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dicksbro 11-17-2007 05:49 AM

1. It's okay for me to drive again. :)
2. I don't need to go back to see the surgeon any more.
3. I got some things done I needed to do.

Fangtasia 11-17-2007 06:10 AM

I'm on a Supernatural kick today

I'm on the lookout for some new Orli pics

I'm getting a bit tired

Irezumi Kiss 11-17-2007 04:30 PM

Managed to get in a good run before work and the encroaching cold rain clouds today. :cheerlead

Briefly lost my cool at work due to idiot giving me needless drama over bullshit; kicked over roll of newsprint proofer paper in retaliation :ranting: ...after letting it rain out under the bridge, all is wellness again (for now, anyway! :sad: )

Paid my hipsterized/gentrified neighborhood-raised rent and now broke as a busted Wall Street insider trader until Wednesday, will attempt to channel my cup-o-noodle-dinner energies into drawing a dirty comic instead of wallowing in destitutional self-pity. :hair:

osuche 11-17-2007 04:33 PM

I'm a little ticked that I still haven't heard from my sister, who is returning East tomorrow

I was feeling anti-social in class today, compounded by complete incomprehension of the class material

I'm bummed that no one has noticed my hair cut

rabbit 11-17-2007 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by osuche
I'm bummed that no one has noticed my hair cut

Send me a pic so I can compliment you! :D

1) Played (and lost) NASCAR racing on the Playstation with my 8 year old...many times.

2) Helping a friend to teach his dog to fetch.

3) Did some XMAS shopping today.

osuche 11-20-2007 03:16 AM

My house smells like the holidays, and that makes me happy

My boss proved definitively today that he's an idiot

I have another interview tomorrow :D

Fangtasia 11-20-2007 03:28 AM

I'm feeling better after waking with a migraine

I've been trying to back up some stuff thats on my puter....havent even really made a dent in it yet *L*

My new fishtank light arrived today, i'll pick it on my way home from work tomorrow

sodaklostsoul 11-20-2007 08:57 AM

Have the day off so I can attend kiddo's school conference later.

I need to go get some breakfast.

I need to do this and that so I guess I just need.

rabbit 11-20-2007 05:47 PM

1) Cleaned out my son's room...I just couldn't take it anymore. :mad:

2) Fixed a broken wheelbarrow

3) Ran 3.5 miles today. Felt good.

maddy 11-20-2007 06:24 PM

I got some new jeans for cheap, I hate the size they are, but they were cheap!

I spent some time helping out WI's favorite cause this past weekend.

I have a four day weekend and intend to enjoy it since I'm stuck without vacation for another three months.

Pita 11-20-2007 09:28 PM

I got a taste of a Dragon Tail and I like it! :)

Today was my last day of classes for five wonderful days.

I spent three hours fast forwarding through my soaps to get caught up. I'm emotionally exhausted now! :faint:

dicksbro 11-21-2007 05:22 AM

I'm having fun looking at the TT's AV. :hot:
I've got to get ready for a 6AM meeting. :(
Today will be busy.

rabbit 11-21-2007 09:50 AM

1) Made breakfast...pancakes, bacon, grapefruit, coffee.

2) Doing some work from home but not going into the office.

3) Planning a trip to Palo Alto in January.

osuche 11-21-2007 11:45 AM

I have a busy day packed with meetings :(

I dropped off the car at the mechanic this morning - I am expecting a big $$$ bill

I have lots of things to catch up on, and very little motivation.

Pita 11-21-2007 04:09 PM

Enjoying my day off from classes

Went Christmas decoration shopping and saved lots of money, which meant I could spend lots of money. :)

Going to meet my Sweetie at Barnes and Nobles in a bit for some browsing over decorating books while having a coffee, or two.

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