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jennaflower 05-28-2004 11:40 PM

Hi: Too many to count

Lo: Realizing that my highs are only temporary illusions and that the reality of it all truly SUCKS!!

LixyChick 05-29-2004 08:11 AM

Hi ~ Proudly displaying my new swag American flag on the front of my house for the Memorial Day weekend. I'm leaving it there from now till it rots away...or the war is over...whichever comes first!

Lo ~ A cramp in my foot and calf from 4am till 5:30am and the cat thinking, "She's up...it must be time to eat"!

imalikalotapuss 05-29-2004 12:48 PM

Highs: spending time with my friends and son, hanging out enjoying a 3 day weekend.

Lows: Not haveing a very good week, personal and work wise, and not feeling well.

Steph 05-29-2004 11:51 PM

High: fresh supply of greenery

Low: being the only Web geek at work for my shift today with multitasking galore - answering calls, answering emails, approving photos & videos . . . but now it's my weekend!

dude33 05-29-2004 11:56 PM

High: Watching the Calgary Flames get one more game closer to winning the Stanley Cup.

Low: Deciding our new dog has to go back to the rescue where we got him from 1 1/2 months ago.

jennaflower 05-30-2004 09:11 AM


Hi: Hot Tub... and friends..

Lo: Temptation... damn it to hell!!!!

Steph 05-30-2004 11:40 AM

Sorry to hear about the pup, dude. :(

High: Sunny day & heading downtown to see the Shuffle Demons.

Low: Dealing honestly with a family member.

cowgirltease 05-30-2004 09:17 PM

I'm signing divorce papers Tuesday!!!!!!!:)

I don't have a low any more!!!!!!


imalikalotapuss 05-30-2004 09:38 PM

CGT: congrats! hope you feel better.

Highs: spent the day with the boys. playing games and shooting paint ball markers

Lows: feeling really bad, terrilble headache that wont seem to go away for days now, and feel achey..what a time to not feel well on the weekend:(

jennaflower 05-31-2004 01:44 AM

Hi: Watchin movies with my best friend

Lo: a.m. hangover

rabbit 05-31-2004 04:42 PM

High: Getting a couple of hours on a Monday to sit and read and sip my coffee in PEACE.

Low: Rain, Rain, Rain...all day long.....golf and a family picnic cancelled. :mad:

darogle 05-31-2004 07:34 PM

High: Talking with CGT

Low: not talking to her in person

imaginewithme 05-31-2004 07:40 PM

High: Speaking to my brother on the phone the first time since March.

Lo: Knowing that he's moving far away.

imalikalotapuss 05-31-2004 09:11 PM

HIghs: enjoying a day off, spending time with my son, talking to a friend.

Lows: somebody stole my wallet:( ....and tomorrow will seem like monday.

jennaflower 05-31-2004 10:44 PM

HI: Waking up late on a monday morning :)

Lo: Not getting a firm footing on the wagon.

Mae 06-01-2004 12:01 AM

High...watching the butterflies

Low...missing my life

jennaflower 06-01-2004 10:21 PM

HI: getting in over 3 miles today

Lo: A long day with lots of stress

flutelady 06-01-2004 10:59 PM

High- Having spent the day with my son

Low- Knowing that as of tomorrow morning, it will be months before I see him again ...cuz I have to go home :(

imalikalotapuss 06-01-2004 11:09 PM

HIghs: none

Lows: feeling a whole mixture of emotions..and lots of insecurities.

jennaflower 06-02-2004 08:52 PM

Hi: Leaving work early

Lo: Coming home to a message notifying me that my application for a mobile home has been denied.. appears that I have a "low" credit score... "delinquencies"... and "judgements".... FUCK

imalikalotapuss 06-02-2004 09:11 PM

Highs: feelling better, and getting encouragement from friends

Lows: having a friend who needs help and not sure how to really help.:(

Steph 06-03-2004 01:29 AM

High: enjoying conversation and philosophy

Low: hating how disorganized work was

Lilith 06-03-2004 07:10 AM

High: going for a walk in the rain with one of my guys

Low: trying to understand someone and not succeeding

Steph 06-03-2004 10:06 AM

high: more great convo, good friends

low: i'm the only one working in my dept. this week, too much multitasking is draining

huntersgirl 06-03-2004 10:52 AM

low: feeling crappy still, some sort of cold

high: knowing my baby will be home tonight to take care of me, in more ways then one!

jennaflower 06-03-2004 10:49 PM

Hi: Dinner & a movie with my best friend and her hubby

Lo: A stressful day at work...

imaginewithme 06-03-2004 10:54 PM

Hi: Seeing him

Lo: Not feeling the greatest.

Lilith 06-03-2004 10:56 PM

High~ Fitting in a smaller size when shopping today

Low~ Trying all day to get my jewelry listed on Ebay and being really frustrated

IAKaraokeGirl 06-03-2004 11:12 PM

High: Finding out that (ahem!) I *can* tie myself to the bed. :hot:

Low: Being overwhelmed at work...again.

Steph 06-04-2004 12:09 AM

High: Me :D

Low: Being the only person working in my department . . . again!

Irish 06-04-2004 08:20 AM

High:Wife taking the day off!
Low:Knowing that the day will be wasted,trying to make our yard,
look like it belongs in "Better Homes & Gardens" ! Irish

jennaflower 06-04-2004 10:06 PM

Hi: 5 pm... getting off work

Lo: My grandmother being placed in a nursing home today.

Lilith 06-04-2004 11:00 PM

high~ winning$$ for having the most losses at Bunco tonight

low~ not getting to chat with a friend online

Steph 06-04-2004 11:24 PM

High: making extra $$$ working OT

Low: working OT

jennaflower 06-06-2004 05:10 PM


Hi: Relaxing

Lo: Not accomplishing a damn thing


Hi: Getting in my walk

Lo: The heat

imalikalotapuss 06-06-2004 10:32 PM

HI's: spending time with a special friend.

Lows: its almost monday again..:(

jennaflower 06-07-2004 09:11 PM


Hi: Watching a good movie with my son.... Miracle w/Kurt Russell

Lo: A slight case of food poisoning... EWWWWWWWWWW (Thank GOD for Imodium)

imalikalotapuss 06-07-2004 10:08 PM

High: Recieving an early Father's Day gift, and talking to an old friend.

Low: The unbelievable heat! 103 today! I guess i shouldnt complain though, we dont have much humidity. about 10 %.

osuche 06-08-2004 12:34 AM

Hi: Getting my SO settled into his new place in Seattle....motivating him to change from hating his new apartment to LOVING it. Go me! :D

Low: Booking my flight back to Ohio...

imalikalotapuss 06-08-2004 06:34 PM

Highs: didnt happen

Lows: once again getting the shaft, this time by the state over child support issues.:mad:

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