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PantyFanatic 12-02-2002 02:13 AM

Why do I think maybe these should have been sealed entries?


Bronzedozzy 12-02-2002 03:45 AM

Hey Randy, I'm figuring December 4.........1300 hrs.....Australian eastern standard time...I have this crystal ball....but the other one's normal!

RandyGal 12-02-2002 03:46 AM

just did my 1000.

whoop te do! LOL

no bells, no whistles...damn, whats up with that? ;)

Lilith 12-02-2002 06:16 AM

*ding- dong*

there's a ding-dong for ya RG:D:D:p


Glyndwr 12-02-2002 07:05 AM



Your contributions never fail to enlighten or amuse me, long may you continue


jennaflower 12-02-2002 07:34 AM

Congrats Randygal.. I knew you would do it :)

Nikki 12-02-2002 07:59 AM

woooooooo hoooooooo.................


kleclere 12-02-2002 08:08 AM

Congratulations RG may you have many more. On to 10000 and beyond. Hugs and Kisses

PantyFanatic 12-02-2002 08:59 AM

What’s wrong here………?…….
……………………………………7, carry the 2………………… 19,….. 24 …………

Ah ha- …… 24.3 per day for 3.375 days. I found the variable:eek:.

WE WIN:D !! They get me! ……. or is it that I get them? :confused:

RandyGal 12-02-2002 09:11 AM


I get YOU!!!!

Dems da rules and ya GOTs ta follow da RULES. :D

(RandyGal's Rules are as follows: RandyGal makes ALL the rules.)

Enjoy me. :)

Irish 12-02-2002 09:28 AM

RG---Congratulations!I still think that the outcome was fixed!
(how did it all of a sudden go to 4.13/day?Pantyfanatic;I think we
just got gyped!I know that we didn't get screwed because I didn't
feel anything!)

PantyFanatic 12-02-2002 08:34 PM

and I's always "follows da RULES".
how did it all of a sudden go to 4.13/day?

There did seemed to be a acceleration factor of about 684% in the last 3 days, but who’s counting.:rolleyes:
Pantyfanatic;I think we just got gyped!

Are you kidding man? Just on my first side bet, I won big time!;) And I didn’t even know it was going to pay 2 to 1 until now.
Fuzzy n Randy together again
:p :D :p

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