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Jude30 07-26-2004 03:20 AM

Very nice. I was at that site a few weeks ago and couldn't find one. Guess I just wasn't looking hard enough.

Irish 07-26-2004 10:25 AM

Originally Posted by scotzoidman
Ok, I was scared too...til I saw the part about how they're designed to work with TENS or E-Stim units, which I just recently discovered in my physical therapy treatments for my back...in fact, I have a TENS unit of my own now, provides a mild (& adjustable) electrical stimulation thru the skin to wherever one is hurting...no one is really sure how they work, but they do provide relief to many & helps some reduce their use of painkilling drugs...

Still not enough beer in the world to make me try it with a buttplug tho...

Scotz---I just had,something like that put in my back also.It is called a Spinal
Cord Stimulater.I had it put in,originally,in Jan.The placement ,on the Spinal
Cord nerves,is very touchy.The first time it moved & did no good.I had it moved,approx. a month,ago.I have to wear a binder(elastic belt)for 6 wks.
(They are very hot,in this weather)The binder is to help it from moving.It has
been bothering me,since a disc removal,in 1970,in Yale-New Haven hospital.
(Conn)As I've aged,it has gotten more frequent & severe.Here is the website!
http://www.painintervention.com/If you go to it & click on Spinal Cord
Stimulation,it will explain it in better terms than I could.It's amazing that the
things that you didn't,"give a shit" when you were younger,comes back to haunt you,when you're older! Irish
P.S.When I started racing motorcycles,my father said-Some day those scars,
that you get,will predict bad weather for you.He was right!
P.P.S.The spinal stimulator,works on a small replaceable battery,put in an ass
cheek.They told me that I could use my above-ground pool!I have used it
approx 3 times since the operation.So far,no shocks!Of course,you have to keep it dry,untill the incisions heal.It is an outpatient operation?You have to stay in the hospital for 1 night.

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