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Irezumi Kiss 12-20-2007 02:24 PM

- My landlord is prorating my deposit from my rent this month, which leaves me with significantly more money than I thought I'd have at the end of this month.

- I have a tentative belongings move-in date to the new place on next Monday the 24th at 8 a.m. Guy with the vans will charge me $150. Just barely makes what I have now after paying the last rent. Can't complain.

- I've pushed my mind into accepting the breaking down of my stuff and packing as an opportunity to clear all the unnecessary clutter and shit from what's been collected up thru eight years my life living in that apartment. Still is a pain in the ass to do, though. And I am tired and horny after work, don't wanna think about packing.

Lilith 12-20-2007 05:40 PM

I had two kids absent today :line:

People in my town are freaked because we have a serial killer.

I am being contacted by a law firm because of an accident I witnessed.

PantyFanatic 12-20-2007 09:34 PM

I'm sure you can be available to assist by giving an affidavit. :)

........ And I'm sure your time is also worth $120.00/hr. ....(portal to portal :nod: )

osuche 12-21-2007 12:27 AM

I made a job decision today, and I feel happy about it

I sometimes think I am too nice, and other times I see it pay off in spades

One of my coworkers gave me a pointsettia today

Irezumi Kiss 12-21-2007 10:54 PM

I hope to get the new keys tomorrow.

I might be moving the move-in date to the 28th instead of the 24th, but that will give me more time to halve and pack my shit.

I'm so indifferent to the X'mas season now, maybe more than I've ever been, thanks to everything I've been going through just this one month. The incessant "buy, buy, buy, sell, sell, sell gifts" mentality just makes it more worse. But I'm not ungrateful for my blessings.

osuche 12-22-2007 09:03 PM

The only Christmas present I have left to buy is one for myself - and I don;t know what I want. LOL

Mr Osuche had a good morning, but a really really crappy afternoon. I wish he was consistently better.

I have someone I want to be spending my evening with, but I need ot stay home and take care of my sweetie.

IowaMan 12-22-2007 09:10 PM

~ I got an email reply from my sister....... finally.

~ The stray kitty I've been feeding for the last couple of weeks decided it would come in and get out of the ice and snow. Lou isn't so sure it wouldn't be better off getting some more fresh air. :rofl:

~ I think maybe one of the medications I'm taking is finally starting to work a little bit.

osuche 12-22-2007 09:13 PM

Originally Posted by IowaMan
~ I think maybe one of the medications I'm taking is finally starting to work a little bit.

:line: :line: :line:

sodaklostsoul 12-23-2007 09:45 PM

I'm a baaad puddy tat.

I must have really worked hard bagging all the stuff customers bought in the last 2 days cause my left elbow is really aching.

Been teaching the child that it isn't the amount you spend on the gift as more as it is the thought that counts.

dicksbro 12-24-2007 12:59 PM

I found something for my son-in-law that I thought the store was out of.
I got our cats some of their special cat food.
Got to wish Merry Christmas to five special friends at coffee this morning.

Lilith 12-24-2007 01:09 PM

I spent 4 hours at the dealership today getting a tune up.

I need to wrap presents but my fingers have to thaw out first.

My neighbor boy/son #3 got his deployment orders.

osuche 12-24-2007 01:24 PM

I need to find a group activity for tonight

I'll need to think up something yummy for dinner that doesn't make too much noise

I really need a sound night of sleep sometime soon

AZRedHot 12-24-2007 02:36 PM

I'm going out of the house for the first time in 2 days.
The sun is out.
I saw a hummingbird today.

musicman 12-24-2007 03:03 PM

Need a Nap
Expecting company in less than an hour

Aqua 12-24-2007 03:11 PM

I haven't finished Christmas shopping.

I'm working today.

I'm sick. :(

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