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dicksbro 08-05-2003 10:33 PM

1. Worked today
2. Got a clean bill of health from the doctor
3. Attended two meetings this evening

(this after not having slept last night :()

(It's 10:33PM local time now :()

rabbit 08-08-2003 10:19 PM

1) Got caught up on some lost sleep from Wednesday night.

2) Put my wife and daughter on a plane to Baltimore today. They'll only be gone a couple of days but I miss 'em already.

3) Just got done giving myself a really nice handjob. :D


Steph 08-08-2003 11:43 PM

Woohoo, great news about the clean bill of health, DB - GET SOME SLEEP!

I hope your wife and daughter are home soon, rabbit!

1. Glad to be back to Pixies/Toronto/my dog/my own house
2. Glad to have spent a week visiting family
3. Next time I go I'll be staying at a hotel - can't stay with my mother for more than a day or two :)

BlondeCurlGirl 08-09-2003 01:37 AM

1. Just returned from my best friend's bachelorette party.

2. Still not drunk but flirted with a few guys at the bars.

3. Starting to cry as I make out her card and reliving all our memories...

BIBI 08-09-2003 02:56 AM

I am up way way too late
I had a wonderful chat with a lovely man
We decided we are finally going to meet.

Sharni 08-09-2003 05:17 AM

The good news......got our tax done and we're getting a return

The bad news....my car caught fire and is down for the count til its fixed

The good news....we all got out of the car with just frazzled nerves!!

Bilbo 08-09-2003 05:53 AM

frazzled nerves!!

If this is frazzled fucking nerves, I do not want anything to do with a nervous breakdown

Lilith 08-10-2003 02:28 PM

1) Am grateful Sharni and her crew are safe ((hugs))

2) Am back from vacation and had a good time but missed you all

3) Am glad school starts in a week for the kids :spin:

IAKaraokeGirl 08-10-2003 07:29 PM

1. Had a good time at karaoke last night with my sister and friends--but the DJ made us karaoke virgins every time we were called up, giving us the songs we'd written down to sing that we'd never sang before. Yikes!

2. Had a huge fight with my mother Friday night. Can Tuesday morning come soon enough?????

3. Otherwise, had a truly wonderful weekend--son's birthday party out of the way, my sister talked me into going off the diving board for the first time in 20 years or so, and lots of sisterly giggling. :)

Steph 08-10-2003 07:56 PM

1. Glad to hear Sharni, Bilbo and the gang are safe!!!
2. Can completely understand what IAK's going through - my mother was pretty cranky for a day or so when I was home for a visit.
3. My dog is not feeling well and I hope he picks up soon.

Gyzsmo 08-11-2003 03:24 AM

1. Gave myself a haircut and got my best friend to give me a new
2. Visited with my grandparents who were out from Ontario for
the past week.
3. Read alot of threads on here to try to get to know people :)

rabbit 08-11-2003 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Steph
I hope your wife and daughter are home soon, rabbit!

Thanks for the well-wishes, Steph! They got back safe and sound.


1) Took the day off from work and played golf today! :D

2) Drank a Slurpee for the first time in 20 years. It was a Red Blast something or other...damn it was good.

3) Found out today that a friend of ours is having an affair with another friend of ours. "eek:

osuche 08-11-2003 09:27 PM

1. Had a great two hour workout at they gym

2. Found someone to weed my yard for me, at a reasonable price

3. Had Thai for dinner and ate too much

IAKaraokeGirl 08-11-2003 09:29 PM

1. Am envious of osuche's Thai dinner. I think I'd have to drive a good 3-4 hours to get Thai from here. :D

2. I will miss my sister when they leave soon. I've realized the last several days how long it's been since we spent any time together.

3. I'm hoping to get more sleep tonight than I have lately, with plenty of pleasant dreams. :)

Lilith 08-11-2003 09:52 PM

1) Got to spend time with someone who has come to mean a lot to me, unfortunately it's never enough time.

2) Bought a zillion dollars worth of school supplies.

3) Oh! and I masturbated in the parking lot of what used to be an Office Max.....their slogan was "take it to the Max", so I did.

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