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IowaMan 11-21-2007 06:30 PM

~ I didn't get some test results back from the doctor today as I was hoping. Guess I am waiting until Monday to find out my good news. :wish:

~ While the snow is falling and it is very pretty, I have already had my fill of it for the season. :rofl:

~ I believe I will turn in extra early tonight and hopefully get the good night's sleep that has somehow not come my way for the last few nights.

dicksbro 11-21-2007 06:50 PM

1. It's only a bit after 6PM and already I could call it a night. Tomorrow will be busy as our olderst daughter and her husband are picking us up to ride with them to Plainfield for our Thanksgiving dinner.

2. I thought I'd have more time today than I ended up having.

3. I'm listening to the rain (so far) and hoping it doesn't turn icy tonight.

Irezumi Kiss 11-21-2007 08:17 PM

- It feels good to get paid, especially when you've been broke as fuck for a week. I wish I could do something really selfish with this money instead of socking it just to give it away to someone else, but at least it feels good to earn a keep.

- Tomorrow may suck because only three people are working, including me. Hopefully it'll be slow as molasses and my coworker will bring some good hooch.

- I'll run all my frustrations away after I finish work tonight. I never thought night running would be my personal meditation activity, but it's working.

Lilith 11-22-2007 12:22 PM

1. My son told me I look like a chef. I hope I cook like one too.

2. I'm having a warm up drink like I saw suggested on the Martha Stewart show yesterday.

3. Mr. Lil wants me to cut my hair.

PantyFanatic 11-22-2007 12:40 PM

Mr. Lil :gb:

Irezumi Kiss 11-22-2007 01:19 PM

- Did a good, extended run today, many people in the park, was a sunny day, managed to use a guy pushing a stroller with his kid next to me as my pace car...and he ultimately dusted me at the last five hundred feet. I have to push myself for stronger runs now. I have no excuse for being lazy when a papa older than me pushing extra weight can run better and faster distance than I can.

- My co-worker brought the good hooch! The office buffet will be served in three hours. I will try not to get too slap-happy from the food and booze combo. :cheers:

- I brought empty containers and tins in order to bogart some of the spread back home with me tonight and use the leftovers as my lunch and dinner meals for two days. There's nothing wrong with rocking on someone else's dime, especially when it's your company's dime. :thumb:

Neige 11-22-2007 05:35 PM

I am very relieved that my great-grandmother is not doing anywhere as badly as was reported yesterday. I am, however, pissed off at my great-aunt who claimed that my great-grandmother was dying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It snowed last night!!!!! It's snowing again now!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm only not glad about the freezing rain that fell between the snowfalls - it's going to be slippery out there.

I am making supper for the sexy chef, and he said he'd bring me burritos. He takes such good care of me :D

IowaMan 11-23-2007 03:24 AM

~ I get to spend much of the next two days with my best friend, his 12 yr-old son and his dad. I can't wait!

~ I need to put a bit of gas in the car as I noticed the needle is just below "E" :yikes:

~ I'm starting to get into the holiday season and it's been a few years since I can say that I have truly enjoyed this time of year.

osuche 11-23-2007 04:31 AM

I worked pretty much straight from about 5:30 am to 9:30 pm. I am sooo tired

It was worth it...the party was wonderful

Tomorrow I need to relax a bit :p

rabbit 11-23-2007 08:21 PM

1) Bought the XMAS tree today and set it up. Decorating tomorrow, I think.

2) Finally manned up and cleaned out the garage.

3) Played football with my son in the snow.

dicksbro 11-24-2007 05:02 AM

1. God our lights onto the bushes and the timers set
2. Slipped on a warm shirt since it was a bit chilly
3. One of our kids was up late and a bit loud so had to ask him to be quieter.

osuche 11-24-2007 12:23 PM

I woke up feeling less shitty than yesterday, but I still feel shitty.

I must (really) get some homework done

We're headed to a friend's house tonight...I think....although I sure wish I felt better

jay-t 11-24-2007 09:23 PM

worked on rebuilding a wood stove

ate lunch with 2 of my son-in-laws

forged out a cobra to make a bead loom

osuche 11-25-2007 09:18 PM

I am a fool, but I think I can fix my foolish ways

I may call in sick tomorrow just to play catch up on my school work

I feel like crap, and I really think I am catching something nasty

Fangtasia 11-26-2007 01:40 PM

1. I've got 2 weeks 4 days to work and then Hols...and i'm definately counting!

2. I've been super busy for so long

3. I always seem to find bargains just when i don't have the spare pennies *L*

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