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Coaster 01-08-2008 11:19 PM

I'd enjoy that but ends up our daughter didn't get the job in Nashville....... so the trip doesn't look as promising now......

sodaklostsoul 01-08-2008 11:23 PM

Originally Posted by Coaster
I'd enjoy that but ends up our daughter didn't get the job in Nashville....... so the trip doesn't look as promising now......


But you would still have fun.

Coaster 01-08-2008 11:35 PM

Originally Posted by sodaklostsoul

But you would still have fun.

Oh I'm sure I would soda...... it's just our travel budget gets blown flying crosscountry now so not many extra $$$$$....

We'll see.... maybe I will win a lottery! :loveshowe

sodaklostsoul 01-08-2008 11:40 PM

Originally Posted by Coaster
Oh I'm sure I would soda...... it's just our travel budget gets blown flying crosscountry now so not many extra $$$$$....

We'll see.... maybe I will win a lottery! :loveshowe

Car pool?!?! :D

osuche 01-09-2008 12:29 PM

I'm having dinner with a good friend

I slept really soundly last night and I feel a bit groggy

I need to start planning for my trip to India

GreenChef 01-09-2008 12:52 PM

Waiting for the exterminator :banghead:

Hate to say it, but I am looking forward to going back to work :wobbly:

I wish I was getting ready for a trip to India, it's been far too long

Neige 01-09-2008 01:53 PM

I had lunch with my sister and one of my best friends and it was delicious! :D

I'm hoping the wind will calm down before Friday when I need to take a three-hour ferry ride!!!

I have rāpure for supper :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

osuche 01-10-2008 01:12 PM

It's another rainy day and I am looking forward to a weekend repreive

I think I'll fix stir fry for dinner, and head to the clothing store for a bit this evening

I got my grades for last semester and I am a tad disappointed in myself.

PantyFanatic 01-10-2008 02:19 PM

:yikes: How big are your 'tads'?

Irezumi Kiss 01-10-2008 09:09 PM

I had a weird, vivid, sexual dream this morning that I tried to write the particulars down after waking in order to use as grist for a possible story or art later on. The images I remember most clearly a pair of specially designed diamond rings that interlocked with one another and a girl sucking my cock quite exuberantly.

I meant to do a run today, but my bed was too comfortable and I went back to snoozeland.

I got paid today. It's the first paycheck I've gotten in over a year that I didn't have to sit on in order to pay rent with. It's going straight to the New iMac/MacBookPro Fund.

smithy020 01-10-2008 09:51 PM

I've had to do a uni essay.

I've drank 7 cups of tea

and i've only just had something to eat

Neige 01-10-2008 10:36 PM

I'm mostly packed to go back to Montreal.

I made a beer blow up in the freezer.

I'm happy the Habs won against Boston :D:D:D

PantyFanatic 01-10-2008 11:03 PM

Originally Posted by Irezumi Kiss
.....I got paid today. It's the first paycheck I've gotten in over a year that I didn't have to sit on in order to pay rent with. It's going straight to the New iMac/MacBookPro Fund.

Don't forget your Nashville fund.:) I'll see you there. :nod:

osuche 01-11-2008 01:23 PM

I drank a bottle of my favorite beer yesterday and my mouth is still happy :)

I'm going to see Stanley Clarke at Yoshi's tonight (http://www.stanleyclarke.com/frontpage.htm)

I'm excited about my hiking trip tomorrow

Irezumi Kiss 01-11-2008 06:53 PM

Stocking up one's pantry with cheap staples like I'm storing nuts for the winter like a squirrel can be sort of fun.

It's been unseasonably warm as of late and I could easily be taking advantage of it by going out and enjoying the weekend gamboling I denied myself for so long, but I don't want to get sucked back into the way I used to irresponsibly-hedonistically live my after-work life. And I want, NEED that new Mac, which is not buying itself on bottles of vodka.

I need to buy a good flexible white-light table lamp for drawing. I'd love to go get one tonight, but I don't think I'll bounce from work early enough.

Originally Posted by PantyFanatic
Don't forget your Nashville fund.:) I'll see you there. :nod:

Oh snap! I completely forgot about that! I'm still in the "don't make any future plans beyond two weeks" mode, especially after the apartment move came out of the blue! I hope I can still put in vay-cay time for that weekend! :sad:

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