Right now, it's 58F/14.4C. Partly cloudy skies, with a relative humidity of 91%, and a dew point of 53F/11.7C. No rain expected during the daylight today, but the chance of rain rises to 25% overnight. Winds up to 10mph/16kph. The pollen count is "moderate" today, for grass, and the air quality is "good." The high temperature should reach 74F/23.3C.
Currently 69F/20.6C. Overcast, with a dew point of 64F/17.8C, and a relative humidity of 88%. Overall today, there's a 30% chance of rain today, rising to 45% overnight. The pollen count is "high", for grass, and the air quality is "good." Today's high temperature, 71F/21.7C.
65F with clear skies as of 5:43am Saturday, 5-14-22. Wind 5mph; barometer 29.91in; humidity 83% and the dewpoint is at 59F. Forecast for today is a high of 85F with sunny skies and a low of 62F near 6am Sunday. Chance of a shower 22%; humidity will fall to around 36%; UV Index 7 (high) and max winds of 7 mph expected.
Once again, 69F/20.6C, with heavy overcast. The relative humidity is 92%, with the dew point at 65F/18.3C. Overall, there's a 25% chance of rain today, with the winds light and variable. There's also an afternoon thunderstorm possible. The pollen count & air quality are unchanged. Today's high temperature, 72F/22.2C.
64F with clear skies as of 12:53am (Sun). Feels like 64F with only 3mph winds. Barometer 29.89in; humidity 75% and the dew point is at 53F. Forecast for today: 76F with rain showers and a low of 52 tonight. Chance of precipitation 85%; humidity will drop to around 51%. Uv Index 5 (mod) and max winds of 10mph expected.
67F/19.4C right now. Cloudy still, with a dew point of 63F/17.2C, and a relative humidity of 91%. Overall, there's a 70% chance of rain, with thunderstorms likely during the afternoon. Other than that, winds are light and variable. The pollen count is rated as "moderate", still for grass, and the air quality is "good." Today's high, 83F/28.3C.
53F with clear skies as of 2:52am (Mon). Wind 5mph; barometer 29.92 in; humidity 96%; dew point 51F. High today 78F with sunny skies; and a low of 54F only a degree higher than now. Chance of rain 2%; humidity will fall to 27%; UV Index 8 (very high) and max winds of 15mph expected. Trivia: record high (last 30 years) 89F in 2001; and the record low was 36F in 1997.
Right now, 65F/18.3C. Cloudy with maybe some occasional clearing. The relative humidity is 98%, with the dew point at 63F/17.2C. Overall, there's a 85% chance of rain, with afternoon T-storms likely. Winds up to 15mph/24kph; and possibly damaging if the T-storms show up. The pollen count has surged to "very high" for grass, and the air quality is "moderate" Today's high, 79F/26.1C.
58F with clear skies as of 2am (Tues). Wind 4mph; barometer 29.93in; humidity 59% and the dew point is at 45F. Forecast is for a high of 77F with partly sunny skies and a low of 59F even though it shows by 3am the temp will be 55F. Chance of rain 4%; humidity will drop to around 35%; UV Index 9 (very high) and max winds of 9mph expected.
69F with cloudy skies as of 9:36pm (Tues). Feels like 69F with winds of 13mph. Barometer 29.93in; humidity 39% and the dew point is at 42F. Wednesday the high is expected to be 78F with thunderstorms and a low of 57F. Rain will likely start around midnight Tuesday with the heavy thunderstorms beginning around 5am and continuing until about 10am when things should calm down. Rain should stop by noon with cloudy or mostly cloudy skies continuing until 7pm when skies will clear and we should see the sun before sunset. Chance of rain 79%; humidity will rise to around 60%; UV Index should reach 6 (high) and max winds of 12mph expected.
Currently 52F/7.8C right now. Clear skies, with a relative humidity of 76%, and a dew point of 44F/6.7C. Maybe some clouds later on, with light & variable winds; only a 15% chance of rain today. The grass pollen has dropped to "high, " and the air quality is "good." Today's high temperature, 76F/24.4C.
59F with clear skies as of 1:42am. Wind 2mph; barometer 29.76in; humidity 97% and dew point 57F. Forecast for today: High 85F with partly sunny skies and a low of 60F. Chance of precipitation 3%; humidity will drop to around 41%; UV Index 8 (very high) and max winds of 15mph expected.
58F/14.4C right now. Mostly cloudy to full overcast, with clearing in the afternoon. The dew point is 57F/13.9C, with a relative hum9idity is 97%, and a merely 15% chance of rain. Winds up to 15mph/24mph. The grass pollen is still "high", and the air quality is still "good." The high temperature today, 83F/28.3C.
64F with clear skies as of 3:02am (Fri). Wind 7mph; barometer 29.41in; humidity 945 and the dew point is at 61F. Forecast for today: High of 83F with light rain; low of 59F. Chance of rain 51%; humidity will drop to around 54%; UV Index 8 (very high) and max winds of 20mph expected.
Right now, it's 80F/26.7C. Partly cloudy, with a relative humidity is 59%, with a dew point of 66F/18.9C. Overall, there's only about a 15% chance of rain today. Winds today up to 15mph/24kph. The pollen count has improved to "moderate", the offender still being grass, and the air quality is still "good." Today's high temperature, 91F/32.8C.
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