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ericthered 03-15-2003 09:14 PM

Try a week end away from ALL distractions, if that is something she might like. Show her you appreciate her friendship - you can even tell her you love her, if you can force the words out!

Word of warning; it is an unfortunate product of female/male interaction that women sometimes fight to dominate their men - and then lose all respect for them because they have been dominated. Catch 22 - sorry but there it is. Very difficult to get out of but you could make it clear (gently) what you will and will not do, and then stick to it. Helps if you can induce her to admit to being part of the problem.

Heart felt wishes of good luck. You HAVE to make this work together. Desperation on your part is a sure-fire killer.

Steph 03-16-2003 01:48 AM

Originally posted by ericthered

Word of warning; it is an unfortunate product of female/male interaction that women sometimes fight to dominate their men - and then lose all respect for them because they have been dominated.

A note from the female perspective: men love me for being independent and free-spirited at the start of a relationship but a lot of these same men become possessive and controlling.

Perhaps it's just human nature and not a female thing or a male thing?

BamaKyttn 03-16-2003 01:31 PM

EricTheRed >>>>>you can even tell her you love her, if you can force the words out! <<<<< I would not suggest lieing to her and if those words must be forced out then they must be a lie.
as for the women fighting to dominate....... Damn I don't know who the women are you guys know but you must know some majorly evil bitches. independent, strong-willed thats one thing but total domination (Lil being the exception ;) ) The funny thing is that most of the guys I've dated (note most not all) have taken it upon themselves to "tame" me. As though I were some wild beast, whereas the women have accepted and ---dare I say it---Loved me for who and how I am, fat, loud, opinionated, and at times a bit violent....


ericthered 03-18-2003 02:01 AM

Originally posted by BamaKyttn
EricTheRed >>>>>you can even tell her you love her, if you can force the words out! <<<<< I would not suggest lieing to her and if those words must be forced out then they must be a lie.

No - not necessarily - it's just that some of us ole cowboys are too shy or stupid to say what we feel.....

BigBear57 03-18-2003 06:51 AM

Well it matters not now me thinks, I've heard those poison words of finality " it's not you, it's me" anybody who's ever heard those knows where they stand immediately.

Lilith 03-18-2003 07:07 AM

yep you are right! ((((hugs)))) accept and move on. Must mean something better is ahead:)

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