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Steph 07-24-2004 11:59 AM


imaginewithme 07-24-2004 12:07 PM

good afternoon all!

Pita 07-24-2004 12:20 PM

good afternoon pretty lady.

dicksbro 07-24-2004 12:21 PM

That should be my line for you. :)

jseal 07-24-2004 12:23 PM

Good afternoon

Steph 07-24-2004 12:24 PM

good day

musicman 07-24-2004 01:03 PM

yes it is isn't it?

imaginewithme 07-24-2004 01:03 PM

yeah...musicman :line:

musicman 07-24-2004 01:04 PM

hiya gorgeous!

imaginewithme 07-24-2004 01:04 PM

how are ya sexy man?

musicman 07-24-2004 01:06 PM

just home for a few then out again - but other than that - ok thanks!

imaginewithme 07-24-2004 01:06 PM

I am glad to hear it...

how many more days?????

musicman 07-24-2004 01:07 PM

leave thursday morning, cruise is friday

imaginewithme 07-24-2004 01:08 PM

Dont forget my postcard please!

musicman 07-24-2004 01:08 PM

well you know my answer to that

imaginewithme 07-24-2004 01:09 PM

I said PLEASE???? batting my eyes, twirling my hair

musicman 07-24-2004 01:09 PM

yes well I'm happy to but I'm lacking pertinent information

imaginewithme 07-24-2004 01:11 PM

all you have to do is ask....want me to post it right here?

musicman 07-24-2004 01:12 PM

ummm - no....a pm or email is fine....

imaginewithme 07-24-2004 01:13 PM

THANK GOD that was your answer!

musicman 07-24-2004 01:13 PM


imaginewithme 07-24-2004 01:13 PM

me too! :spin:

musicman 07-24-2004 01:14 PM

well I'm off - l8tr

imaginewithme 07-24-2004 01:15 PM

Have a great time!

Pita 07-24-2004 01:15 PM


imaginewithme 07-24-2004 01:16 PM

hi dollface

Pita 07-24-2004 01:20 PM

Hi beautiful. How are you today?

imaginewithme 07-24-2004 01:20 PM

Can't complain one bit, thank ya!

Coaster 07-24-2004 01:22 PM

hi all

imaginewithme 07-24-2004 01:23 PM

hey there sexy! come here, let me hold you a bit!

Pita 07-24-2004 01:23 PM

Hi sexy man.

Coaster 07-24-2004 01:26 PM

hi sexy tess

Coaster 07-24-2004 01:26 PM

i must be the winner....IWM wants to hold ME!!!!

imaginewithme 07-24-2004 01:27 PM

aawwww You know I do hon!

Pita 07-24-2004 01:36 PM

It's time for me to win again.

jseal 07-24-2004 01:59 PM

My turn

dicksbro 07-24-2004 02:02 PM

Now mine. :)

Coaster 07-24-2004 02:35 PM

i win!

jseal 07-24-2004 02:38 PM

Ha! I got it!

Steph 07-24-2004 02:55 PM

ya had it

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