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osuche 01-01-2008 03:41 PM

Some days are surreal

I think I understand my recommendation engine, fueled by the nest neural net possible

I need to spend some time writing today

rabbit 01-01-2008 07:23 PM

1) Slept late due to NYE party and too much beer.

2) Cleaned out the garage today

3) Hosted my in-laws for dinner

osuche 01-03-2008 04:07 PM

My body is aching thanks to the multi-day rainstorm we have moving in

I really don't feel all that great today - tummy ache, glands hurt, and I am getting chills

I have to speak at a school recruiting event tonight, and I am not in the mood.

Irezumi Kiss 01-03-2008 10:54 PM

Because of this damned Iowa caucus crap, I have to stay at work late when I really need to be at my old apartment throwing out the trash finally for the trash pickup at 2 in the morning.

The biting cold is also making the impending long night of doing the above and then going to my new home when it's done that much more irritating as the trains run on slow after 12.

I haven't had any real time to myself for my art or exercise, but it's almost there.

osuche 01-04-2008 01:46 PM

I started out feeling much better today, but as the morning wears on I feel crappy

Tonight is my last night with Mr Osuche, and he still hasn't shaved off that damn beard.

I'm not sure I want to go to wine country tomorrow

Irezumi Kiss 01-04-2008 06:04 PM

After lugging out the final trash bags at two in the morning last (freezing) night, it feels so GOOD to be totally done with my old apartment and moving on with (well-heated) life in the new one.

I'm going to need to get some new shelving units from IKEA.

It's amazing how many adult/erotic comic books, graphic novels and porn magazines I've accumulated. And I've read and can remember every last one of them, down to the last page.

osuche 01-07-2008 01:58 PM

I finally got the CHristmas stuff packed up, and our house is Christmas free for the next 11 months :D

I haven't been sleeping very well, and I am hoping to change that tonight

I'm getting ready to do a vicory dance...go BUCKS!

sodaklostsoul 01-07-2008 02:14 PM

Had a headache so took a 3 hour nap after the child went to school.

Watched vids on youtube for awhile.

Sorted and cleaned out one of my email accounts.

IowaMan 01-07-2008 02:32 PM

~ The lab at the Univ. of Iowa still doesn't know for sure what caused the lymph node in my armpit to swell up like it did. Had the thing removed in a biopsy back on Nov. 19. :(

~ FINALLY got my final Christmas package sent off in the mail today.

~ My kitty got attacked by another cat today. :mad:

Neige 01-07-2008 02:37 PM

This is my final day in charge of the sports center - the boss is finally back tomorrow!

I should be working on my mémoire, but I'm procrastinating.

I wish it was snowing instead of raining.

Lilith 01-07-2008 04:17 PM

I'm afraid I'm going to have to break down and hire an attorney.

My students will be back tomorrow.

I'm trying to have a new attitude.

Irezumi Kiss 01-07-2008 08:45 PM

I've almost forgotten how good it feels to be able to pay the rent with virtually ONE check out of the month instead of all four.

The next two days will be the first days off from work in a month that I'll have space to be completely selfish for me and me alone, instead of hustling to find a new place to live, cleaning or moving stuff. And I almost don't know what to do with the free time.

Want to try a neighborhood run in the morning, but my new area has no nearby parks or expansive streets/avenues like my old one, unfortunately.

osuche 01-08-2008 07:49 PM

I have a "date" (with a friend) tonight, and I have no clue what we're doing :D

It's raining and I want comfort food

I am getting really, really busy with work again

Coaster 01-08-2008 10:56 PM

I'm getting all my work done before our vacation

I've started packing for CA

I was thinking of 70 degree weather as I shoveled slush today

PantyFanatic 01-08-2008 10:58 PM

Stay caught up with all that ^^^ work so you can think about PAGAN-08. :nod:

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