37F/2.8C right now around here. The relative humidity is 58%, with the dew point at 23F/-5C. Mostly cloudy, likely all day. No precipitation expected, though. The air quality is still "good", with the expected high today, 46F/7.8C.
In Kyiv, it is also currently 37F/2.8C, with sunny skies, a relative humidity of 40%, a dew point of 19F/-7.2C, and a 100% chance of artillery shell and rocket precipitation. Also, a 75% chance of snow overnight. The high today is expected to be 42F/5.6C. |
40F with clear skies. Feels like 37F with 4mph winds. Barometer 29.96in; humidity 69%; and a dew point of 28. Low of 31F expected. Chance of precipitation 2%; humidity will drop to around 45%; UV Index 4 (mod) and max winds of 9mph expected.
Right now, 32F/0C. Partly cloudy to mostly sun. The relative humidity is 79%, with the dew point at 26F/-3.3C. No rain expected today. I'm waiting for the pollen to start up again, but so far it hasn't. The air quality remains "good." Today's high, 58F/14.4C.
37F with clear skies at 2:06am (Wed). Feels like 34F with winds of 4mph. Barometer 30.09in; humidity 91% and the dew point at 33. Forecast high for today 66F with mostly sunny skies. A low of 30F is expected but not clear whether that'll be before daybreak or tonight. Chance of precipitation 4%; humidity will dimish to around 46%; UV Index remains at 4 (mod) an max winds of 13mph expected.
33F/.6C right now. Skies are clear, with maybe some clouds in the afternoon. The relative humidity is 89%, with the dew point standing at 31F/-.6C. Overall, maybe a 5-10% chance of rain today. The air quality is still "good." The high today, a relatively balmy 61F/16.1C.
36F with clear skies as of 2:52am (Thu). Feels like 29F with 10mph winds. Barometer 30.19in; humidity 81% and the dew point is at 29. Forecast high for today 37F and a low of 28. Cloudy skies are predicted. Chance of precipitation 7%; humidity will drop to around 51%; UV Index of 3 (mod) and max winds of 10mph expected.
Right now, 48F/8.9C right now. Cloudy, with a relative humidity of 63%, and a dew point of 36F/2.2C. There's around a 35% chance of rain this morning, with some clearing later on in the afternoon. The air quality is still "good." today's high temperature, 51F/10.6C.
26F with clear skies as of 4am. Feels like 18F with 9mph winds. Barometer at 30.38in; humidity at 87% and the dew point is at 20.
Forecast high for today 49F with mostly cloudy skies and a low of 27F (which we've already beat :( ). Chance of precipitation 3%; humidity will decrease to around 43%; UV Index 3 (mod) and max winds of 11mph expected. |
28F/-2.2C right now. Sunny skies, maybe a few clouds in the afternoon. The relative humidity is 40%, with the dew point at 8F/-13.3C. No precipitation expected today. Maybe a little wind, up to 10mph/16kph. The air quality is still in the "good" range. Today's high, 47F/8.3C.
42F with clear skies at 2:35am (Sat). Feels like 36F with winds of 10mph. Barometer 30.01in; humidity 76% and the dew point is at 32. Forecast high for today 73F with partly sunny skies and a low of 36F tonight. 43% chance of precipitation; humidity will drop to around 48%; UV Index will be 3 (mod) and max winds of 21mph expected.
45F with clear skies as of 3am. Feels like 39F with 21mph winds. Barometer 29.83in; humidity 80% and the dew point is at 38. Forecast high for today 48F with partly sunny skies and a low of 32F. Chance of precipitation 5%; humidity will hover around 54%; UV Index 4 (mod) and max winds of 13mph expected (a drop of 8 from now :D).
Currently 66F/18.9C. Mostly cloudy to full overcast today. The relative humidity is 74%, with the dew point is 57F/13.9C. Overall, around a 30% chance of rain today. The air quality is still "good." The high today is a near-record 75F/23.9C.
25F with clear skies at 12:20am. Feels like 20F with 5mph winds. Baromeer 30.29in; humidity 76% and the dew point is at 17. Forecast high for today 38F with sunny skies and a low of 25F.
Chance of precipitation 5%; humidity will drop to around 46%; UV Index of 4 (mod) and max winds of 8 mph expected. |
42F/5.6C right now. Heavy overcast left over from yesterday's rain. The relative humidity is 57%, with the dew point at 27F//-2.2C. Yesterday was we had not only rain, but fairly high winds, and an unusually warm temperature (79F/26.1C) Today, the winds have moderated-maybe up to 20mph/32kph-and we might get some sun before the rain returns overnight. No rain expected during the day time. And while the air quality is still in the "good" range, the high temperature today is supposed to be a very seasonal 52F/11.1C.
29F with clear skies at 3:07am. Feels like 29 with wind at 3mph. Barometer is at 30.04 in; humidity is at 89% and the dew point stands at 23. Forecast high for today 41F with partly sunny skies and a low of 2F expected. Chance of precipitation 4%; humidity will drop to around 45%; the UV Index 4 (mod) and max winds of 11mph predicted.
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