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55F with cloudy skies as of 3:30am (Fri). Feels like 55F with 11mph winds; barometer is at 30.02in; humidity 70% and the dew point at 45. Forecast for today: High of 64F with mostly cloudy skies and a low of 55F (current temp). Chance of rain 78%; humidity will dip to around 61%; UV Index 2 (low); and max winds of 16mph expected.
51F/10.6C right now. Clear skies, nuthin' but sun today. The relative humidity is a very low 26%, with the dew point at 17F/-8.3C. No rain expected today. Minimal winds, and the pollen count is "Low," for grass, with the air quality still in the "good" range. Today's high, 64F/17.8C.
56F/13.3C right now. Cloudy, with 94% humidity and a dew point of 54F/12.2C. Overall chance of rain, 40%. Winds are maybe 10mph/16kph. The pollen count is "High" for grass, and the air quality is "Moderate." Today's high is supposed to be 78F/25.6C.
50F with partly cloudy skies at 11:05pm (Wed). Feels like 47F with 7mph wind. Barometer 30.15in; humidity 92%; and the dew point at 46. Thursday's high will be 58F with rain and a low of 51F. Chance of rain Thursday - 95%; humidity dip to 83%; UV Index 1 (low) and Max winds of 10mph expected.
58F/14.4C right now. Cloudy, heavy overcast right now. The relative humidity is 77%, with the dew point at 50F/10C. There's only about a 5% chance of rain during the day today, but overnight tonight/tomorrow, that rises to 50%. The aire quality is "good", with the pollen count is "high" for grass. The high today is supposed to be 68F/20C.
51F with cloudy skies as of 1AM. Wind 10mph; barometer 29.83in; humidity 97% and the dew point is at 50. Forecast for today (Fri): High 58F with rain showers and a low of 47F. Chance of rain 82%; humidity will dip down to around 84%; UV Index 0 (low) and max winds of 15mph expected. Yesterday it rained all day and today it's likely to start around 8AM and continue until around 9pm this evening. Fields aren't getting planted ... just too darn much water for the tractors to get into the fields. :(
Right now, it's 57F/13.9C. Heavy overcast and rain. The rain is likely to continue until the very early hours of Sunday. The dew point is 55F/12.8C, with the relative humidity at 98%. No to minimal winds today. The pollen count is still "high", with the air quality still "good." Today's high, 61F/16.1C.
49F with cloudy skies at 2:09am (Sat). Feels like 45F with 9mph winds; barometer 29.87in; humidity 87% and the dew point at 44. Forecast high for today 71F with sunny skies and a low of the current temperature 49F. Chance of precipitation 1%; humidity will drop to 32%; UV Index 8 (very high) and max winds of 10mph expected.
The temperature right now is also today's projected high, 51F/10.6C. Still cloudy, with 95% relative humidity, and a dew point of 49F/9.4C. Winds may be up to 20mph/32kph. The pollen count is down to "moderate" still for grass, and the air quality is "good." Overall, today is going to be another rainy one, with the probability up to 85%.
Currently 49F/9.4C, with light overcast skies. Continued cloudy today, with the dew point at 37F/2.8C. The relative humidity is 63%, with only a 15% chance of rain. Winds maybe up to 10mph/16kph. The pollen count is still "moderate" for grass, with the air quality still in the "good" range. Today's high temperature, 51F/10.6C.
64F with cloudy skies as of a quarter to 1am. Wind is at 14mph. Barometer 29.83; humidity 65% and the dew point is at 49. Forecast high for today 85F with sunny skies and a low of 63F. Chance of precipitation 4%; humidity will drop to 49%; UV Indes 8 (very high) and max winds of 19mph predicted.
Right now, 39F/3.9C. Clear skies, with a dew point of 2.2C, and a relative humidity of 88%. No rain expected today. Minimal winds today. The pollen count is once again "high" for grass, with the air quality is "good." Today's high, 68F/20C.
74F with clear skies as of 2:55am (Wed). Wind 7mph; barometer 30.02in; humidity 92% and the dew point is at 70. Forecast for today is a high of 90F and a low of 72F. Wind 7mph; barometer 30.02in; humidity will drop to around 56%. Chance of precipitation 14%; UV Index 9 (very high) and mas winds of 10mph expected.
Current temperature is 47F/8.3C. Clear skies, with a relative humidity of 74%, and a dew point of 39F/3.9C. No rain expected today. Minimal winds, and with an air quality of "good", and a pollen count considered "high" for grass. The high today should reach 73F/22.8C.
79F with clear skies as of 12:15am (Thur). Feels like 84F with 8mph wind; barometer at 30.03in; humidity 75%; and the dew point 70. Forecast high for today 90F with partly sunny skies and a low of 67F. Chance of precipitation 6%; humidity will drop to around 50%; UV Index 9 (very high) and max winds of 13mph expected.
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