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Sharni 03-25-2004 03:58 AM

1. I reckon i should only work 4 day weeks all the time *LOL*

2. I'm in an excellent mood today

3. I'm listening to the Village People *LOL*

Steph 03-25-2004 04:01 AM

1. *cough cough* I think I'm feeling sick.

2. Whoops, I might call in sick.

3. I overestimate management sometimes.

IAKaraokeGirl 03-26-2004 09:20 AM

1. I am going to be spoiled rotten this weekend, I have a feeling. :D

2. I'm hoping that things fall in place, soon. Too much is up in the air for me to feel comfortable.

3. I had a long talk last night at the kindergarten meeting with my daughter's future school nurse about her peanut allergy. I actually think this school district, because it is small, will work hard to ensure her safety, which helps me to feel *slightly* better.

Steph 03-26-2004 02:08 PM

1. Payday is here and all the money is more than accounted for.

2. I'm looking for fun, free things to do this weekend.

3. Spring is in the air and it makes me randy! (That and spicy food and Spanish boys . . .)

IAKaraokeGirl 03-28-2004 12:11 AM

1. I told the eye doctor today the strength and diameter of my contacts...and was right. I was probably the easiest appointment he had all day. :D

2. I was talking on the phone to my boss this afternoon while in the *most* compromising position.

3. I got to show off someone special this morning, which pleased me greatly.

Sharni 03-28-2004 12:20 AM

I watch PotC again today..and have to admit Depp did a great job and looked good...but....not as good as my preciousssssssss :D:D

I want the weekend to go for another couple of days...I've had a pearler of a time

Made about another 20Avs today.....will do more next week

Grumble 03-28-2004 06:00 AM

Went up to my club ski lodge this weekend with my son Cameron
I had not stayed there overnight since 9/9/2000, way too long !!

did my first working bee for 3 years and put in some shelves in the workroom and tidied it up, enjoyed the mountain air

Hawthorn my football team in the AFL (Australian Football League) won their Round 1 game by 49 points CARNA HAWKS !!

Coaster 03-28-2004 10:15 AM

I've finally caught up on my sleep

Am going to the farm for maple syrup.. yum, yum

Will spend most of the day outdoors...

IAKaraokeGirl 03-30-2004 12:00 PM

1. I'm at home with another %#@$ sinus infection...and, lucky me, I'm scheduled to start allergy shots in the next week or so because of it. I mean, what's the problem with having sinus infections about nine months of the year? :D

2. Someone really irked me last night...but I realized how far I'd come when, even though I was upset, I didn't have that adrenaline rush that always makes me cry when I'm mad. I hope that means I'm getting stronger.

3. I'm enjoying my quiet time immensely today.

dicksbro 03-30-2004 01:56 PM

Had a good morning at work.
Not too bad a bowling day.
And now ... a bit of relaxation.

All together, can't complain. :)

Steph 03-30-2004 02:32 PM

1. Sore throat and cough but hopefully it's not too serious.
2. Morning sex.
3. Afternoon reading erotica.

Not a bad day here, either!

skipthisone 03-31-2004 08:24 AM

1. Way too early to be at work when I didnt get home from a concert until 3ish.
2. Cannot hear as a result of above as well.
3. But am smiling today, a good evening and life is getting better everyday.

imaginewithme 03-31-2004 08:47 AM

Had a terrible dream that woke me up crying.
Have cried while getting ready for work this morning.
Hubby came in and kissed me good bye and told me everything would be okay.

WildIrish 03-31-2004 09:40 AM

Got a lousy night's sleep last night
Cranky as hell this morning
Someone turned my day around :)

Steph 03-31-2004 10:03 AM

Up too early
Have calls to make to (gulp) student loans & other not fun things . . .
Today is a good day to get all the crappy things out of the way since it's raining, right?

IAKaraokeGirl 04-01-2004 01:01 AM

1. I have a HUGE sense of relief after posting the picture thread. :)

2. I'm *glad* I finally got the pictures done...it was torture not to play the games or post, holding off on 30,000. :D

3. Yep, it felt even better than it looked. :hot:

Steph 04-01-2004 12:02 PM

1. Beer or wine?
2. Will catch up with some friends tonight.
3. In a tank top begging for sun and warmth!

Lilith 04-01-2004 03:39 PM

1) Went with 126 5 year olds on a field trip.:spin::dizzy::spin:

2) Felt like I was sitting at the big people's table for the first time today.

3) Am gonna be rockin out to Aerosmith in a few hours!

IAKaraokeGirl 04-01-2004 03:43 PM

1. I have the most devious, wonderful attorney in the world as my friend and supporter.

2. I have, once again, the best friends in the world here at Pixies.

3. I am not wanting to cook a whole heck of a lot tonight, so I'm weighing the benefits of chili dogs vs. spaghetti. :D

Steph 04-01-2004 06:11 PM

~enjoyable sick day spent spring cleaning (and coughing and stuff, I am sorta sick!)
~am looking forward to a visit from a sexy dog walker shortly
~can't walk the dog b/c during spring cleaning, I left my shoes on the balcony and they're all wet! :D

dicksbro 04-01-2004 07:27 PM

1. Just had a hamburger with everything on it :)
2. Found out there's more work we've got to do on our car :(
3. The day was beautiful here! :)

Two out of three ain't bad! :D

Sharni 04-01-2004 08:21 PM

Was contemplating doing some new pics...hmmmm...nahhhhhhhhhh

I've lost my bloody cheque book and just had to go and order another (#20 bucks says i find the damn old one now)

It's sposed to be getting cool here...but instead it's warming back up lol

IAKaraokeGirl 04-02-2004 09:34 AM

1. I have a particularly stressful evening ahead of me, but I know it will probably be okay. I just have to let things go.

2. Kleclere and I will have all five (my 2, his 3) kids this weekend. Any Pixies that would like to come over, too, are welcome--just as guests, not to help or anything. :D

3. It's Friday, I'm having an exceedingly good hair day, and I don't really have any more boxes to unpack--the apartment is pretty much put together. Woohoo!

skipthisone 04-02-2004 11:07 AM

1. Woke up too early (about 4am) but quickly wrapped around someone next to me in bed and went back to sleep with a smile.
2. Got busy at work today, which is a great change.
3. Gonna enjoy a weekend of work outside, looks like it will be sunny and somewhat warm here.

Lilith 04-02-2004 03:59 PM

1) said bye to my babies.

2) came home to find the Lost Boys had gotten loose again :p

3) missed somebody more than I let on.

huntersgirl 04-02-2004 04:14 PM

1. Worked today(that is unusual for me;) )

2. Bought the new Toby Lightman cd. I'm listening to it for the second time while I perv. I like it.

3. Counting down the hours until its bed time for the little ones!:p

BlondeCurlGirl 04-03-2004 12:11 AM

1. I've been getting to know a new guy friend, and we might go catch dinner and a play soon. :)

2. I'm so sick of being in Madison and in the center of the Audrey Seiler hoax abudction. Our local media is just obsessed! But it has been cool to have the amount of national media attention focused on Madison.

3. I tried making chicken enchiladas for supper tonight and they actually turned out when I wasn't expecting them to. :D Hooray!

IAKaraokeGirl 04-05-2004 08:25 AM

1. My sister put her house up for sale Thursday and sold it yesterday. Wow!

2. I was right last night--again--and it felt great.

3. There's a 12-year old in my life I love to pieces, even if she asks me the most personal and intimate questions. :D

osuche 04-05-2004 08:09 PM

1. I've had sleeping sickness recently...and my mom told me it was cause I was getting old.

2. Headed out for 2 more days on the road, starting tomorrow morning at 6 am.

3. I have many things in my life I should be doing and thinking about, and I want no part of any of them.

IAKaraokeGirl 04-06-2004 08:45 AM

1. I'm worried about a friend of mine, even though he knows where to find me if he needs me.

2. I only work a partial day today, as I'm taking my daughter to kindergarten round-up this afternoon and tomorrow morning.

3. Had a unique role reversal last night...but I was okay with it.

BlondeCurlGirl 04-06-2004 10:33 PM

1. I enjoyed 70 degree weather and a leisurely walk around my new neighborhood this evening.

2. I got a bad cut at work today and didn't fill out an incident report. :p

3. I had a really good chat with my mom on the phone tonight...twice!

Coaster 04-06-2004 10:36 PM

3) Had a good day... won an award

2) Swam in a heated outdoor pool... over 105... air temp 33

1) Then hopped in sauna!

IAKaraokeGirl 04-08-2004 01:10 PM

1. I'm a little worried about my son, who is having some anxiety problems at school.

2. I'm exhausted today after bowling six games yesterday. :rolleyes:

3. I can't wait to be home tonight in my love's arms.

IAKaraokeGirl 04-21-2004 01:24 PM


1. It's my first day back in the office since Thursday morning. They're glad I'm here; I'm not glad I'm here.

2. I'm taking care of financial/personal things today, too, which means my mind is more at ease. I need that.

3. I'm gonna let kleclere spoil me rotten tonight, since I'm feeling a little better. ;)

osuche 04-21-2004 03:22 PM

1. Slightly less pissed at the world than yesterday

2. Procrastinating too much and I will PAY for it later tonight

3. Would rather be at the gym than working

huntersgirl 04-22-2004 10:23 AM

1. Need to get off this damn computer and get to work!

2. Had wonderful morning sex!

3. My little guy is singing away with Sesame Street right now! So very cute!

Lilith 04-22-2004 12:11 PM

Not today but last 24 hours...I don't have enough newsy news to give in 1 day :p

1) I was told I was "not a typical mom"~ high praise from a carload of stinky middle school boys!

2) My little guy making up some silly I Love You song and singing it to me while I fixed his breakfast.

3) Cept for finals I'm done with this semester!

FallenAngel5 04-22-2004 12:29 PM

1) Today is Fountain Day - the basically school-wide holiday where everyone gets drunk in the morning and the fountains get turned on - so I am way excited.
2) My class just got cancelled cause 5 people showed up! (see above)
3) It is a beautiful sunny day!

IAKaraokeGirl 04-22-2004 04:45 PM

1. It's hotter than Hades in this office. Will there EVER come a day when these people have the same body chemistry as me and set the thermostat at a decent temperature?

2. Picked up pictures today and had two awesome ones in there of my daughter. Of course, there was ALSO one in there of ME, taken on Easter Sunday while we were bowling by SOMEONE who shall remain, ahem, nameless. :D

3. I sooooo need it to be the weekend.

dicksbro 04-24-2004 05:41 AM

Originally posted by IAKaraokeGirl
3. I sooooo need it to be the weekend.

Just wanted you to take note ... I closed my eyes last night ... and ... voila' ... I woke up and IT"S THE WEEKEND! :D :D

1. It's starting to get light and I'm thinking I may go out to the park for a morning walk.
2. Got some work to do around the house today.
3. We're thinking about a movie either today or tomorrow.

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