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IAKaraokeGirl 07-05-2003 06:43 PM

Girls vs. boys (*especially* when we win!)

Letter opener or finger?

Sharni 07-05-2003 07:05 PM


Oral: Licking or Sucking

dm383 07-05-2003 07:47 PM

O-O-O-H-H-H Yesssss!!!

(sorry..... was that an "either/or" question?? :D) BOTH!!

Oral: before or after penetration?

dicksbro 07-06-2003 04:06 AM

Another both. Probably before more often ... but both.

shoes or sandals?

dm383 07-06-2003 05:31 AM

Shoes....... sandals only if I'm on holiday (somewhere HOT!!)

slip-ons or laces?

Sharni 07-06-2003 05:40 AM


Angel or Buffy

dicksbro 07-06-2003 05:41 AM


Wizards or witches?

txgrneyes 07-06-2003 02:06 PM

Witches....we are such a crafty clan

glass or plastic toys

denny 07-06-2003 02:07 PM

Glass is so cool, no vibrations tho.

Clitoral or vaginal?

txgrneyes 07-06-2003 02:12 PM

CAnt I have both....please baby....

vaginal or anal...play

denny 07-06-2003 02:14 PM

All of the above, I can do it.

lingerie or nude?

txgrneyes 07-06-2003 02:23 PM


on top or on bottom

denny 07-06-2003 02:25 PM

In the middle!

redhead or blonde?

Stevo 07-06-2003 03:27 PM

blonde then if I have to pick

looks or personality?

MistyBluEyes 07-06-2003 03:28 PM


Intelligent and unattractive or Dumb and beautiful?

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