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Steph 06-11-2003 02:01 AM


I've been up since 7 a.m.!!!!!

Steph 06-11-2003 02:03 AM


And I still haven't visited the smut games section!

celticangel 06-11-2003 02:16 AM


morning all!!!!!!!

Steph 06-11-2003 11:09 AM


skipped one, I think celticangel . . . Good afternoon!

Steph 06-11-2003 11:13 AM


I slept in, it was lovely! It's quite humid today so I'll probably bike down to the lake with the dog so he can cool off a bit.

dicksbro 06-11-2003 12:36 PM


Sharni 06-11-2003 01:33 PM


Mercury_Maniac 06-11-2003 02:12 PM


I have a belly button

Mercury_Maniac 06-11-2003 02:13 PM

oops the last one was suppose to be 4282

and this one is 4283

WildIrish 06-11-2003 02:31 PM


dadaist 06-11-2003 03:57 PM


and I'm not going to comment on the forum move :P

dadaist 06-11-2003 03:59 PM

MilkToast forgot the most famous oxymoron of all:

Microsoft Works


dadaist 06-11-2003 04:03 PM


Yet another version of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic book was released to comic book stores today, this one written by Peter David (who has written for Hulk, various versions of Star Trek, etc etc etc).

dicksbro 06-11-2003 04:14 PM


dadaist 06-11-2003 04:28 PM


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