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skyler_m 03-10-2004 07:13 AM

Cool! Thanks, everyone.

If I do choose to get this done, it won't be for a while yet. My wife and I have just been talking about options. Her thought is that if she would have to have a C section, she would probably go ahead and get her tubes tied. I said that if she didn't want that or if a C section wasn't done, it would make more sense (and be less intrusive) for me to get the vasectomy.

As always, the Pixie family has been very helpful. :D

naughtyangel 03-10-2004 08:27 AM

Congrats on your 2nd, Skyler!

I just wanted to say that I think it's so great, your feelings on why you'll probably be getting the procedure instead of your wife. Hubby and I have discussed that when we're finished (though not for a while, yet!) if I happen to need a section I'll go ahead and have a tubal done at the same time...otherwise, he'll go for the V. So many men refuse to let a doctor anywhere near there, no matter that the alternative is major surgery for their wife :rolleyes:

Besides, between fertility treatments, being pregnant and giving birth, I'll have been poked and prodded by enough doctors to last me a lifetime. lol

skyler_m 03-10-2004 09:53 AM

Hell, maybe I could get him to add a few inches while he's down there. :D

uwish6969 03-10-2004 10:17 AM

I also have had it done and it's pretty much like the others. Not very intrusive or painful. Take care and wear a jock strap. Ice the first 12 hrs if neccessary and then not after according to my guy.
I might add also that my deductible was met and it only cost $100! Great selling point for me. Since I have 4 kids already, I AM DONE! Be sure though and Good Luck on your decision.

thedog 03-11-2004 12:19 PM

Skyler ...

Another option, depending on where you are living, is to "contribute" to a sperm bank before the big V. Gives you the option of "reversing" the whole thing without the pain and expense of a surgical reversal. Reversals aren't 100% anyway.

skyler_m 03-11-2004 04:02 PM

thedog - very good option! I'll keep that in mind.

skipthisone 03-11-2004 04:18 PM

Best thing I ever did. Was out of commission about 4 days probably. I was personally psycho about the testing, used the condom about 25+ times and then got tested 3 times over 2 weeks just to make sure...

....and not too mention that my insurance carrier promoted it and it only cost me $10.00 copay for the whole darn thing.

Kissy 03-13-2004 03:10 PM

Originally posted by skyler_m
Her thought is that if she would have to have a C section, she would probably go ahead and get her tubes tied. I said that if she didn't want that or if a C section wasn't done, it would make more sense (and be less intrusive) for me to get the vasectomy. :D

Actualy my husband and I have both been to the doctor recently doing the same research. And now it is no more invasive of a procedure to tie a woman's tubes. They make two small incisions (just like on a man) and put clamps on the tubes. there is also a new form of sterilization for women that can be done by her doctor. They go in through the vagina, numb the cervix and place something (I can't remember what it is!) in the tubes that causes them to scar up and be permanently blocked. It's all up to each individual, but I thought I would pass on that info. :D

bordendazed 03-13-2004 03:10 PM

Been there done that!

I recall about a week or so, but follow doctors advice, and if it is not comfortable, wait another day.

Was a "strange" but not painful surgery in the doctors office - no complications other than some soreness for a few days.

Don't even think about doing it if you "LOVE KIDS" because if something would happen to a member of your current family, you may want to 'start over' IMHO - they can be reversed, but it's not easy/cheap/always successful.

It had NO effect at all on any aspect of my sex drive or love life.

rabbit 03-13-2004 03:21 PM

Originally posted by Lilith
BTW Mr. Lil's weenie whacker's name was Dr. Hatchett...I kid you not.

Yeah, well my "weenie whacker's name" was Dr Gentile...which he was not. My right testicle blew up like a balloon just hours after the surgery. Hurt like hell. Had to take anti-inflamatories for a week thereafter, not mention enduring a zillion "blue balls" comments from insensitive friends.


Still, what happened to me is rare. Only 5% of all vasectomies end like mine did. A guy I work with ended up playing soccer the next day, no problems.


skyler_m 05-27-2004 12:49 PM

Well, tomorrow is the day. I head in at 8am eastern time for the old snippity snip.

Wish me luck!

Lilith 05-27-2004 12:52 PM

If it hurts...I could kiss it better:p

naughtyangel 05-27-2004 12:56 PM

Good luck! Hope you're not out of commission too long ;)

skyler_m 05-27-2004 01:18 PM

i have to "behave" for a week. I don't know if I've ever gone a week without. this should be interesting. lol

Gilly 05-27-2004 01:24 PM

We did it in reverse, because my insurance covered my tubal 100%, where as his Vesectomy was only covered for 15%. The friend I'm baby sitting for right now had his vesectomy done in February, and said his sex drive is pretty much gone right now.

As mentioned above, make sure you get your sperm count checked afterwards. My cousin has horrible diabetes, and because of complications through her first two pregnancies, they opted to stop before anything more happened. He got his vesectomy, they had sex about a week later, and baby #3 came along 9 months later. ;)

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