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dicksbro 08-05-2003 10:31 PM

Just wanted to tell you two what a terrific job you're doing with these little bits of trivia. Very interesting reading. Thanks!

dm383 08-06-2003 04:13 AM

August 6th
Today in 1945, the first A-bomb is dropped on Hiroshima, Japan; killing (an estimated) 140,000 people.

Just wanted to tell you two what a terrific job you're doing with these little bits of trivia. Very interesting reading. Thanks!

You're welcome dicksbro..... it's kinda fun!


dm383 08-06-2003 07:39 PM

August 7th
US embassies in Nairobi,Kenya and Tanzania, were bombed this day in 1998, killing 224 people and injuring over 5,500. Osama bin Laden is later indicted for the attack.

Many of those mentioned above were Kenyan/Tanzanian nationals...... this guy has just NEVER cared who he hurts.

dicksbro 08-07-2003 06:17 AM

BTW ... Did you know that in 1957 Oliver Hardy (comedian of Laurel & Hardy fame), died at age 65.

dm383 08-07-2003 05:21 PM

Thanks for joining in db...... if you have any more, PLEASE jump right in!!! :)


dm383 08-07-2003 07:16 PM

August 8th
Crr-ay-zee Postie!!

Award-winning carrier John Merlin Tailor is teased by four colleagues in Oak Glen, California, in 1989. Three days later he puts on his uniform, goes into work, and shoots them with a .22 pistol

Just you deliver that letter WHENEVER you like, mate!!!


darogle 08-08-2003 05:16 PM

Today, Aug 8th in

1588 - The Spanish Armada, numbering 130 massive ships, were defeated by the English sailors with their smaller, easily maneuvered ships. 1945 - President Truman signed the United Nations Charter.

1815 - Napoleon Bonaparte set sail for St. Helena to spend the remainder of his days in exile.

1963 - A group of 15 thieves stole seven million dollars in Britain’s Great Train Robbery. Scotland Yard called the theft, "Britain’s biggest robbery ever attempted." Fingerprints identified all but three of the gang. One of the convicted escaped, and was never again caught.

1974 - Richard Nixon announced on television he was resigning for his part in the Watergate scandal, effective midday on August 9. He was the first United States president to resign from office.

1990 - Iraq announced that it had annexed Kuwait as its 19th province and President Bush sent United States troops to Saudi Arabia as part of a multi-national force to defend the kingdom.

dm383 08-09-2003 06:24 AM

August 9th
Sorry, another depressing one!

"Today in 1945, the United States explodes it's sole remaining Nuclear Bomb over Nagasaki, Japan, killing an estimated 74,000 people"

Darogle, thanks for playing..... got any more?


dicksbro 08-09-2003 06:48 AM

Here's another for today ... August 9, 1842 saw the US-Canada border defined by Webster-Ashburton Treaty.

darogle 08-09-2003 01:36 PM

Well sure, I got more DM....

Today (aug 9th) in:

1854 - Henry David Thoreau published "Walden," which described his experiences while living near Walden Pond in Massachusetts.

1859 - The escalator was patented by Nathan Ames of Saugus, Massachusetts.

1893 - In New York City, America’s first bowling magazine was published. Its title: "Gut Holz"

1930 - The sexy cartoon girl, Betty Boop, made her debut on this date in the animated short, Dizzy Dishes .

dm383 08-09-2003 03:44 PM

More for the 9th
In 1979, an area near Brighton Marina, England, was set aside as Britains first officially-designated nudist beach!

In 1996, Atlanta student John Leonard sued Pepsi-Cola claiming they owed him a Harrier jump-jet, as offered in an advert to collectors of seven million 'container points'.

Does anyone know if he ever got it?? :D


darogle 08-09-2003 04:35 PM

No, he lost his suit against Pepsi. As quoted on Snopes.com:

"Leonard filed suit in Miami against Pepsi for breach of contract, fraud, deceptive and unfair trade practices, and misleading advertising. The issue then landed in federal court in Manhattan with Pepsi responding by asking the court for a declaratory judgment saying it did not have to give Leonard a Harrier.

In August 1999, the New York judge upheld Pepsi's case. "No objective person could reasonably have concluded that the commercial actually offered consumers a Harrier jet," U.S. District Judge Kimba Wood said.

Not that Leonard would have ended up with the full jet anyway if things had gone his way -- the Pentagon quashed the promotion in September 1997 when it announced that these $33.8 million jets are not for sale in flyable shape. Harriers take off and land vertically. But the Pentagon said any of the Marine aircraft would have to be "demilitarized" before being offered to the public, which means stripping them of their armament and rendering them unable to fly."

dm383 08-10-2003 06:17 AM

August 10th
Darogle..^^^ bit of a bummer, really!! :) Onwards.....

Today in 1977 New York cops arrest David "Son of Sam" Berkowitz. The postal-worker cum serial-killer had shot six people and wounded seven others

Renowned "doggy" actor Rin Tin Tin died this day in 1932. He sired two dogs of the same name, who both went on to play the part in the popular TV series.

Dan Rylands, of the Hope Glassworks in Barnsley South Yorkshire, patented the screw-top bottle in 1889.

This day in 1932 almost a third of Brazils entire coffee crop - 17.2 million sacks - was deliberately destroyed in an attempt to keep coffee prices up.

darogle 08-10-2003 02:19 PM

Here's some more for today, Aug. 10th:

1793 - The Louvre in Paris had its grand opening.

1821 - The state of Missouri was admitted to the Union as the 24th of the United States.

1833 - With a population of less than 200, Chicago, Illinois was incorporated as a village.

1846 - The United States Congress established the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.

1948 - Allen Funt's "Candid Camera" made its television debut.

1954 - At Overton Park, in his native Memphis, Tennessee, Elvis Presley made one of his first professional appearances.

1981 - Philadelphia Phillie Pete Rose made career hit number 3,631, to become the National League leader for hits, breaking Stan "The Man" Musial's record.

1995 - Sammy Sosa tied a Chicago Cubs club record with four stolen bases at Los Angeles, California.

1995 - Former army friends Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were indicted for the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19.

dm383 08-11-2003 04:41 AM

August 11th
St. Clare of Assisi died in 1253, after experiencing a vision of the Nativity on her bedroom wall. She was made patron saint of television (a considerable time later!! :))

This day in 1948, President Harry S. Truman authorised a $65 million interest-free loan to build the United Nations headquarters in New York

Today in 1853, the frigate Madagascar left Melbourne for London with 200 passengers and crew, and 70,000 ounces of gold aboard...and was never seen again!!

In 1917 William Bishop, the most successful Canadian fighter pilot of WW1, was awarded the Victoria Cross for his bravery during a raid on a German aerodrome

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