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scotzoidman 06-17-2006 02:00 PM

Originally Posted by Wicked Wanda
Men especially seem to loose an IQ point or ten when confronted by a stately pair of boobs (hers) , or even when confronted by a much more modest pair (mine) that verge on total exposure.
But men are not alone in this.
I asked her is she would like me to have mine "done", enlarged to say to a C or even D cup, as Leigh is well known in our circle for her love of boobs, the bigger and"bouncier" the better.
Darlin, the fact that you can render us stoopid with a little peek (or almost peek) says that you don't need any more bigger ones...

Originally Posted by Wicked Wanda
Still, I wish I could have the experience of having "big ones" just for day.

I suggest you go out with a WonderBra (or whatever brand suits) & of course, something low-cut & revealing, & watch men (& women) talk to your boobs all night...that should give you the experience you crave, w/o so much pain & the permanent discomfort of surgery...

Wicked Wanda 06-17-2006 02:15 PM

Thanks hon!

But I prefer to go braless!



ps. I have one (wonderbra) just haven't experimented much with it.


scotzoidman 06-17-2006 02:18 PM

Originally Posted by Wicked Wanda
Thanks hon!

But I prefer to go braless!



ps. I have one (wonderbra) just haven't experimented much with it.


sexychrissy 06-17-2006 05:19 PM

I know the feeling of wishin you had big ones i wish that every day!!!!!!!!! One day i will have big 1s tho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fangtasia 06-17-2006 06:38 PM

Be careful what you wish for....you just might get it *LOL*

Loulabelle 06-18-2006 04:10 AM

Originally Posted by Alassė
Be careful what you wish for....you just might get it *LOL*

Amen sister friend!

Am now sporting 38Gs thanks to my current 'condition' and if they get any bigger, I'll have to start buying my maternity bras somewhere else!

WW, for the record, I find breasts of your kind of size quite fascinating....I love the freedom of movement they allow a woman to have, the way the nipples are more apparent as there is less flesh around them, and most of all, the way I imagine it would feel to cup a whole breast in my hand in one go, and feeling the nipple point into the palm of my hand. While mine are relatively firm and round for their size, I find mine ungainly and obscenely unsubtle. It would be great to be able to have a more discrete way to be sexy at times, rather than the in-your-face-tits-waist-arse look that accompanies me wherever I go.

FussyPucker 06-18-2006 05:56 AM

Originally Posted by Loulabelle
WW, for the record, I find breasts of your kind of size quite fascinating....I love the freedom of movement they allow a woman to have, the way the nipples are more apparent as there is less flesh around them, and most of all, the way I imagine it would feel to cup a whole breast in my hand in one go, and feeling the nipple point into the palm of my hand.

Anyone else lingering on the thought of Lou with her hands on some lovely breasts, fondling them gently and......oh I've cum......errrr I'll be right back..... :) :D

PantyFanatic 06-18-2006 07:20 AM

Originally Posted by FussyPucker
Anyone else lingering on the thought of Lou with her hands on some lovely breasts, fondling them gently and......

Is there anybody that isn't? :wish:

txgrneyes 06-18-2006 07:38 AM

WW.....if it were humanly possible I would love to let you have mine. In exchange for yours that is. You can try them out and see if you would like to be a DD cup. Then if you want you can give them back.

Would be kind of interesting to have someone elses "girls" on. Think I would be keeping my hands busy....mmmmmm might be real interesting.

pool929 07-02-2006 02:30 PM

how about "Hogans" have no idea where it came from

AZRedHot 07-04-2006 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by lizzardbits
bwah ha ha ha ha I just irrigated my nose with my coffee! Lou, your hormones are rockin'!

My best friend and I came up with new words for ours a couple of months ago. Mine are Foo foo la las and hers are La la foo foos. She has little perky ones and I have D cup ones. She lifted them up one day and was amazed that they were heavy. I told her that she now understands why big chested women often opt for reduction.

You know, I have to say I NEVER am so fortunate as to have girlfriends who want to lay hands upon and heft my girls (also referred to as "the killer rack")! I need new friends. Seriously.


That said, it would be kind of cool to have a boob swap for a day, wouldn't it? Just to to walk a mile in another woman's wonderbra...

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