-13-2009 11:16 PM

Only real money sink in the game is engineering. I never really paid attention to my rested because I did mostly dungeon crawls before LK. I had to play major catch up to my friends' mains who were already level 70 when I started playing. Now I'm having to play catch up again, just not as bad. I'm only 5 levels behind now instead of 60 levels behind. The war bear isn't that bad, neither is the mammoth, the really big mammoth and the flying mount are high cost though. I'm just going to forgo the land mounts save up my money for my flying skills and get the wyrmtower drake.

shadowsfate 01-17-2009 09:57 AM

Originally Posted by Jude30
It's always been that way. Quest exp has never counted towards removing your rested status.

I saw the new special mounts in Dalaran, those things are a bit too expensive for my blood. I'm OK at making money in game, my problem has always been twinks. My main has tailoring at 381 currently, and it gets expensive making imbued netherweave bags for 7 alts. And while I stick a few of my alts with money making professions, a lot of them have expensive hobbies.

I did buy one of the special mounts, the bear one, more or less to show my son. I can make money in the game with all the dailies, but it can get tiring (to me) to do the same set of quests over and over again.

And I agree, I sink a lot of money into my alts. On my main server, I play one of every class (and I cover all the professions) just so I can experience all the class abilities. My main is 80 shammy, then I have a 71 warlock, and everything else is 40 and below. And then I lose a lot of money whenever I hit the AH and see all the recipes my character doesn't yet have :roflmao:

Lord Snow 01-17-2009 06:24 PM

I know that story all to well myself. My shammy is the only one with a profession. I'm planning on blacksmithing with my death knight. That's all I have planned. I can make money selling armor kits and what not, but right now I'm not putting anything on the auction house. I'm getting my enchanter slave to disenchant and use the mats on me. I have to get him to make me spellthread for my new pants. and then enchant the level 76 chest I'm going to use.

Jude30 01-18-2009 12:40 AM

Give all your alts at least skinning, and then either herbalism, or mining. Those are the actual money making professions. On my main I'm currently clearing 55g per stack of cobalt bars, and I can mine a stack in one evening of questing. I'm not sure what stacks of leather are bringing, but before I dropped skinning, for tailoring it made me enough to buy all the cloth I needed in the AH to take tailoring from 1-275 in one day.

I also know that at level 60 it's possible to take any of the gathering professions from one to 300 in about nine hours of play time. Might be possible to do it even faster now with the right class at 80.

Lord Snow 01-18-2009 12:10 PM

My huntard has mining and herbalism. He's only level 17 though. I find dps classes boring to play. My huntard and my warlock just stand back and let the pet do the work. When it comes to dps I'm more of a run up and hack and bash kind of guy. Haven't started a warrior yet though. I really want to get my shammy up to 80 and beyond well geared first. Then when I'm bored with him I'll hit one my alts hard. Depending on the leather it goes for a ton. Arctic Fur last I knew was going for around 20 gold for one piece. Dragon Scales for quite a bit per stack.

Jude30 01-19-2009 05:43 PM

The problem with doing mining and herbalism is that you can only track on of those at a time so you end up missing a lot of stuff. You can get around that though by using a resource map add on that every time you gather something it marks the location on the map so you can just keep in that area.

I've got my mage up to 74 now, I'll probably play a different toon tonight just so I can keep him in rested status. Personally I love the mage class. Massive DPS, and great utility. My biggest problem with other classes is travel. It's so nice to just port where ever I want to go.

Lord Snow 01-19-2009 11:46 PM

Right now I'm fighting with my laptop. It doesn't like my add ons all of a sudden. I have to reinstall the game for a second time in a week. I hate Vista. Whoever said it was better needs to have very unpleasant things happen to them. I would go into detail, but they're my ideas for revenge and I don't want to share them.

Lord Snow 01-27-2009 11:19 PM

Got my addons fixed and have jumped from 74 to almost 78 since Wednesday. Still got a few more levels to go. I've also upped my leather working to 427.

shadowsfate 01-28-2009 07:53 AM

If I may ask, what add-ons do you use? The ones I use are Carbonite, Lightheaded, Fishing Buddy, Titan, Auctioneer Advanced (and its suite of add-ons), Bagnon, and a couple of more that I can't think of at the moment.

Jayman 01-28-2009 11:29 AM

Not sure how I missed this! Its great to see other ppl playing WoW! I am a undead rogue...lvl 72 cuz I started a Death Knight which I almost like better...but not quite!

Jayman 01-28-2009 11:30 AM

Originally Posted by Airy
I stand alone as the one and only true good one!

I am an Alliance I have a lot of characters....the main are Holy Priest, Holy Pally, Resto Druid, Warlock (70) 52 fire mage, and then a number of others. I had a 70 prot warrior but he is now entertaining a friend!

It's fun to see people that have similar interests!

(shhh don't tell but I also have a 39 holy pally on the horde side!)

What cracks me up about your comment Airy is that if you you played Warcraft III you would understand that the Orcs are the true good ones in this game...The Allies are evil! :wink:

Jude30 01-28-2009 06:17 PM

Originally Posted by shadowsfate
If I may ask, what add-ons do you use? The ones I use are Carbonite, Lightheaded, Fishing Buddy, Titan, Auctioneer Advanced (and its suite of add-ons), Bagnon, and a couple of more that I can't think of at the moment.

Questhelper, Auctioneer, and Atlas are the only ones I currently have running. Though I'm not sure how much I like Auctioneer, and Questhelper seems bugged at the moment.

I might have to check out the Fishing Buddy, if it helps you level fishing. All my other skills are maxed or close to it, fishing has always lagged behind.

adamnfineman 01-28-2009 07:30 PM

Just signed up this last x-mas(2008). Playing a BE warlock lvl 28 on dawnbringer. Just started a Tuaren warrior and a BE rouge last night. Not a member of any guilds. just dont see the point.

Lord Snow 01-28-2009 11:13 PM

Guilds are good if they help you level or if you're level is maxed and you want to do the end game raids. You can get away with not having a guild if you like to solo quests or have a few friends that play on the same server.

My addons are: xperl, carbonite quest, titan panel, auctioneer (suite), forgotten texts, atlas loot, and omen. What happened was when I reinstalled the game it put the folder in a different spot, so I was using an old folder that was no longer active.

As for my take on rogues, playing one is not for me and so far I haven't met a rogue in game that I like.

Jayman 01-29-2009 10:12 AM

Originally Posted by Lord Snow

As for my take on rogues, playing one is not for me and so far I haven't met a rogue in game that I like.

That is cuz you are not on my server...I will admit that most rogues can be assholes, but when played right in end game instances do great dps...I myself am a rogue and my favorite thing to gank is a rogue...they think very highly of themselves and I like to take them down a notch...

Lord Snow 01-29-2009 09:56 PM

Yeah, rogues do wonderfully high dps. However, as you pointed out, a lot of rogues think quite highly of themselves. Which is why I take them down a peg or two when they screw up by letting them die. Then again, I do that with anyone who thinks to high and mighty of themselves.

ShadowDancer 01-30-2009 06:22 AM

Originally Posted by shadowsfate
If I may ask, what add-ons do you use? The ones I use are Carbonite, Lightheaded, Fishing Buddy, Titan, Auctioneer Advanced (and its suite of add-ons), Bagnon, and a couple of more that I can't think of at the moment.

if i remember correctly, we use Questhelper, Titan panel, & Gatherer at the moment. I think hubby uses Curse Client to find his add-ons. We play (and are in a guild) with friends of ours. They, of course, are MUCH higher lvls than we are but they've been playing longer.

Lord Snow 01-30-2009 01:14 PM

I spent over a year playing catch up to my two friends that play. I'm still behind, they're level 80 and I'm 78, but I'm getting there. I use curse as well, but if I can't find it there I go to wowace.com. I wish they would bring back cellular for an addon. It puts whispers in their own little chat window. Makes it easier for me to tell who I'm talking to and I don't have to shift a window back if I can't reply right away.

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